Mirena (levonorgestrel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Mirena (levonorgestrel)

I'm still taking this medication. Period has completely stopped, weight has stopped increasing. Skin has cleared and headache are still unfortunately part of life.

I am very happy with the mirena coil

My experience was absolutely horrible. Initially, after 24hrs caused nausea, diarrhea, headache and then symptoms of hypertension... throbbing headache, chest pain, tingling in left arm, tightness in jaw. After 36hrs my blood pressure was extremely high. Caused awful feelings of anxiety, depression and insomnia. Had the coil removed after 3 days. I was told there was a 'settling in period' but side effects were so horrible I just couldn't cope with them.

My GP practice really rates the mirena coil as the gold standard for menopause. It seems to be offered to many women of my age (50's) as the the progesterone component of HRT. I'm just wondering how many women are going through this 'settling in period' and are actually really suffering.

Severe pain, bloating, belly button pain, depression, back pain,cramping

I'm having it for 6 weeks not that's the worsed days of my life I want to remove it as soon as possible

Gained 21 lbs in a month. Extreme appetite. Major bloating and insanely tired all of the time. Hair thinned and I was so depressed I didn't want to do anything but lay in bed. Foggy brain and just sad and down. I had to get it out. It was destroying my body and my life. It has been 2 months since it's been out, and I feel better but still haven't lost the weight I gained. I do not understand why doctors push this on women unless they are somehow making some huge profit from pushing it. It's so awful and dangerous.

I've had iud for 6 years. Fitted for endo and flooding. It's worked great for that. I went from 235 lbs to 265 in no time after fitted and I fight for energy everyday. Great sex drive went to 0 in 6 months...Im about to be 52. I keep praying menopause will find me and I can get rid of this thing so I can live again!!

Panic attacks, depression, no sex drive, cramps, insomnia, bloating, headache, spots of blood with a lot of pain.

I will have it quickly removed

Headache, depression, anxiety, panic, heart palpitations, fatigue, mood swings, tearfulness. Constant spotting, cramps.

Hoped symptoms would settle after three months but psychological side effects were too much. I had to take time off work. Relationships affected.

Heavy cramps, very uncomfortable, cannot do daily task,mood swing, depression worsen.

Weight gain, extremely painful breasts, lower back pain, severe headaches daily, no sex drive, depressed and moody.

Removed a few days ago. Still experiencing headaches and lower back pain. Hope these symptoms go away soon. I do not recommend this form of birth control.

In the first month I had small but constant bleeding. I knew about that and I resisted! Towards the second month I started to suffer of anxiety, the period kind of disappeared, then severe anxiety until I had often panicky feeling. Mood swings. Heart palpitations. Confusion, like difficult to take decisions because torn between rational thoughts and strong emotions. Teary without reason. Breast tenderness for long periods of time. Luckily my husband is supportive enough but zero libido, vaginal dryness and itchy skin. For me now on the 4th month in it's like being in a constant PMS. I don't miss the heavy periods but the emotional aspect is killing me- next week I'm going to speak to my gyna-- I hope she will understand me and won't try to persuade me to stay longer. I've already behaved weirdly enough with people around me!I just want to be me! And even if I will have to face the Mirena crush I won't to be me and not dependent of synthetic hormones that make me feel like in menopause already!

I have always used birth control. We don't plan on child and being 40, we really don't want any oops! This is my 3rd Mirena IUD and I am getting it removed.Pros-Never having to think about it!-No period-No monthly costCons-Weight gain, it's slow but I'm 50lbs heavier. I work out 4 times a week and am a pescatarian. Impossible to lose weight-Hair loss/shedding. My hair is half as thick as before,-Hair growth on face and breasts, I'm the queen of tweezer-Moods- you won't notice at first… but you slowly become numb, brain fog, or just moody.

I did not notice these symptoms at first, but reflecting back, it all makes sense now how I have been feeling.

Not a fan! Worked for periods being lighter but they drag in 10-14 days.Headaches, INSOMNIA, fatigue, now getting brain fog really bad and dizziness about 14 months in. Time for it to go.

