Aviane-28 (ethyinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Aviane-28 (ethyinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel)

I was prescribed Aviane-28 after having a bad reaction to Yaz. Everything went well during my 1st day (Day 1 of my period). The next day I started feeling nausea, tingling on my legs and feet (stronger on the left foot). I started having muscle aches, craps at random places, mild headaches and extreme sadness and anger. I started having multiple panic attacks per day, my lower back started buzzing everyday, my hands where shaking and aching, I was startled very easily. I started having very aggressive thoughts, picking fights, I was so frustrated with the leg tingling that I stated hitting my leg again a door, I almost broke the door. I started feeling depressed and having suicidal thoughts. I was also using Ativan, Celexa, Remeron and probiotics. I usually don't write reviews but I the only thing that helped me get through my symptoms was reading these reviews. Please do your research before using these medication.

Please do your research before using this pill. If you decide to use it please be self aware and pay attention to your body. To me this medication is not worth it.

Extreme cramps, extreme bloating, extreme mood swings, lots of crying

In the beginning it was great. My skin is beautiful, but the depression and weight gain is awful and nothing helps subside these side effects. Been taking it for 9 months.

I have a history of anxiety but not depression. Ever since I started taking this pill I've become more irritated, depressed, anxious, tired no matter how much sleep I get, it's not enough. It has however cleared up my hormonal acne but I do not recommend taking this is you have a history of anxiety because for me it makes my anxiety worse. I'm usually a happy person, but this birth control makes it so much harder for me to be happy. It makes me withdrawn from my family and friends and makes me feel sick mentally. I feel like this birth control clouds my head. I get angry sad and cry for absolute no reason. I'm never that way. My breasts are always sore no matter what. I have mood swings up and down.

It might work for you, but it doesn't work for me. I will be changing this soon. I used to be on depo and that made my body feel worse physically not mentally. I was happy on depo, but it made my body feel upset.

Heavy bleeding with clots every single day since taking it, 18 days now. Sharp headaches, whole face hurts. Trouble sleeping.

I have gone through more pads in 18 days than I usually do in 4 or 5 periods. I have stained my clothes from the heavy bleeding that occurs and can feel the clots. I am ready to stop this medication and deal with my irregular periods. I feel miserable and scared not knowing if this is "normal".

Feeling depressed, anxious, loss of sexual desire, vaginal dryness. I feel like there is something wrong with me, my old birth control was way better than this! I am seeing my doctor next week, I hope that I can get off of this one. I know my body, I was not having these weird side effects with the ones that I was originally on. I was really close to getting off of them but I'm seeing my doctor anyways.

The only things that I have noticed is I keep getting heart palpitations and I feel so tired all day now for 3 days. I feel like I might be putting on a pound even aswell. This is my first time going on a pill and after reading the reviews I am terrified and if i notice any really bad side effects im OUT. My skin is generally clear but ive always had bad back acne... i hope this helps even one bit with anything... if not then whatever. Im off.

Weight gain, bloating, anxiety, depression, ance breakouts on back, low sex drive, diharrea

To reduce heavy bleeding and cramps

Became a light sleeper and woke up constantly in the night.It did make periods lighter and helped reduce hormonal acne. But I will be stopping this pill effective immediately as I just had an ultrasound and its caused me blood clots in my leg. Thanks Aviane 28. Buyer beware.... pain in your leg is not normal if you are on this pill. Seek medical attention immediately.

Would not recommend. Will be stopping this medication immediately.

Caused me to have HORRIBLE anxiety and depression (no previous mental health conditions). I wanted to commit suicide and I had never in my life had those thoughts until this medication. Nausea every day and no appetite, I lost 10 pounds in a month, and I didn't have it to lose. I think this pill should be taken off the market!!!! It is dangerous

Please do your research about the mental health effects

When I First began taking this birth control (Sep. of 2017) I experienced heavy bleeding for two weeks.

I got pregnant in December 2018 and just recently began taking aviane after being off for the duration of my pregnancy. I have experienced no side effects this second time around.

anxiety, panic attacks, PPD, suicidal ideation, depression, weight gain, mood swings

I started taking this a few months after having a baby. i had not signs of PPD until after i started this pill. I was irrational, moods were all over the place, depressed, etc...then the suicidal stuff started. The only break I got from being a mental case was about 2-3 days into the white pills. When the next pack started, so did the side effects.

Started taking a few days after my period ended and about two weeks after taking i have experienced heavy bleeding and i am still bleeding after 8 days. Have also experienced weight gain and acne and shortness of breath. Definitely will quit this pill

HEAVY bleeding between periods, severe bloating, intolerable cramps.

Started taking Aviane 2 days after my menstrual cycle had ended. I took it for 5 days and am extremely bloated and experiencing the WORST vaginal bleeding I've ever had. It started out as light spotting and now it's horrible and so is the cramping that came along with it. I've stopped taking it and wouldn't recommend this pill to anyone.

