Low-ogestrel-21 (ethinyl estradiol; norgestrel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Low-ogestrel-21 (ethinyl estradiol; norgestrel)

I was on this BC for 9 months, ladies please stay far far away. I had started to experience bad symptoms around month #6. Depression, anxiety, weight gain, bloating, water retention, suicidal thoughts, anger, mood swings, crying, outbursts, increased appetite, you name it. My doctor and I decided to put me on the mini pill instead to avoid ever having to take combination pills/estrogen again due to harsh side effects that they give women. I gained 10lb in 9 months on this pill. I have been off of it for nearly 30 days now and I'm back to my normal self now. Plus no bloating or water retention. I can fit into my jeans again. Appetite is reduced now and back to normal, no crying, sadness, depression or anxiety. I don't recommend at all especially if you react poorly to estrogen. This will bring out the absolute worst in you. Also had dizzy spells all the time.As a side note, it did its job at preventing pregnant but at what cost?

Before of symptoms that indicate a blood clot forming.

Insomnia, ansiedad, depress, nauseous, sleepy

Lots and lots of bleeding I have been bleeding since March 22nd and is still currently bleeding...at first it was about two weeks of spotting when I first started bur now I'm bleeding heavy...my doctor first told me to take the white pills and throw out the peach colored ones so I wouldn't have too much of a period which I didn't have a period at all for about 4 months after taking them..that was september and now since march I have been bleeding for 2 months...normally I would bleed about 10 r 8 days every other month..which also wasn't pleasant but it didn't last long..I would bleed at morning and be off by afternoon..I then would switch over and start to bleed in the afternoons and not in the morning at all....

spotting for two weeks. moderate to severe cramps

I was on Loestrin for four months and it was a nightmare. I expereinced every single side effect, and to make it worse, i gaind 16 pounds in 2 months because of the increased appetite. I went to my doctor and was switched to Low-Ogestrel. I felt better the very first week I took it. THANK GOD. But now that I am in my third month, I have been spotting and cramping for two weeks.

insatiable appetite developed during this period, accompanied by weight gain of 20 pounds. no other side effects.

I liked this pill when I took it several years ago, because it controlled my cycle with no break thru bleeding. It has low dose of hormones with a good balance & matches up to my body perfectly. Throughout the last 13 years I tried all the newer pills containing Norgestimate, Deogestrel & Drospirenone with too many side affects & BTB. So I have returned to Low-Ogestrel (Cryselle generic)and I am very pleased with it.

No side effects from what I can tell.

I was on Loestrin-24 and was not myself for the 6 months I took it. It made me moody and very depressesd. Now I feel normal again and no major changes in my period.

ACNE, moodiness, felt like post pardum returned, insomnia

I asked my ob for a birth control pill that would not cause acne. he gave me one of the worst ones for acne (because of the high progestrin amount)

I started into perimenapause in my early 40's. Hot flashes, extreem mood swings, mind fog (pulled out onto a familiar street didn't know where I was)!, heart palapatations, panic attacks leading to an ekg for chest pains. Contarary to reports it's safer than prempro and estratest. Those caused the chest pains.

I began taking low-ogestrel after having given up on every pain killer on the market, and not willing to risk getting pregnant. I have taken it all but 3 months for nearly 6 years. I don't know of any side effect from taking the drug but the few times I stopped taking it, I can tell you how bad it's been: unbearable mentrual cramps where even tylenol with codeine doesn't kill the pain, flow like a river, and complete unpredictability about when my period will arrive. This pill is so wonderful I can even determine the hour in which it will arrive--not just the day. It's been a life saver. It's also available as generic and works just as well. Not expensive. I've also skipped it and it continues to work fine.

Very light periods, no weight gain, no moodiness or other side effects. Very pleased.

Side Effects forlow-ogestrel-21 (ethinyl estradiol; norgestrel) - User Comments


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I went to the doctor about what I thought was a yeast infection but turned out to be a bacterial infection. I was prescribed the generic brand of FLAGYL. I noticed the first night I was feeling a little better. The next day it seems like everything got worse. My vagina is so sore, discharge is crazy and I am on the verge of tears every time I go pee. I find myself trying to hold it so I wont have to go through the pain. This is my third day and I have decided it will be my last after reading all of the comments. I had no idea about this drug, but i'm done.

I initially had a little dizziness but that went away. I have absolutely no side effects, which is rare for me.

5 1/2 years off this drug and I still don't feel right. The list of side effects from this drug is longer than most novels.

In my opinion, Benicar is still one of the best HBP meds on the market. I find that Benicar had fewer side effects than my previous script - Enalapril. My doctor also takes Benicar. I’ll take this medication until something better comes along.

Seems to aid in weight loss, as I have been taking medicine for 1.5 months and lost 16 pounds.

THE WITHDRAWAL - I now have a new understanding for drug addicts / alchoholics. Damn! I was 'forced' into withdrwal. I had tapered down to 75mg/day (from 225) and was out of town w/o my Effexor. Long story short it was a hell of a week1 I was tapering because I eventually wanted to get off but not like that. TAPER SLOWLY PEOPLE!!! If I new somebody around me had Effexor I would have sold my body to 'get my fix'. Nausea, vomitting, irritability, tearfullness, the funny head feeling, on and on. What a rollercoaster ride! Glad to be off! Again, I did need it during the mosr severe part of my depression but there are so many other options that do not have such withdrawl symptoms. USE THIS DRUG WITH CAUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frequent urination (water pill)

Med works wonderfully for infections, use it on a regular basis. If taken with buttermilk and bread, mostly eliminates stomach problems. Maalox also helps. The Herxheimer Reaction is indeed the reason for most physical discomfort, second poster about this symptom was too limited in her definition, as it also applies to antibiotics. Regardless of the "side effects", this medication is prolonging my limited kidney function, as well as my life. The side effects are temporary; permanent damage to your kidneys or bladder is not. If not experiencing true allergic symptoms, is worth it to ride out side effects if possible.

This is my eleventh day. The first week was fine, I actually liked cleaning, had more focus in school, I used to doze off in class, but never imagine doing that now. The first week I had trouble sleeping and had racing thoughts while lying in bed. Trazodone got rid of this completely. I highly reccommend it. When I started the second week, I had really frequent headaches and my eyes hurt. Two days ago (about the 9th day) I couldn't stop crying, and that weekend I slept all day and did not feel like going out or studying. Before the meds I freaked out if the apartment was dirty, and now I don't care at all. When I first started the pills I cleaned a lot, but now after 11 days I don't do anything productive. I feel like I'm on an emotional roller coaster, and I don't know what to believe anymore. Do I have insomnia or do I sleep too much? It it constatly changing everyday. Why do I not feel like doing anything some days and then wanting to do it all on other days? I guess I just have to

Helps me sleep through the night. Previously, was waking every night in the wee hours, and unable to go back to sleep. Was experiencing extreme anxiety and depression due to work and environment stresses. This doesn't help with those, but just getting a full night's sleep is a huge help.