Opill (norgestrel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Opill (norgestrel)

After trying several combined pills,depo,implanon,mirena. All with horrible side effects,this pill is a blessing. No weight gain,mood swings,migraines. Wouldn't change a thing

Side Effects foropill (norgestrel) - User Comments


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First few weeks -- decreased appetite, nausea, leg twitching, forgetfulness. All except forgetfullness went away within a few weeks.

I take 50 MG in the morning. To get used to the side effects I took Toprol at bedtime for several months until my body adjusted to the side effects. Now I don't notice any side effects. Usually this drug keeps my blood pressure in the good area, but not all the time.

worked great for my panic attacks on 20mgs.

This drug should never be used in children...I would suggest further testing by the FDA.

Ummm stopped sneezing, runny nose slowed, itchy eyes gone, and oh yeah sinus relief

Seroquel made me look like I was heroin not madication from a profesional.Seroquel is supposed to help concentration but has been shown to worsen concentration.

fuzzy, foggy brain, anxiety, depression, feeling of "disconnect", fatigue, bouts of confusion and short term memory impairment Ongoing for six months.

As a pain reliever, I'm satisfied with Percocet. After only a few minutes after taking a pill, I immediately noticed a drop in pain levels in my lower back, almost to the point where it eliminated it completely. But it did make me light-headed and drowsy. I had to make sure that I had nothing else to do for the rest of the evening since I would usually fall asleep after taking a pill. I noticed that it did make me itch a lot, at times severe enough to interrupt sleep. (I'm a heavy sleeper, and for me to wake up because of itching says a lot about that particular side-effect.)

15 minutes after taking Norco, I began feeling light-headed and nauseous. I threw up then and about 1 hour later. I'm still feeling very nauseous and my stomach hurts 4 hours after taking the pill.

My cholesterol was at 190 just before a heart attack.I was put on 80mg of Lipitor and within 1 week of leaving the hospital I had stroke like symptoms and my doctor immediately stopped the Lipitor.Within a few days of stopping Lipitor,my equilibrium returned to normal and stroke like symptoms cleared up.