Loestrin 21 1/20 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Loestrin 21 1/20 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate)

Cleared up most acne, barely had a period, rarely had cramps, sometimes (randomly) swollen but never tender breasts, spotting and skipped periods. Unfortunately killed my sex drive, had pretty severe moodiness/depression, and low energy.

Since starting this pill I have been very lethargic, feeling very low & having constant break outs of spots. Large ones at that. I have a few more days until my pack finishes & have decided not to continue after my break. This pill also leaves me feeling really dizzy & sometimes nauseous. Not for me.

Doc prescribed because I was having heavy flow & severe cramping. Told me it would lighten both. Unfortunately it has gotten somewhat worse. My period now lasts on & off for 3 out of 4 wks in a month. The cramps aren't as severe but are more frequent since my cycle never seems to end. I'd rather deal w/the once a month visit than the awful 21 days of misery. So I'll be stopping this BC after this pack is finished. Also have breast tenderness, major mood swings / emotional outbursts that I never had before. Not to mention lack of sex drive.

No period, slight cramping, emotional and crying all the time for no reason.

I've never had acne on a regular basis. Before I started taking Junel (the generic of Loestrin) I would only have a couple pimples on my chin right before starting my period. After taking Junel, I have widespread acne. I've also found that I have little to no sex drive. I'm hoping that the next BC I try (Desogen/Apri) will affect me positively.

prevent pregnancy and cramping

Mood swings, breast tenderness, weight gain, and yeast infections.

Ive tried so many different birthcontrol pills, and none of them have worked. Im not a huge fan of loestrin 21, but its not the worst ive had. For three months now i havent had my period, normally id be happy, but i fear im pregnant everytime it doesnt come. Kind of a blessing and a curse. My mood swings are crazy the week before my placebo pills and i have absolutly no sex drive. My eating habits have gone haywire. No appetite until the week before my "period" when i eat everything in sight. Im already prone to yeast infections, but taking loestrin has just made it worse. Wouldnt really recommened this pill.

First month: spotting for a week and a missed period ... thought I was pregnant. Second month: breaking out in horrible spots, seem to be having a period 2 weeks before I'm due. However, nausea has improved.

I'd been feeling nauseous and emotional every day for a year so I thought I'd swap from Microgynon 30 to a new pill - the nurse recommended Loestrin 20. So far, i'm not happy! I've got spots, feel like i'm gaining weight and my period is very irregular. I have to keep worrying about pregnancy because my period isn't coming at the right time. It's very unsettling. I'm off to university next month and I don't want horrific spots or to be fat as well as worrying about being pregnant when my period doesn't come!!

missing period, major breast tenderness, spotting weeks before period should of come.

I left Nuvaring after 4 years on it, I became very ill on it so my gyno suggested going on pills, which i hesitated never been good with pills. the first 2 month where amazing light periods, no migraine, no moods wings. about the 3 month i missed a period, the 4 i got my period as usual, now before the 5 month period i went to the gyno for a routine check up and right after a day or 2 i started spotting and my period which was supposed to be 2 weeks later never came. now on my 6 month nothing either. I'm starting to worry cause I haven't missed any pills. As great as it is not to get a period, I would prefer to at least get some sort of period.

weight gain and spots and NO PERIOD

I hate this pill i was on yasmin and had regular periods, lost weight and my skin was amazing. I now have acne, havent had a period and gained 4 ibs in six weeks which isnt normal for me as i go to the gym 5 times a week.I havent had a period since changing and its worrying. I will be coming off the pill once i have finished this packet. Its put me off for a long time.

Severe Dysmorphea and long periods

breasts are tender, extremely light 3 day periods. Mild cramping and some mood swings.

I actually love this pill. I've had TERRIBLE experiences with birth control PILLS. I used to take the depo shot for many years so I wouldn't have a period because my periods are heavy, they last up to 7 days (my shortest periods lasted 5 days. I've tried Loestrin 24Fe and I forget the name of the other one and they both made me break out with an ugly rash all over my face and chest. This pill hasn't given me any major problems. My first pack I didn't get my period at all. After the pack second I got my period and it was so light all I could wear were panty liners and it only lasted 3 days. This is a miracle for me. I love this pill because it does exactly what I NEED it to do!!!!!!

