Implanon (etonogestrel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Implanon (etonogestrel)

Irregular bleeding, extreme weight gain, chronic fatigue, depression, short temper, angry and moody all the time, anxiety, body aches and pains, headaches, no sex drive, hot flushes, blotchy skin, vaginal dryness

This nearly ruined my life. I had nexplanon in for just over a year insertion was ok minimal pain and it turned me into a monster I nearly lost my partner and was horrible to my children I am so glad to finally have it removed as my doctor kept telling me to wait longer and symptoms would subside. I highly do not recommend. Thankfully my partner decided to get a vasectomy because of our experience with this. I've only recently got it removed I feel better mentally already but my body is still out of whack and I'm yet to have my period which was regular before insertion I'm hoping it returns soon.

Have had it in for 4yrs has run out last December. It has messed all my hormones up like others! Moody depressed anxiety a lot of weight gain and to top it off it has moves nearly under my arm pit! Am waiting for surgery to remove it. Would not recommend to any1.

Doctors talking about they might not be able to get it out in surgery because might damage nerves. I just want it out! I don't feel myself at all.

Mood swings, depression, severe anxiety, panic attacks, palpitations, heart racing, hot flushes, dizziness, shivers, nervousness, anger

At the beginning was ok, then mood started to changed, more crying, felt hopeless, unwanted, worthless, was blaming husband for everything, lovely man pulled up with all crap I put on him, depression went worse, and anxiety attacks with panick attacks coming suddenly from nowhere, in last two weeks I end up at ER, I'm booked for tomorrow to take this Implanon out, I'm so done, I want my life back....

I've been having dizzy spells lightheaded blurry vision moodiness really bad anxiety and depression I have completely lost who I am I had a period for a month straight the first year but I havent had one since boobs hurt i dont know if these are side effect from the nexplanon but I'm getting taken out tomorow

I dont feel real I feel like I'm dead honestly

2 months after insertion, I started having chest pain, numbness in the left arm, I then took it out..... After taking it out, I have back pain and the whole body aches.

8kg weight gain- after nearly 20 years only fluctuating a few kilos it's quite obvious it's the extra hormone. My mood has stabilised but I feel very lathargic and tired all the time. Having extra blood tests to make sure everything is in order.I have lost all libido... so use it definitely works as a contraceptive. I'm less confident about my body and I don't even think about sex.

Mood swings,deppresion,emotional, headache, dizziness, lightedness,numbness and tingling ,anxiety, weight gain ,general body ache

I will not recommend anyone to use it,my experience is bad

constant headaches and lightheadedness, on and off period for 4 months, horrible pms in between each period such as depression, cramps and irritability.

just got it removed today! hoping for life to get a little brighter

Non stop period for 10 months straight. Weight gain

I had implanon 8/9 yrs ago. Before i had the implant my periods were regular. When I got the implant i bled for the whole 10 months straight. I kept asking them to remove it. They recommended no and said the bleeding would stop. Finally after 10 months i insisted it be removed. Ever since my periods have been completely irregular. Im having troubles conceiving. I also have cysts. Before i had the implant i had a perfect normal period.

To avoid getting pregnant again

Severe headaches brown spotting irregular periods uncontrolled crying absolute rage pain in legs and arms back ache mood swings severe depression itching

Ok so I have been on Implanon for the past 2yrs and 9mths it was great until all of a sudden it started to react like crazy. At first I thought omg something is wrong with me though I would get depressed and what not before now it was beyond crazy and the mood swings and bleeding no no I want it out now. Good thing my father and uncle are doctors or I would've spent so much money doing tests to see if anything was wrong when it's this. I think they need to figure a way to see who's body can tolerate this drug and who can't. If not take it off the market!!!

Bled constantly for 7month then they slowly fizzled out bad cramps weight gain 3stone tingling sensation in skin aches and pains all over no sex drive hair loss on head and towards the end I got hair growth on face lost weight at the end also no motivation and depression made worse and anxiety and inching in virginal area and discharge

Worked as contraceptive and was good for stopping periods once they settled down and I stopped bleeding but didn't like the side effects at all

Panic attacks, loss of period, low sex drive, paraplegic migraine, breast fibrosis, mood swings.After removal I have experienced sore nipples, head ache, nausea. Hormones are still out of whack from it.

