Ortho evra (ethinyl estradiol; norelgestromin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ortho evra (ethinyl estradiol; norelgestromin)

No negative side effects except for some itching where I put the patch. Positive side effects: No more acne, shorter and lighter period (3 instead of 7 days), almost no cramps anymore.

No change in mood swings or in sex drive since I started using the patch. Overall extremely happy with it and especially great when you are a person who keeps on forgetting to take the pill.

Insomnia, Depression, severe Anxiety, Migraine that's not going away even i took medication, Body pain, Sweat nights.

I removed the patch on the 6th day. I developed a very bad insomnia. In 6 days of using this I only have 2 days of good sleep abd the rest 4 days I'm a wake for more than 24hrs or only have 3 hours of sleep. My anxiety gets worse and started developing depression. This is the worst contraceptive so far I tried.

Headaches, bad in the first month. Increased appetite, moderate nausea, stomach upset, bloating, suspected weight gain or rather fat gain / water weight for certain.Mood swings, low mood, greater sensitivity to alcohol. Feels like the first months of pregnancy to be honest. Wish I could use a reliable non hormonal method.

Gets dirty easily as dust sticks to the edges of the patch. Lifts often even though I keep oils and creams well away and have tried varying locations for the patch.

doctor recommended for irregular bl

EXTREME HAIR LOSS! painful periods and heavy bleeding, chest pain

I stopped using it about 2 months ago and still experiencing extreme hair loss.. I had so much hair and Evra destroyed this for me! I definitely do not recommend. Please, if any of you have experience with hair loss and when it stops email me!

Extreme breast pain just about brings me to tears, mood swings/depression, hair loss, rash at the site when I remove the patch (but I get this with bandages too), libido plumetted in the past month or so

I will ask my doctor about other birth control options soon but I've tried two different pills and an iud already and I don't react well to any of them so far.

Contraception & Medical reasons.

None, some of what they say are side effects I normally have like migraines, acne, and low mood. With the patch, they all go away.

I love it, truly. I use the patch to control my period which is naturally heavy and painful, to help with CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), and clears up my acne (face & back).I think it works so agreeably with me because I don't smoke, I have a healthy lifestyle/ BMI, and I'm within the appropriate age range for the patch. All so sometimes birth controls don't work for you just because. It is okay to find your fit and have an open honest conversation with your Obgyn.

Headaches and nausea first few weeks. Weight gain. Massive boobs. Patch looks gross quickly as fluff sticks to edges. Had to experiment with best placement - ended up with open wounds on abdomen from where it caused irritation. For me it's best placed on the upper thigh or bum for no irritation. No withdrawal bleed experienced.

This is the best contraceptive for me- I usually get overwhelmed as hormones play havoc making me very emotional and depressed. This has not happened with this contraceptive. My libido has also stayed healthy unlike with others. Patch stays on well.

Weight gainIncreased appetiteHair lossBreast tenderness first 4 monthsExtreme nausea first monthSpottingSkin irritation where patch is placed

Helped to clear acne.Increased libido.Can't say that it helped to balance my hormones

Pros: happy, relaxed, positive,Cons: periodic nausea, hyper sensitive to smells and sounds. Brief back ache at the site of patch, fatigue.

I haven't been on it long enough but my friend loves it. Made her boobs massive so I'm hoping the same with happen for me baha. I was on Alesse previously which agreed with me very well. However, the first month on it, I had terrible nausea. CONSTANT. I expect the same with this but it's no where near as bad.

No side effects, period is regular and a lot less heavier. This is a lifesaver compared to other/no contraception as I was always bleeding and my 'period' was extremely heavy

Awful first day i was fine nothing then day 2 started getting horrible chest pain and bad nausea day 3 woke up felt like i had been hit by a bus chills all over flu like symptoms and completely lost my voice headaches and nausea overwhelming safe to say i have binned them AVOID !!!!

Some serious nausea about 4 days out of the week, unable to eat enough on these days.

It does the job, and I've only ever had a patch fall off once. Period is shorter and lighter. But with the nausea making me eat so little of about half the week, it's been harder for me to lose weight.

Nothing so far, possibly headaches but could be unrelated. As I put it on on the first day of my period, I noticed that period was shorter than normal which is good.

Does lift up at the edges as fluff gets stuck under it. However for me it's still stayed on and not peeled up much. But When I peeled off the first patch it came off so easily, like seemed hardly sticky on the inside that I'm now worried it hasn't been working. Can someone help with this?

Itching, redness and tenderness in patch site while on and it lasts for a few days after removal. Breast tenderness most of the month. I did break out in hives at the patch from it itching severely when I placed it on my shoulder which is a sensitive place for me.

