Junel 1.5/30 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Junel 1.5/30 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate)

I have tried many birth control pills some of which worked well before I had a baby and some that work better for me now that I have a kiddo. So far I really like this pill. My periods are short and almost nonexistent. I don't think I have experienced any weight gain, nor do I think BC is tied to weight gain. I think there is a decrease in libido, but it is to be expected when on birth control, any birth control. This has been a great pill for me. I would recommend it to friends and family.

Side Effects forjunel 1.5/30 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Please take this out of dr office's and drug stores so no one can take it anymore.

I did not seem like myself the entire time I took Chantix. I could not think clearly and making decisions was very difficult for me. It seems like I was either laughing or crying most of the day. My husband, who is also a smoker and still smokes, was NOT happy with me but I was determined to make it work. And you know what? It did! I stopped smoking after 37 years. I can't say it was easy but I was amazed at how quickly my craving for nicotine went away. Since I was such a long-time smoker, my doctor suggested I stay on the med. for 6 months but I stopped after three months. Actually I weaned myself off the p.m. dose after 6 weeks. The most difficult part was breaking habits, and I just took those one at a time. Chantix may not be for everyone but it worked for me.

I was put on this medication for osteoporosis after being on Fosamax for 2 1/2 years and then no meds for a couple years and then Actonel for only 6 months when my osteopenia progressed to osteoporosis in both hips and spine - both of these biphosphonates terribly aggravated my GERD but only being 51 years old, I asked my endocrinologist if there were any other options left since I didn't want any of the complications associated with osteoporosis at such a relatively young age. She suggested Evista and also said it would have a secondary benefit of breast cancer risk reduction especially in estrogen positive cancers - which I am an almost 10 year survivor - that's how I ended up with osteo (chemo causing chemopause, then a hysterectomy, and then the Arimidex I took for 5 years); she said I'd probably have an easy time with Evista since I tolerated Arimidex well. Hoping I stay side effect free.

Headache, dizziness, nausea, appetite issues ( hungry one dAy, not the next), Anxiety, panic

fatigue, muscle aches, hot flahes

Severe Knee Joint pain and Tear in Knee Cartilege

I cannot stress enough to take a pro-biotic with this!! If you don't you will be in serious trouble. Drink probiotic yogurt type drinks or take the probiotic in pill form. Clindamycin saved my life but it is a heavy duty drug.

Upper chest pain front of both shoulders and anxiety

Within a week of taking my first dose, I had a severe allergic reaction. Developed hives/rash starting in my scalp, spreading to my neck, chest, shoulders, arms, groin and even my legs. Itching was nasty, was prescribed prednisone in two series and having to deal with the side effects of that drug. Wouldn't come near that medication again. Worst reaction to any medication in my life.

I was taking a lower dose 5-10 daily for the last three years and my bp was hovering just above normal so my dr doubled my dose. My hair has thinned significantly and I stopped taking it. Hair loss in women is one of the side effects, I wish I had been told that before losing a visible amount of hair.