Junel fe 1.5/30 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Junel fe 1.5/30 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate)

Weight gain, cramping, acne, vaginal dryness, low sex drive

My dosage was changed due to breakthrough bleeding on the 20mg. Since the change I have noticed despite whatever I do I gain weight and cannot lose it, a change in my mood, after 3 months I've hand no period but still have severe cramping, I thought I was loosing it until I found this feed!

Lowered sex drive, anxiety, mood swings, severe vaginal dryness, nausea

I will NEVER recommend this birth control to anyone. The first month I didn't notice much of a change, second month my sex drive was way down, 3rd month I started having mood swings, 4th month I had severe vaginal dryness, irritation, inflammation at vaginal opening (even my cervix was inflamed) & started getting anxiety like I had never experienced before. I have been battling to find out what was going on with me for the last month with tests after tests coming back normal and finally realized it was this birth control. I also have a hard time eating and an even harder time when I'm nauseous (which is almost every day now) along with the anxiety. I wake up with anxiety and nausea now and have been for over a month. I'm down about 10 pounds and some days can hardly hold water down because of the nausea. It has impacted my life so severely I considered getting on anxiety medication because I felt like I was going crazy. No control over my mind or body. STAY AWAY FROM THIS BIRTH CONTROL.

I have never experienced both depression and anxiety until I started taking this BC. Due to my anxiety and depression I have had troubling thoughts and struggle sleeping. Sometimes I do not have an appetite for any of my favorite foods. Moreover, I have lost 11 pounds within those 3 months. Lately, I have felt nauseous, angry, anxious, and have been breaking out like crazy. I do not recommend this dosage or brand to anyone.

slightly increased hair loss, low libido, vaginal dryness.

I love this medicine! I had bad nausea, headaches, and even vomiting with another hormone BC. This one has given me no severe side effects! I do notice a slight increase in hair loss, but it's not significant. I have almost zero sex drive though, and when I had sex for the first time in 3 months I was extremely dry (combo of low libido causing dryness and this drug directly affecting it)

slightly increased hair loss, low libido, vaginal dryness.

I love this medicine! I had bad nausea, headaches, and even vomiting with another hormone BC. This one has given me no severe side effects! I do notice a slight increase in hair loss, but it's not significant. I have almost zero sex drive though, and when I had sex for the first time in 3 months I was extremely dry (combo of low libido causing dryness and this drug directly affecting it)

Hair falling out, increased anxiety, bouts of severe anger, mood swings

My hair has been falling out like crazy for the past two months. I mean globs of my hair are hitting my feet in the shower when I wash my hair, it's constantly on my clothes, furniture, car floor ect. I had thought it was because of stress (my dog died and I went thru a breakup all within two months). However, after finally reading about the side effects of this drug I found out “hair falling out of scalp” is a side effect. My gyneo told me this was the generic for lo loestrin fe which I never had an issue with. I've also been extremely anxious within this past four months and I had never suspected it to be this Junel fe, but again after reading reviews it looks like other people are experiencing this as well. I already suffer from generalized anxiety and I take adderall 45mg daily so I thought it was prob the adderall. I've never been an angry person EVER, however I have a severe temper now! The littlest things will make me go thru the roof, I get overstimulated very easily, and I'm verbally and physically destructive. I would prob just start taking lo loestrin again if it wasn't $300.

Regulate period and help withcramps

I didn't really have any bad side effects to this birth control but I will say it did shorten my period cycle and I bled less

I am currently 22 years old I've been off this birth control for a couple years now and I am having issues getting pregnant

Became severely anxious and extremely moody. I did not even realize how badly this was affecting me until I finally stopped taking it. It was like magic and I felt like a brand new person. I absoloutely do not recommend this medication - only good thing about it is my periods became lighter and shorter.

painful periods, prevent pregnancy

little nausea at first but that went away after a couple months.

I used to have very very painful periods and I would have cramps for at least 3 weeks out of the month. Sore breasts for usually at least 2-3 weeks. Bleeding was also very very heavy and terrible. After taking junel all of that has stopped and now I only get cramps a few days before and during my period and they are very manageable. It also helped with my acne.

Palpitations, anxiety, mood swings. Totally not me, I stopped taking.

Third night began having panic attacks. I already have pre existing depression and anxiety so I'm thinking the pill is making it worse. Also insomnia. I could not sleep. Stood up all night. I will try one more night and see how it goes.

I've been having severe anxiety since I started taking this BC. At first I thought my anxiety and increase mood swings were related to stress due to COVID-19 since I'm an essential personnel however I'm now convinced it's due to this BC. I'm normally very bubbly and full of energy however I've found myself depressed, anxious, increased headaches, irritable, moody, decreased energy, sleeping problem,

This should be taken off the market with as many bad reviews as it has. I will be discontinuing effective tomorrow... and will probably remain off for a while

Mood swings, tender breast, spotting, weight gain

They switched me from Gildess to this one around 5 months ago the only thing I noticed Right away was mood swings they are horrible! But now I'm noticing tender breast and spotting this has just been happening recently tho. It's making me think I need To run and get a pregnancy test cause this is weird for me. Anyone else done this??

Less cravings, less hungry, less sleep.