7 months after removal still not ovulating properly and cycles have not returned to normal. They have varied from 36 to 49 days. Would not recommend.

oily skin, oily hair, hair loss, anxiety increased, depression increased, quick changing mood swings (often dramatic in nature), chronic fatigue.

If you have anything mildy wrong with your mental health, do not take this drug. I though I would be ok, but I was very wrong.

SEVERE DEPRESSION, nausea, vomiting, back pain, hallucinations, extreme anxiety and feeling of helplessness.The doctor knew about my history of depression, and it was never discussed that i could have a negative side effect. I felt like i wanted to die and nobody could help me or save me. This is with the device in for 2 weeks in my system. My whole body and mental health went down hill 2 days after it was in my arm.

This does not agree with everyone, and to the people saying don't listen to horror stories. These are not horror stories these are real experiences, just because you had a postitive experience does not mean that we should have had one too. Everyone is different and our reaction to hormones and side effects are all different. I was instantly affected and nearly commited suicide because the depression and hallucinations were so severe. I would not recommend this product, it does more harm than good. You have the right to get it removed from your body, its your body, your decision. If you have any previous mental health or mood problems the implant will make it 100 times worse than it was before to the point you feel inhuman. Please consider this advice, do the research, read peoples real life stories. Your life is worth much more than a man made product that produces synthetic hormones into your bloodstream.

To keep from becoming pregnant

I had it removed dec 2011 after having it in 2 yrs my doctor did not want to take it out for some reason well i asked to get it out two months after having it in i had one period which was wired it had blood clotts and it was like i had just had another baby well they said you have to leave it in at least a year so that went by i only had that one period with clotts went to the hospital they thought i was pregnant keptme in their for a while gaveme some medicine and i left so a whole year mobths no period mood changed temendously and i was another person no cares felt numbness in my fingers arm legs feet i called to get it removed they said my insurance wohldnt cover it so i stuck it outanother year wel six months priorto them taking it out I had continuous diarrhea the whole 6mths I called begging they said okay come in they took it out. 2 6mths and ones period later I was pregnant with my 3rd child I had little recovery time but I felt alto better mode wise but I had very bad burning pain in my shoulder along with numbness I didn't know why I thought growing pains but no the doctor said i have muscle nerve damage I looked up and it was said if they inserted it wrong it could cause permanat nerve damage which is the reason of the fire burning g in the back of neck and shoulder o lay on left side its crazy sure wish I could get paid for this it doesn't stop me all the way but it definityl slows me down and I now have four little one weaned in very athletic but my left side has

Sore Breasts, Headaches, Back pain, Bone and muscle aches

This has put me through hell! I waited 3 months and depsite the GP saying it will likely get better, there was no change. 2 weeks its been out and still no relief with symptoms. I would advise to avoid this at all costs.

I've experienced deep depression,anxiety,mood swings,loss of appetite,Very low sex drive,dizziness,weight gain and loss,hair loss,I HATE IT!! I WOULD NOT recommend anyone to get this thing..its awful.I want to get it out soon.I just want to feel like myself again.

Horrible mood swings, agoraphobia, depression, and anxiety. Bleeding 3 weeks a month. Heart palpitations.

Within 3 weeks of removing, my moods and periods stabilized.

