Loestrin 21 1.5/30 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Loestrin 21 1.5/30 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate)

Skin stays clear; No mood swings; No periods; Slows regrowth of uterine fibroids; Quality of life improved with amenorrhea due to the absence of ugly abdominal/lower back cramping & heavy periods.

Great med! The worst time of my life was when I was off LoEstrin during fertility treatment: I gained weight; the fibroids grew back after 1 year instead of after 3 years; my menstrual periods were heavy to the point of being debilitating; and I was close to insane due to the mood swings. I'll stay on LoEstrin as long as my GYN & Endocrinologist allow me to do so.

Experienced increased breast tenderness and reoccuring yeast infections. I frequently urinate and feel bloated. However, I do have more energy being on a "very low estrogen" BC.

I am not satisfied with this medicine. I am tired of having yeast infections.

Side Effects forloestrin 21 1.5/30 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate) - User Comments


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headaches during the first week, a brief period of wellbeing (3 or 4 days)after the first week. Increase in energy, but also much irritability. Rash on upper right shoulder, chest, and across lower stomach. Increased cravings, particularly for chocolate and italian food, and of course resulting weight gain despite exercise. No change in sexual function. Overall mood neither elated nor depressed,just neutral or irritated.

Severe stomach pain, heartburn, nausea, weakness, vomiting. Couldn't get to sleep because of all these.

Heavy secreations horrible migraines very moody I went off it for a few months n it was much better but back to the heavy periods this is my 2nd month back on it and the headaches n mood swings r back along with painful irritation. Its much easier than remembering the pill but u better be able to handle side effects :(

I have several neck disks out of line, and trying to prevent surgery. Skelaxin though a great blessing has caused a fast weight gain perhaps, and exercerbation of the depressive part of my manic depression; however the pain is not there. I am cutting back to 800 mg once a day from 3 times a day. I have cerebral palsy have more trouble walking on 3 times a day.

Scam, Dr says only 12 months, but i see from other reviews this is a lie, no one gets off of itI would get off immediately if Dr didn't threaten me with death.

I have only been on ADD medicine for 3 weeks, although I have noticed a slight difference, I think I have to up the dosage. I go to the doctor today. I do seem to be suffering from headaches on a daily basis. Not sure I like that. I wish I could experience a little weight loss too! I guess I will see in the next three weeks.

after about 6 weeks started with post nasal drip...thought it was allergies/infection but when nothing could clear it up, discontinued Restastis and about 6 weeks later post nasal drip stopped

No problems whatsoever. I expect that with the reduction in acid production, some foods will be less likely to fully digest, thus encouraging weight LOSS. There is absolutely no reason why anyone should GAIN weight while taking this medication - it has no effect on metabolism.

Before BCP...A sudden long peach fuzz appeared on my sideburns into 48hrs.I knew I had PCOS but except of having a period delay(about a week) I had no problem with it.When that long vellus hair appeared on my sideburns I was shocked.I went to my gyn ,I had a hormonal & endocrine check-up but everything were normal.But she told me to start YASMINELLE(bayer) 1pill per day for 21days & then stopping it for a week & then all over again.I took it for 2 months, I'd not stand it any longer.I was crying the most of time ,I was depressed because of the excessive peach fuzz that appeared on my body & most depressed of the peach fuzz on my face(cheeks,forehead,upper lip everywhere)Into 2 months I got that thing.Then I stopped taking it. They have passed 2 months without taking it but the peach fuzz & cramps haven't been gone yet.I really want peach fuzz to be gone,it's really important to me.

STAY AWAY!! took this drug for 2 days and the side effects were horrendous!! I started getting really bad cramps, then struggling to breathe and vomited twice. I got so scared i was considering callin 999. I also got back pain in my lower back and alot of spots on my face. I feel better now i've vomited it out my system but this is definately not worth taking. This is a dangerous drug and the side effects are shocking. SHOULD BE MADE ILLEGAL!!