Increased libidoLess acneIncreased moodStable period

Breast tenderness occasionally. Breast growth. No migraines. No mood swings. Shorter, lighter almost pain free periods.

I highly recommend Evra. It's initially tricky to find the place on your body which best suits. It was a saving grace for me with period pain. I had to get a prescription of strong painkillers for my doctor each month as I wasn't able to move with pains. I usually take mild painkillers now only on day 2. Periods last 4 days, pain-free day 1,3,4. No weight gain but get odd cravings from time to time (particularly pickled foods).Breast tenderness is hard on it. Only fault, it's very infrequent but when it comes my boobs are unbelievably painful. Hasn't once fallen off either.

Sever head aches, nausea, lack of libido, Sensitive on smell

On my third week of using evra pat church I had a horrible head ache that didn't get better with pain killers. I took the patch off. After taking the patch off on the 2nd week without the patch I was on my way to work when I nearly passport and hubby took me to hospital suffering shortness of breat hand pains

This birth control definitely works...you will not get pregnant. It also helped with acne. It did cause me to have migraines at times or feel nauseated in the mornings at times. But as long as I ate a good breakfast and exercised the nausea and migraines would dissipate.

I thought ortho evra was the best choice for me and it really never bothered me. I went off finally as my husband and I want to have a baby and now am just a little concerned even though my doctor told me not to be. That I shouldn't have trouble getting pregnant.

increased vaginal lubrication noted

Severe Burning and cuts on patch site too much nausea and headaches

I liked it but it was causing pain I couldn't keep up with negative side effects

Side Effects forortho evra (ethinyl estradiol; norelgestromin) - User Comments


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have severe flu like symptoms if I miss one dose but feel the best I have ever felt in over 10 years.

I had zero herpes symptoms/diagnosis and went to doc yesterday for BV test which was positive. At that time the doc noticed a lesion and took a sample with a swab and it Hurt like hell. That was the only time I was aware it was there and the pain stopped immediately. I didn't start my Rx until 4 hours after the swab and had zero symptoms until two hours AFTER taking it.. During my research many people have denied Valtrex has this effect, I assure you, IT DOES! The blood work and swab results haven't come back yet but I'm giving the doc the benefit of the doubt. I have no idea which type I have (HSV1 or 2) or how long I've had it since I had lesions that didn't itch or hurt until she sampled it. My only symptoms were bacterial infection or yeast infection related. My husband has HSV1 so I suspect I got it from him. We have been together for 15 years.I will let this virus run its course naturally, I can barely sit down because the burning/stinging is SO SEVERE

I took Depo Provera for 5 years which caused the osteoporosis. My Dr. told me that I would have to take Fosamax for life. I took it for 15 months until I read about ONJ. I'm terrified. I've had 2 crowns and 1 root canal this year. I've been off of Fosamax now for 5 months... some symptoms still remain others have gone. I'm 27 and I feel 80. I used to be healthy, but the prescription drugs have poisoned my body. I hope I haven't done permanent damage to myself. I will never take another prescription drug again.

I tried to come off the Lexapro after many years in order to get back my careing feelings and get spark back into my life. Unfortunety I began having nightmares.(daytime seemed OK) but those nightmares scared the hell out of me. I had to go back on to the Lexapro. My depression began after 9/11 and also due to a seizure disorder that began in 1993 that I've been taking Phenobarbatal and Neurontin for since 93. Only began the Lex in 2002. I have had no seizures due to the pheno and the neurontin, which (the Neurontin) for me was a miracle drug. The Lexapro was added due to the depression. Now it seems it will be a lifetime drug for me as well..(The nightmares were bad). So I am stuck!

I've been taking these for a few days now, and generally feel pretty lousy. Nothing intolerable, and I will continue to finish the course. The most troubling side effect has been a loss in my ability to concentrate, and I'm finding myself becoming quite forgetful.I was prescribed this medication by my dentist, as a precautionary measure after having a tooth extracted, so basically other than experiencing these side effects, I've no indication of how effective the drug is, as I had no symptoms to begin with.

Extreme Highs and Lows, Sexual Dysfunction, Rapid Heart Rate in between doses, Dependance for sleep and confidence

Vivid dreams, unable to wake from nightmares

Couldn't swallow ended up in the er

Tension Headache at base of skull

A gentle laxitive that helps manage the size and hardness of my movements. I have constipation as side effect of medication (nortryptaline, for chronic migraines). Prior to the meds, I used to go 1 or 2 times a day but then it became once every 3-5 days and very difficult to pass (like a football down a drainpipe!). Very easy now. Downside is the taste, it's like drinking corn syrup.