Isibloom (desogestrel; ethinyl estradiol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Isibloom (desogestrel; ethinyl estradiol)

The only thing that really affected me was the nauseous feeling, also just been really depressed and tired the pill also makes me moody I;ve been taking this pill for the 2nd month and this mouth it's worst and I lost my appetite and lost 5 pounds. Today is the first day I'll be getting off it.

Prevent Pregnancy and period cramps

Heavy bleeding, cramps, nausea, depressed, and severe mood swings.

I was put on this birth control to help with the period cramps, and shorten my cycle, it has not helped one bit. It has made me nausea to the point that I do end up getting sick. My cycle has been messed up ever since being on this birth control. I would not recommend this birth control at all, and now that I have done more research on it, I will be stopping it and getting away from any type of birth control, because I am worried that I will not be able to conceive after doing my research of the side effects.

Horrible! Increased in migraines, nausea, chest pain/pressure, anxiety, neck/jaw pain, emotional, brain fog, panic attacks. I ended up in urgent care because I thought I was having a heart attack. I really thought there was something wrong with me on the bigger scale and sought appointments with specialists. I was googling symptoms endlessly then finally took a step back after reading all these reviews and figured out this is what is contributing/heightening to these issues. I called my Dr immediately (after being on the pill for 6.5 weeks) and figured out an alternative solution. Thankful to be stopping this mediation.

Severe anxiety (shaky all day), depression, rapid heart rate, hot flashes / night sweats, insomnia, headaches, nausea, acne.

I was on Nuva Ring for 10 years and never experienced these side effects. This is the worst I have ever felt on a medication.

Severe depression, mood swings, headaches, acne, fatigue.

Prevent pregnancy and stop periods

Weight gain, headaches, anxiety, almost zero sex drive, yeast infections

Nausea, breast tenderness, bloating, constipation, headaches, and lethargy.

I've reacted poorly to every birth control pill (and Nuvaring) I've ever used. While this one is also terrible - at least I haven't had the same mental health issues as I have with others. Typically it makes me a total basket case. The Dr told me this one is generally more well tolerated bc it's not estrogen based. I'm counting down the days til I stop. Reading all the comments here convinces me further that men just all need to get snipped so women don't have to put up with this bulls*it.

Constant yeast infections no sex drive spotting randomly and worst of all PULMONARY EMBOLISM

I've been on BCP for years. And as soon as they switched me to this pill alllll hell broke loose. Please do not take this pill.

Nausea, hot flashes, headaches, out of breath(heart rate) and feeling very fatigue.

Stomach cramps, mood swings and nausea

This med is so bad I only took it two weeks and it was aweful!! I was is such a bad mood, it's u uncontrollable. I yelled at everyone and almost bit my husband cause he ticked me off. And i was so sick at my stomach I had to take zofran.

Joint and back pain, cramping, insomnia, tiredness


Last couple month I would have spotting for a week.Currently I'm experiencing a extremely heavy period after my last cycle ended 2w ago.

Heavy period, breakthrough bleeding

I was off bc for over a year until I couldn't take the heavy periods anymore. My (new) OB prescribed me isibloom. The first 2 months my period was just as heavy so I decided to take it continuously so no period, right? Wrong! I have been bleeding for about 5 weeks now...started with kind of watery blood to very dark brown to deep red. And it's decently heavy. I feel like garbage and am switching to a different birth control! Oh and my heart rate randomly jumped up to 140 today. Reading these reviews is really scary. Please be careful ladies. I do not recommend.

