Enpresse-28 (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Enpresse-28 (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel)

I just experience slight cramping during the month I take it. Nothing too severe though.

I like Enpresse, just hope it works against getting pregnant.

Side Effects forenpresse-28 (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel) - User Comments


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My 8 year old son has been on this for at least 6 years. I'm reading these stories of rage, anger, anxiety, night-terrors, opposition, defiance, hallucinations, etc and seeing my son in every word! We have had him to therapists and doctors for this and nothing seems to work. We are taking him off this medication NOW as his asthma is very controlled and hope the rage/anger subsides.

little if anything, my back is finally relaxed

panic disorder and manic depressive

Even with a year-long doctor-supervised taper, this drug was almost impossible to discontinue. At 2.5 years Klonopin-free, I am still disabled by the horrific symptoms of the benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome. Warning labels for these drugs are wholly inadequate.

I've had acid reflux problems since I was 25 years old and Prilosec so far has been the only medication that fully relieves my symptoms.Like a lot of other people I have felt numbness in my limbs but compared to my symptoms I almost don't notice it anymore. I have experienced water weight gain, hair loss which the doctors always deny and yes, a general sense of depression and lack of energy are the biggest drawback to this drug.

I don't know if this pill is unusually strong or if I'm just one of the people who can't handle regular pills (I've been really happy on Loestrin 20 ever since), but if it makes you miserable, don't keep taking it! There are milder things out there.

I took it once and experienced tachycardia. I could feel my heart beating and I never felt that before. It was scary. I never took another one. I told my Dr. and she gave me Maxalt 10mg tablet. I had a 5-day migraine(avoiding relpax) and maxalt got rid of it in a few hours. It's more mild than relpax and it works.

No real warning from Boniva literature (says simply that “flu-like” can develop but are short-lasting) or from medical community, i.e. my GYN and internist. I felt like I was near-death, considered going to ER. At times, pain was so severe I wanted to die. Could not sleep. NSAIDs or any other pain relievers did nothing to even take the edge off. Now on fourth day of taking Boniva and I’m still feeling lousy—weak, feverish, experiencing uncontrollable diarrhea attacks. A true case where the cure is worse than the disease. I have no intentions of ever taking another dose of this drug again.

I was originally put on Zoloft 25mg for seven days, which increased to 50mg thereafter. Both strengths of Zoloft made me groggy, blah, and low libido. So my OB switched me to Wellbutrin XL and told me that I needed to wean off the Zoloft by going back to 25mg for six days. She prescribed 60 tablets of 150mg Wellbutrin XL and advised me that I could take two at the same time (300mg) while weaning off the Zoloft if I needed to. So I decided to do just that, and this might have been where all the side effects came to play, to start with 300mg Wellbutrin XL and 25mg Zoloft for five days. I quit the Zoloft one day early because it was just too much. Hopefully I'm weaned off of that Zoloft by now. Anyway, today I decided (day six) that I would only do 150mg Wellbutrin XL in the morning... don't know if it's making a difference yet because I still have the headaches and constipation, the irritability has subsided. But I do feel like the Wellbutrin XL 150mg is helping my depression a l

felt nauseus(?) only on the first night of each month for about the first 3-4 months. just ate some food and the nausea went away.