No bad side effects yet. Kind of moody.

Here is my question, During my first month taking it I just spotted throughout but didn't have a period. I was sexually active during that time and now I am worried. I am into my second month now.

weight gain, cramping, two weeks so far of bleeding heavy

Horrible headaches almost daily, severe indigestion, sever water retention, breast tenderness, gained about 5 pounds, trouble sleeping, and acne

i switched to loestrin after being on seasonique for almost 5 years, then i was on ovcan for two months and switched due to heavy bleeding. i have indigestion to the point that it is hard for me to sleep. the headaches are another reason for the lack of sleep. i have a large breast size as it is so now that my boobs basically grew overnight since i started this pill it has been very uncomfortable. I have never been the kid with sever acne i would always have one or two zits every now and then but since being on the pill my face has been horrible oily and breakouts. besides the obvious problems i am having with the side effects from this pill it is actually helping what it is supposed to. i haven't had any sever cramps just mild discomfort and i have very light and short periods.

I was wary about going on a BCP for fear of getting nauseated all of the time. Suprisingly I have not had any nausea or any other side effects except for a slight water retention. I am grateful the bleeding stopped at day 2 of taking it, and am looking forward to lighter periods. Before going on Loestrin 21 my periods were irratic and extremely heavy--almost a hemmorage.

Weight gain, constant heavy break-through bleeds, loss of libido, moodiness, crying, 3rd week severe shakiness, exhaustion

The first few months of this pill were great, no PMS, light periods, only slight weight gain. The longer I am on it for the more weight I have put on & the worse I feel, I am now having my 5th "withdrawal bleed" in 7 weeks, this one has lasted 8 days so far & is getting more painful. I'm seeing the doctor on Tuesday & I'm coming off this pill!

I have been taking Loestrin 21 for at least 3 month now and I have had spotting in between for some time. If you attempt to skip straight to the next active pill so you may not have a period, you may be disappointed. I would spot anyway. And this month, I was at least 5 days early. I hope it wont last for more than few days because I have not even finished the active hormone pill course. :(

I ran out of LoEstrin and didn't make it to the pharmacy for about one week, even though the 'down' days are less than that - at that point I noticed that despite being MORE tired than I when was on Loestrin (due to late nights for work), I was less moody, more patient, and generally happier. Also - I've lost weight (about 5 lbs) doing nothing special since going off of LoEstrin. The 'no period' was nice, but I'm going back to Orthocyclin.

It has been helping with the HORRIBLE cramps that I would experience but it has made me extremely moody. I keep crying for no reason and arguing with my friends. I also keep getting this really big pimples/marks on my arms. I'm going to the doctor in 2 weeks to either switch to a different brand or give up on birth control all together...

My body can't handle hormones well

Don't take yaz. It works great at first and then slowly makes you depressed without knowing it. Ok to this birthcontrol loestrin 21. So far I like it. I haven't had any problems with gaining weight or bloating. No loss of libido. I am kind of excited to start my period (well as excited as one can be about something like that) since a lot of people say it's very short and somewhat pain free. So far I am happy with these pill

reduced cramps, lighter period, more stable emotions

I have horrible cramps that usually have me throwing up and unable to do anything for two days straight (including missing work). I've tried other birth control methods before and they actually made my cramps worse, so I gave up a couple years ago. Last year, though, I was having very irregular periods and horrible mood swings/depression, so I decided to give it another try. The first time I filled the prescription, they gave me the generic (microgestin?), and it was as bad as the others I'd tried. I told them to actually give me Loestrin the next time I got the prescription filled, and I've been happy since. My cramps aren't completely gone, but they're significantly reduced and I can go to work. My periods are a lot lighter and very regular, and I haven't had any spotting. Also, my emotions have been much more stable. I've gained weight, but I think that's more due to the fact that I'm eating less healthy and barely working out anymore, so I can't say that it's from the Loestrin.