I love this bc. I was on junel fe before this dosage and then I started bleeding through the lower dose, typical endo. I have struggled to lose weight on almost all bc but this one I seem to be able to control my cravings and food intake. Other BC's I was always hungry and couldn't control my intake now I've lost 10 pounds and sleep way less, I'm bot sure to be annoyed or okay with it s iij nce most of the time I really struggled with my fatigue and exhaustion. I still have endo pain unfortunately but I recommend this bc. It's easier than most and less side effects in my opinion. The trick tho is definitely to. And make sure you are drinking the right amount of water if I don't that's when my bc effects my moods and all..

The first 2 years I was on Junel were great. Then I started to have some vaginal dryness. Didn't know how bad it was until I went for a gyno visit and the exam was extremely uncomfortable due to how dry I was down there. I've been having on and off yeast infections since February 2020 and I've had enough of it. I also notice that my mood swings are rough the week before.

This did help regulate my periods and made them lighter. I had very heavy periods and severe cramps before taking. I'm going to go off of it completely for now to see if I can reset my system and get back to normal levels before exploring a different BC option.

I get really really bad cramps on the first two days of my period which is not normal for me, my period used to last five days now it last three or four. I do get really bad tender breast even when Im not close to my period I still dont know if thats normal to anyone else whos taking this.

Is it normal for my breasts to be tender when Im not close to my period? Is this a normal side effect

Stop bleeding from ovarian cyst

Bad acne on my back, very stable mood, thinning hair, and my bleeding and period completely stopped the entire time I was on this. Also helped me stay thin.

Wish there was an in between formula of 1/25. I think the 1.5 of the norethindone is too much for me but I dont want to go as low as 20mcg of the estradiol. Too bad.

Extreme exhaustion, strong cramping beyond normal first day cramps, heavier bleeding than normal.

Cramping and or diarrhea. Heavy clotting in the beginning, almost my entire cycle but has now lightened dramatically.

I have always suffered from irregular periods. Always! I have tried everything you can think of and nothing had ever worked. When I started this it immediately regulated my cycle. I did suffer from heavy clotting in the beginning but it has since subsided. I would rather deal with that for a couple of days then have my period for weeks at a time all the time. I'm thankful I found something that works for me. I wish I had found this earlier. I would definitely recommend this from my experiences.

Side Effects forjunel fe 1.5/30 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate) - User Comments


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the rash is not fun but i feel so much better using this product. my body feels so much better i can do all the things i was having trouble with before this medicine.

Anticholinergic/antihistaminic side effects of sedation/fatigue, dilated pupils, perpetual yawn.

insomnia mainly, also for anxiety

My family doctor did not seem to take much time to consider what I was telling him. I told her that I needed something to reduce my burping. I burp over 100 times a day and she told me to take Nexium. It does NOT work and in fact, it has made my burping worse!!! I'm not going to take it anymore.

I was prescribed spironolactone to counteract cystic acne and extreme male pattern baldness -- a side effect of being overdosed (24 mg.) with bilateral injections of betamethasone into my knees over a year ago. Note that I am 74 years old and never had cystic acne in my life. I was a little afraid to take the spiro but I had reached the point where an acne nodule developed on the side bridge of my nose that was huge and had to be injected by my dermatologist with Kenalog. I was prescribed 50mg daily of sprio. Within two weeks my acne cleared and within 3 I started to see my hair regrow. But I also was getting a bloated belly and became constipated. Then I noticed weight gain. By week 4 I went from 101 to 103.5 lbs. I noticed no diuretic effect as I am already taking furosemide for edema. I started the drug on February 5, 2021 and stopped taking it on March 10, 2021. So 103.5 when I stopped. Today is March 19, 2021 and I have continued to gain weight. I am now up to 106 pounds!!!! I never weigh that much.. I am fit for my age -- eat under 1000 calories daily and hike 10-15 miles a week. I am freaking out and hoping that once my body readjusts the 5 plus pounds of flab will come off. I can not believe that doctors do not warn their patients that this drug causes massive weight gain in almost every one that takes it. A horrible drug!!!!!

This is the best muscle relaxer I have ever taken and has the least side effects. I cannot believe the morons on this site who give it a negative rating because they have abused it & gotten ill. DON'T ABUSE IT AND GIVE IT A POOR RATING YOU JERKS. You are the kind of people who cause drugs to be taken off the market because you use them for fun and ruin it for the people who really need them for pain relief.

Fever, bad headache, brain fog, chills

Excellent, long lasting erections. Difficulty climaxing. Wife very happy except she worries about that aspect. No side effects noticed.

The side effects are extremely annoying, but it's forcing me to cut out all fat, which is the whole point. I have to wear a pad for the leakage (since what you think is just "gas" is usually something more), and I have to clean the toilet bowl daily now. :P But I've lost 15 lbs so far (was 213 lbs before taking Xenical), so I know it's working...Am also using the "Gazelle Freestyle" exercise machine twice a day.

Breast and thigh swelling and increased size, long painful periods.I should have quit this pill after the 3 month trial; I really don’t know what I was thinking staying on it past that. My periods *before* OTC- while painful- were very short, and the intense pain lasted only through the first day. OTC made my period a long drawn out affair where I could barely function for 5 days due to pain (though it was slightly less intense than before), and my period was unusually heavy and 7 days long compared to my usual 3-4 days. I finally quit OTC (too late) when at the 5 months my breasts and thighs became terribly swollen. My diet is restricted due to a medical condition, so it wasn't something I ate. It’s been one month since I quit and my breasts/thighs have not improved yet. I went through a breast reduction surgery several years back, so this breast size thing is quit literally my nightmare! I specifically asked if this could happen and was told no, I should have done mor