Brevicon 28-day (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Brevicon 28-day (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone)

Severe headaches, trouble sleeping, breast tenderness, nausea, upset stomach, moody, restlessness

Started getting severe headaches after day 1. Had trouble sleeping on day 2 and had a loss of appetite, was nauseous, had an upset stomach, and was moody. Got 0 hrs of sleep day 3 and 4; too restless and was feeling so sick.

Nausea, decrease in appetite, feeling bloated, even slight depression.

Swelling of breasts and tenderness, weight gain, blurry vision, spotting in the third week

Have only been on it for two months and just started third month. Vision problems are making me consider getting off of it. Outside of these side effects, this pill is okay for me compared to others.

Intially had nausea from it. Had to take the pill at night so as to sleep through the nausea. Weight gain.

Had severe periods, anemia and PMS. My family (and I) were happy that I went on it. Felt like a new person with lighter periods and hence more energy. Helped with the mood swings. Still on it as a mild estrogen therapy.

heavy periods/bad pms symptoms

severe breast tenderness that lasted ALL month, complete loss of libido due to this, felt sick to my stomach al the time too, bloating and weight gain of about 5 pounds

switched back to Mircette, but am unhappy with that pill as well, may go back to loestrin and just deal with the headaches

Side Effects forbrevicon 28-day (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone) - User Comments


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I have been on Birth Control for 14 yrs and never had problems until I developed GERD. Because of the Estrogen, I cannot take birth control pills so I thought the ring would be better because I don't have to swallow a pill. WRONG! I feel HORRIBLE, EVERY SINGLE DAY! Seems like I don't have ANY good days, EVER! I still have all the stomach issues that came with swallowing a pill, I'm constantly cramping and have a headache just about everyday. I just feel just flat out miserable. I have to get off of this thing and do something else. I'm seriously disappointed in the ring. I thought it would be awesome!

Joint knuckle pain, memory loss, can't sleep at night, stiff, terrible vagina dryness and memory loss just to name a few.

Seroquel XR 50mg once daily for 90 days did not produce any results and the side effects I experienced were horrendous.TALK to your Doctor.

nothing, other than puts me to sleep

i think these reviews are untrue in some regards i would not be surprised if the pharmaceutical companies write half of these evaluations

Lamictal has been amazing. I had treatment resistant anxiety/mood issues/depression and I hit a rough patch where I was nearly hospitalized and my doctor tried this and my life started to change around. It took some time but I got there and was able to function normally again. I had severe panic/anxiety, to the point where it took me hours to get out of bed to take a shower and get dressed.. I had racing thoughts about everything and felt like I was dying. So yes, this drug has been a life saver for me.

On the fourth day I began to have leg and lower back pain. I attributed this to lots of housework the previous day. On the fifth day I felt like I'd been hit by a truck, but still not connecting this to the Keflex. On day six, my spine, neck, and head were killing me along with fever and fatigue. I called off work, which I RARELY do. I figured it was the Keflex since the more I took, the worse I felt. I stopped taking it with two days left, and called my Nurse Practitioner, but ahe didn't call back. To add insult to injury, I still have the boil and a nice, new yeast infection!

I DO NOT recommend giving this to your child.

works great in high dosages to help me sleep at night (150 MG - 300 MG)also is great to calm me down in the day is small dosages (25 MG - 50 MG)lessens the hallucinations

This drug has put my mind at ease about seizures. However, it has really rated high with my wife ! She observed both seizures I had while I was asleep. Scared her near to death, but had the presence of mind to call the EMT's. During the 2nd seizure I dislocated my left shoulder.Since taking 300 mg of Dilantin per day, I feel relaxed and at ease about not having to worry about future seizures. The V.A. has taken great care of me to insure no further seizures by continuing to prescribe Dilantin.