Side Effects forloestrin 21 1/20 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate) - User Comments


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Recently I had to switch to Tri-Sprintec because my insurance wouldn't cover ortho. I thought it was my new job, but actually the Tri-Sprintec is the cause of my severe mood swings. I go into rages about 2 weeks before my period, my sex drive is non-existent, and my breasts hurt all the time. I'm changing back to Ortho, I'll pay what the insurance won't, its worth it to have my sanity back!

The first month, I had diarhea, nausea, and hair loss. Second month, more severe hair loss,runny stools, and bloating, and gas all the time, even though taking omeprazole. The third month, I have the most severe hair loss, and at this rate, I am really confused. I thought it was stress related from hospital stay Nov. 1st, 2008. I haven't been under stress since then, and now I am becoming convinced it is asacol. Everything else, I was taking, and no side effects. It is not the thyroid either, or lack of iron, etc. My hair falls out at the root, and so I have long strands in food, and every where I go. I got my hair cut short, use lots of conditioner, and cool water. It comes out in handfuls. I still have stomach ache, bloating, gas, but I try to drink lots of water and take only small amounts of food. What can happen if I don't take it? My doctor has said something about being on it a long time. I wish that I could feel positive about taking myself off of it.

Amplification of depressive and anxious symptoms

Horrible unable-to-function headache the day after starting and for 2 days following but not as severe. Broke out on my face,but not too terribly. I have nice skin normally,but prefer a few pimples to having a baby right now. the 2nd week I noticed breast tenderness and swelling. My appetite has changed at 1st No appetite or hunger pains which definately made the headaches worse to begin with and made me queezy. I started eating more frequent small meals and feel MUCH better. I have had a little weight gain, but it is only the 2nd week so I hope it will balance out and take the acne with it. I did well on Alesse for 3yrs and then had break through bleeding my Dr put me through hell switching brands for a year, always suffering from extreme side effects I quit for a yr and a half and after much research thought to try loestrin1/20.

Copaxone is the only MS drug I am willing to take - a personal decision. If anyone has had a reaction this severe PLEASE let me know what you did about it and why.And just to complicate it all - if I stop copaxone now I'll remain in the donut hole for the rest of the year, which pretty much means I won't be able to afford a large portion of necessary meds for 10 months.

INFERTILITY,pre cancerous cervical cells, migrains, debilitating joint pain, hair loss, depression, insomnia, growth of body hair, weight gain, unexplained vision problems

After years of almost daily intractable head pain, I started this drug and now have gone a week without any head pain. It is as though a switch was just turned off. I am still trying to comprehend life without migraine and am oh so hopeful and grateful to my very smart and caring neurologist and supportive friends and family.

I started taking Atelvia four years ago for osteoporosis. It was great being able to take this medication immediately after eating breakfast. After two years, my dexa scan showed an improvement in bone density to the level of osteopenia. I have been taking calcium and do weight bearing exercise on a regular basis, so I was shocked when my latest dexa scan this year showed a slight decrease in bone density to the level of osteoporosis. My doctor suggested trying an IV infusion treatment or continuing Atelvia for another year and another dexa next year. I determined that the IV option was not a good idea for me, due to the long term possibility of side effects. Now I have a dilemma - my new healthcare provider does not cover Atelvia at all. Paying out of pocket would cost me nearly $5000 for the whole year. The only covered options are generic actonel or fosamax. She also suggested Evista, but due to family history of stroke and heart disease, this is not a risk I want to take. It would be nice if there was a generic version of Atelvia available.

Very bad side effects. Similar to every one else listed on this site. SWITCHED TO ATACAND 10 MONTHS AGO & IN A FEW WEEKS SIDE EFFECTS WENT AWAY. BEEN MUCH BETTER EVER SINCE.

None. I was on 3 antibiotics for a dog bite so 12 total a day. This antibiotic I took 2 capsules 4 times a day. I made sure I ate a solid meal & took acidophilus with them & yogurt. I was worried about side effects with so many antibiotics but did ok. Stayed pretty close to home in case. I was glad the 10 days were over. I think you have to have a supply of goods to keep your gut in check but this medication was ok for me.