Insertion was uncomfortable but really quick, do ask for painkiller injection and ask to get diazapam prescribed ahead of it too. As birth control this was brilliant, I loved not having to deal with periods and having sex without condoms without going absolutely mad like I did on the pill. I had some minor hair loss, and around the year 3 mark I started to get some serious bloating that lasted until around 4.5 years in, I guess when the hormones were so low. Had some problems with acne around year 3 too. Removal was so so quick and painless but think I'm in mirena crash now, really low mood and zero energy about a week later. Hoping this passes quickly.

I really do recommend this if your period pain is affecting your life and you are worried about pregnancy. Its sometimes stressful not getting periods as there is still that teenie tiny chance you could get preggo, I took about 10 pregnancy tests in that year and bit where I had mad bloating. Still I really do think it's great. I tried the copper coil before but it made my periods so long and heavy and crazy PMS lasted all month so I found this comparatively brilliant

Headaches, tender breast, anxiety

I have been on depo shot before this and that was a breeze compared to this. Buy the depo did cause me pelvic floor problems due to doctor letting me be on it to long. Then they put me on birth control pills...between pills and covid vaccine I got a blood clot in right lung....had to be on blood thinners...only option I had left was this birth control and I'm really not liking it.....I got it put in on August and I about flew off the table....it hurt so bad.....and the pain lasted for a long time after.....I will not re due it after 5 years....after that head aches started....I am used to no periods cause depo did that to me and was use to spotting.....but tender breasts..Hate it....I went and got a pregnancy test......negative....a woman shouldn't have to worry.... I did have anxiety before this due to the blood clot and this thing has made it worse....I am. Noticing other stuff starting but not sure if it's this or something else...we will see...

Hair growth (mainly chin and neck) thick and corse. Anxiety. Breast pain. Miscarriage after removal.

I was recommended to it after struggling with pill side effects. The main issue was the chin hair. I pluck daily and was told by a doctor it would go away after removal. When the mireina started to stop working I suffered awful hormonal side effects: anxiety, night sweats, neck pain, very sore left breast, mood swings, uncontrollable crying. These were nothing like I'd ever experienced before and very frightening thankfully I had a very supportive OH and family. I just wanted it out! But had to wait over a month as they could not locate it and had to go to a specialist clinic to finally have it removed. I was ready this time for all of the side effects: headaches, pains, severe anxiety list goes on. The most troubling part is I had it out to become pregnant waited 1 month until first normal period as directed and then miscarried at 13 weeks. I do not know if this is linked, but given how messed up my hormones were I have a feeling. I am otherwise very fit and healthy. I still have the chin hair almost 12 months on so that tells me my testosterone levels are elevated still perhaps. No further luck getting pregnant and very worried whether things will ever return to normal. This has impacted my life hugely and having at such a young age I was certainly not warned about the more severe side effects and possible impact on fertility. I know many have no issues and love their mirena and it was fine whilst in, but I think more info should be provided about the possible

Spotting post insertion, bleeding, severe cramping, nausea, leg numbness and pain, feet and ankles In pain, anxiety, depressed

I got the mirena inserted for the first time and was recommended it by my GYNO to treat painful periods. I never dealt with heavy bleeding..just pms symptoms such as major cramping, nausea and migraines.The insertion wasn't as bad as I though it would be but had minor slight period like cramps for a day and half after it was inserted. The whole process takes about 5 min tops depending on how you take it.I was ok for about six days until I was due for my period Which came about a week after inserting. Boy let me tell you! it's like the devil came and took over my body. I had painful periods for 15 years so I know what that pain is like - but this was on another level! It's been 13 days of non stop severe cramps and bleeding everyday! I've developed such bad anxiety on top it and have become bed ridden. My legs are so weak I can barely do any daily normal activity anymore. Pins and needles feeling in my legs all the time.My doctor wants me keep it and push through for at least 3 months after telling him my history and coming back from the emergency because of how bad this is consuming me. Finally called my family doctor and she said it's my choice to remove but I should wait it out -over losing my sanity and the amount of pain I'm in now - I'd like to say !

2month since I got it and I have dizziness, strange vision, pins and needles in my legs, panic attacks

Asked to remove it, can't wait

Painful periods and endometriosis

Period only last a day with some spotting and it doesn't hurt!Sore nipples but increased sex drive.