The first 1year was Smooth. I didnt see my period and was very excitéd. Thé second third year is not good at all. Continuous bleeding for 2 months in a row is terrible

IMPLANON (ETONOGESTREL): This product is a small, thin plastic rod that is inserted under the skin to prevent pregnancy. The rod slowly releases etonogestrel into the body over a 3-year period. Etonogestrel is similar to a natural hormone made in your body. It works mainly by preventing the release of an egg (ovulation) during your menstrual cycle. It also makes vaginal fluid thicker to help prevent sperm from reaching an egg (fertilization) and changes the lining of the uterus (womb) to prevent attachment of a fertilized egg. This product does not contain any estrogen. This medication may not work as well in women who are very overweight or those taking certain drugs. (See also Drug Interactions section.) Discuss your birth control options with your doctor. Using this medication does not protect you or your partner against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My doc asked me to stop for 1-2 months to see if my stomach gets better. I think I will do that and used ROgaine. If I start loosing my hair really noticably again, I may move to taking 1/2 pill and see if that does anything. If not, I will quit altogether and save my $70 a month for hair replacement.

This is by far the most horrible drug EVER created!I'm so sad that I'm just now putting two and two together!My son has seasonal allergies so I've given him zyrtec for 2 weeks now. He approached me yesterday and told me that he needed to talk to me about something.I could see the concern in his eyes. He told me that he was afraid of me not loving him anymore if he told me these things. He told me that he was having very bad thoughts of hurting his family.I was needless to say shocked considering that he's the sweetest kid I know. He had also been complaining for several days about his "heart" hurting, and shallow breathing. he kept describing this weird feeling in his head,described it as a feeling of intense pressure. I spent the whole day with him trying to put possitive thoughts in his head. yesterday his allergies were bad,and just as I was about to reach for the zyrtec a little light went off. I looked up this drug and it's possible side effects. I'm so blessed that I found this website.I'm also so angry that so many of you had similar stories! The sad thing about this drug is that it is highly reccommended by so many Doctors!I would NEVER reccommend this to anyone!

nausea, vomiting, extreme pain upper stomach area

Pounding heart, internal jittery feeling, anxious, confused, dizzy, headache

shakiness, emotional ups and downs, anxiety, depression, weight gain

Took double dose on first day as prescribed but was sick within 30mins and sicked the tablets up. Called doc and asked for additional prescription and took another double dose after stomach settled. Felt nauseous but wasn't sick again. Face started twitching on first night (was worried it was Bell's palsy!!) but because my sinuses were so infected and swollen they had been pressing on nerves and so as the tablets worked I think this is what caused the twitching!! It's worth preserving if you have sinusitis because these are suppose to be the best ones for it. My sinusitus was extreme and I wanted rid so I was prepared to put up with the side effects. Not eating too much for 7days didn't hurt ME as I lost my Christmas fat!

Very scary side effects! I just went off prometrium a few days ago, when I figured out what was probably causing the symptoms (I'm on a few other hormones,too, that were implanted). My doctor thought the testosterone could be driving the hypoglycemia, but the hypoglycemia became more manageable immediately when I stopped the prometrium. I'm praying it dissapears. Anyone else have blood sugar issues that resolved after stopping prometrium? After how long?

Well it is better than the other meds I have been on, but I find it hard to believe people use it to quit smoking because I smoke even more now (almost 2 packs a day). It increases my sex drive yet I still find myself unmotivated to do more important things. I've gotten slightly agressive, and I think it may be a result from the increased sex drive (if I can't "get any" I become quite angry). Also sometimes I will feel a strange feeling in my head out of nowhere that almost feels like a bubble growing in my brain. It doesn't hurt but it throws me off guard and last night it did it so intensly that one side of my face froze up for about 5 seconds then went back to normal (i'm hoping this is not a sign of seizure). Other than that though, I am happy with how it lessens the intensity of my mood swings. I used to be the type of person who could be really happy one minute then flip all the way out the next and this drug has lessened that A LOT in just the small amount of time i've

Been off the drug for 4 weeks and really really hope eventually it will pass. If anyone has a success story of coming off please send me an email.

Almost a year ago I was hesitant about taking purinethol. I read the comments on this website which scared me. In October 2003 my doctor strongly suggested purinethol after and endoscopy & colonoscopy and upper GI. I waited until February 2004 to take it. If I had listened to my doctor and took it when he said to I may not have had a re-section due to a preforated intestine in July 2004. Get your blood done when the doctor tells you and you should be fine.