Extreme anxiety and panic attacks

This pill ruined my mental health

acne, irritability/mood swings, decreased vaginal lubrication

I tried to stick this pill out for the entire three months but since taking it my mild acne has gotten worse, in weird small bumps all over my face, my boobs went down an entire cup size, I cry all the time and her angry for no reason. I also started to experience dryness during sex and will definitely be switching back to my Juleber. I really wanted this to work for me but unfortunately it doesn’t!

- deppression and moodswings (not sure if this is from gentics because ive taken aviane and aleysa since i was 14)- acne-fatigue

i mean im not pregnant... it does help with cramps and makes my periods very short but acne and depression is not worth it :(

I absolutely love this pill. Since I’ve taken it I’ve felt completely normal. No weight gain, cravings, anything. Keeps my period on track and helps with cramps. Love this pill! Highly recommend

Breast tenderness, mood swings, depression, growth in breast size, lack of appetite, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeats

This pill should be renamed to “depression-28”! I was on Lo Loestrin Fe but had to switch due to my insurance no longer covering it. I was put on Avaine which has been one of the worst experiences of my life!!! I was recently in the ER because I was experiencing shortness of breath every time I stood up, irregular heartbeats, and chills. This pills side effects suck!! I took it at night and by the second morning after being on it I cried SIX times in one day! I am a super happy, upbeat person who isn’t usually very emotional but this pill took me from being my usual optimistic self to a depressed mess that doesn’t want to get out of bed! I seriously have been looking up ways to detox my body from this pill made by the devil himself because I can’t live like this!! I have no emotion other than depressed, angry, sad, annoyed, irritated or just overall blah. My breast have been hurting every time I try to lay on my stomach and they were growing quickly which I didn’t like either. I was so nervous to switch pills and this is exactly why. From here on out I would much rather deal with severe cramps, headaches and horrible periods then EVER take this pill again!!!! I do NOT recommend this pill to ANYONE! Ever!

Control endometriosis, painful periods

Nausea, bloating, weight gain, water retention, fatigue, depression, anger. Nausea and bloating have been continuing for almost 2 month after stopping taking Aviane.

I tried Aviane as alternative to Microgestin which was making me irritable while actually working well otherwise. Right on the second day of taking Aviane I became quite nauseous and wasn't able to eat my regular meal portions. I also immediately gained 3 lb which seemed to collect around my waist line in form of rather firm cushions. Never experienced those cushions before, even weighing 15 lb more than now. After a couple of days I started feeling depressed, and after 10 days I felt disgusted with mostly everything around me, including my husband who was trying hard to behave well. Then, on day 13, I just sat looking at my feet for the most part of the day feeling angry. It was very clear to me that I can't continue taking Aviane. After I stopped taking it, the depression cleared up in a day. The nausea and the weight gain, however, are still ongoing after almost 2 months. This week, I put myself on the detox diet and contacted my OB/GYN who responded expressing her scepticism about nausea being still the result from taking Aviane but ordered some tests. I wish I would have never touched Aviane, and I do not recommend experimenting with this pill.

Side Effects foraviane-28 (ethyinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel) - User Comments


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I have been plaqued with constant migraines and headaches since I was three. After a few weeks on this I haven't even had so much as the slightest headache(other than perhaps one caused by a hangover) So strange but most welcome side effect.

Weird hunger pains, tried to eat but mouth didnt want to open, stomach cramps, wanting to be sick but not able, loss of appetite, numbness in legs, spaced out feeling and ached all over. Then came the chest pains !

My urine was cloudy and had a strange "not so urine" smell to it but the meds cleared it up but now constantly in the bathroom and it hurts to dispose anything. Hope this helps and wish i knew. Also for six pills once a day $40 bucks???? really and thats with my insurance.

Before the Neurontin I was a thin person throughout my whole life. Now, because of the qweight, I am predisposed to diabetes, heart disease and many other health problems. I cannot lose the Neurontn weight because of the chronic pain and other issues for wbhich I sought treatment/ When my now ex-doc saw the 45lb. weight gain on my chart she casually said, "Oh yeah, that always happens,"Do not take Neurontin for pain because it is usesless and dangerous. Take it only if you have the seizure disorder for which it was designed. Even then, I'd get as second pinion.

Lack of appetite, diarrhea, nausea.

Nausea bloating abdominal pain cramping spotting tender breasts fluttering sensation in lower right abdomin loss of sensation in right leg headaches mood swings cyst


Needs to be used with a super muscle relaxer like soma. Sadly the VA doesn't seem to be able to afford it so they use hydrocodone and additive drugs.

The best birth control I've been on. It has increased my sex drive, got rid of all of my acne, and my periods only last 4 days with no cramping.

Major Depressive Disorder, Anxiety