Depression, suicidal trouts, general feeling of unhappiness, weight gain, hair loss, weight gain i around stomach. Worsens ADHD symptoms.

Would not recommend it if you have had adverse reaction to hormonal birth controls in the past- oral or otherwise

Joint and muscle pain.. headaches.. dizziness .. aniexty depression.. extreme tiredness..

Got mirena in after my second child.. being on basically every pil only one that agreed with me was mini pill so I said if give coil a try as I was told very little hormone.. First couple months was fine.. period stopped after 4 months and it was worse experience of my life.. felt like I couldn't look after my kids feeling nausea and dizziness all the time.. right leg pain that then moved to left leg.. neck pain also.. had it removed 2 weeks ago today feeling a lot better no more dizziness but still not feeling 100 percent.. hoping to get back to myself soon.. please girls do your reviews b4 putting this in ur body.

MIRENA (LEVONORGESTREL): This product is a small, flexible device that is placed in the womb (uterus) to prevent pregnancy. It is used by women who want to use a reversible birth control method that works for a long time (up to 5 years). It is also used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding in women who choose to use this birth control method. The device slowly releases a hormone (levonorgestrel) that is similar to a hormone that women normally make. This device helps prevent pregnancy by making cervical fluid thicker, interfering with sperm movement, and reducing sperm survival to prevent sperm from reaching an egg (fertilization). It also changes the lining of the uterus (womb) to prevent attachment of a fertilized egg. If a fertilized egg does not attach to the uterus, it passes out of the body. This device may also stop the release of an egg from your ovary (ovulation), but this is not the way it works in most women. Using this product does not protect you or your partner against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Doctors need to be aware of the side effects of this drug and stop prescribing it.

i am not purscribe to this drug but i heard of it and of corsouce i deside to try some and dont live by the modo i will do any thing three times i should should of stayed with twice but i am still taking it but its there i have not had any sexual problemsthe most i ever took was 125mg at a weight of 125lbs i rememeber much but i was experimenting and reaserching to see what i was getting my self in to but it turns out when i do fall asleep i do wake up but it does seem to me that i can after a large amount i have consumedand i do not recomend taking more the 125mg in less then day or ever but hey do what you like i have complaints one side and on the other i have great experiances but i dont see the drug being used for depression anxioy sorry if i am spelling the word wrong or any other symtoms sorry again if the word that is capalized i am sorry for any missed spelled owrd if it cuase you anger learning problem and a scholl that didnt beleave the doctors or my parents but i be

Taken this drug before and I don't remember it having this effect.

i will use it as long as i can get it. my pain was so hard.5/325 tab helped me.

Cramping, heavy brown discharge, extreme fatigue, decreased sex drive, headaches - especially on the left side of my head.

HALDOL is HORRIBLE!!!!! My 17-year-old brother was brought into the ER for being disorientated and uncontrollable at the time. The ER doctor gave him an injection of Haldol saying that it would calm him down. We were in and out of the hospital for the next 3 days because my brother was having such a horrible reaction from the side effects of Haldol. The following day after thinking he was getting better my brothers neck twisted to the right side and he was gazing up to the ceiling- his arms and legs were bent in weird positions and he was not responding to us at all. It was a nightmare. He could not talk to us his heart beat was out of control, he was sweating profusely and shaking uncontrollably. This drug should not be used on anyone let alone a 17-year-old kid. He is still having to take benadryl around the clock to make sure he doesn’t have yet another dystonic reaction like that-not to mention he is paranoid its going to happen again. He was given it on a Tuesday and suffere

Desogen was the second pill that I tried and I didn't experience any side effects on this b.c.

Although some people are not affected badly by this drug, I don't recommend taking the risk unless there's absolutely no other antibiotic to use. 2.5 months after taking this medicine, I continue to have tendonitis and neuropathies. I feel much worse now than I did when I had the sinus problems, and I've had to stay home from work for more days due to tendon and nerve pains than I did because of the sinus infection. Some days I feel lucky to be able to hobble to the bathroom.

new clinic did not carry Alesse

Extreme tiredness!!! Ache in my lower back and dopy. Almost more depressed than when I started.Taste in my mouth is sickening.