Horrible headaches, vertigo, head pressure, neck pain, anxiety, mood swings, depression, fatigue, irritability

I have to take this birth control to suppress my natural cycle in order to do IVF embryo transfers. I take it for 2-3 weeks at a time, I've had to go on it three separate times, and it's literally the worst thing in the world. I'm currently on it and have a week left and I'm struggling, googling symptoms bc I feel out of my mind like I'm dying. Not everyone has extreme side effects, if you notice you might not respond well to it, tell your doctor and make a switch. I've been on birth control that didn't make me feel this way. I'm battling through bc it's what my doctor needs me on in order to try to get pregnant, but if I have to do another round of this, I will request to try a different brand of BC but this one is not a good fit for me.

debilitating anxiety and panic attacks, depression increase, feeling like my body is shutting down, severe tiredness

2 years of using on Pill Club. About a month ago, I have been having floating panic attacks, feeling as though i am going to die, about a week before, into and after my period. My pills used to come in a green package but now they are in a pink packaging. And since taking said pink packages, its been a living hell for me. It worked for the past 2 years with no problem but now I really don't know what happened or what to do. ER visits, just anxiety. Making multiple dr appointments to figure it all out and seeing a new psychiatrist. I really wouldnt recommend if you suffer with mental health extremely like me. It caused me debilitating side affects in my life recently and it's too much to handle for me right now.

Depression, anxiety, mood swings, heart palpitations, jaw pain, night sweats, body convulsions, chest pain, panic attacks, heart rates of 180 randomly.

Please do research before taking this, check the dosage of your current BC to ensure this dosage isn't much higher than normal. Listen to your body if it's reacting negatively and stop taking this medicine if you experience severe side effects!

Nausea, constipation, headaches, bloating, weight gain

SORE breasts, extreme cravings always hungry, weight gain, headaches, uneasy stomach/ nausea, yeast infection, horrible acne

definitely would not recommend I'm going to try to switch off of this brand.

Heavy period, pregnancy prevention

Mood swings to the max. Horrible cystic acne, weight gain. Always hungry. Gas. The worst headaches I've ever experienced for the entirety of my period. Extra anxious. Bloating. I could go on

ISIBLOOM (DESOGESTREL; ETHINYL ESTRADIOL): This combination hormone medication is used to prevent pregnancy. It contains 2 hormones: a progestin and an estrogen. It works mainly by preventing the release of an egg (ovulation) during your menstrual cycle. It also makes vaginal fluid thicker to help prevent sperm from reaching an egg (fertilization) and changes the lining of the uterus (womb) to prevent attachment of a fertilized egg. If a fertilized egg does not attach to the uterus, it passes out of the body. Besides preventing pregnancy, birth control pills may make your periods more regular, decrease blood loss and painful periods, decrease your risk of ovarian cysts, and also treat acne. Using this medication does not protect you or your partner against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Tightness in throatNumbHeadache got worseStomach AceJaw hurtColdness

insomnia, anxiety, mood swings, complete loss of appitite, thirsty all the time,constant need to chew(make sure that you have plenty of chewing gum)

I stared taking these tablets on Thursday, by Saturday I started feeling freezing cold, then went to bed with a temperature of 104, got very hot, lots of sleeping, very weak, headache. I have stopped taking the tablets but feel like someone has run over me and I am can`t do anything. I would rather have toothache that take these tablets again!

It has done the job and my finger had now healed so the drug did work. But just at a cost of the upper abdominal pain which is so tender

ALL ONLY LASTED A FEW WEEKS: Nausea, Dizziness, Headache, Insomnia at night but drowsiness during day, soft stools then constipation.PERMANENT SIDE EFFECTS: Decreased appetite, increased energy

Nor-QD is good. Haven't had any major issues with it. You have to take it exactly the same time not even a minute late.

Migraines, Interstitial Cystitis

great pill. side effects (which I had hardly any) go away after 3 packs. no break through bleeding if you take the pill at the same time each day. have forgotten 2 times to take the pill but took it as soon as i remembered (both times within 2-6 hrs) and I was fine. Great pill to take! Really regulates periods..I get it the same time each month same hour.

no side effect like no take medication

Dry nasal cavity, headaches, contracting muscle and pain. Mood Changes, dizzy, anxiety,bDay dreams.