Alesse (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Alesse (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel)

Depressed emotional crying uncontrollably sad anxious overthinking lower sex drive irritated

My first three months I was fine and then halfway through the fourth month I started getting anxious I was crying I'm irritated all the time I'm depressed I don't wanna wake up my life feels like it's falling apart I am always crying Uncontrolling no matter what every single day I cry at least four times a day for no reason I am pushing with my friends my family I am very very emotional every stop my period from being heavy that's a good thing but it's making me literally go insane I second-guess if I can be in a relationship because of how bad my anxiety and my depression is I'm starting not like people around meit's horrible I do not recommend

I experiences no symptoms for the first three days which was good because Marvelon caused extreme stomach burning on day one. By day 4 of Alesse, I had pangs of pain on my sides (potentially kidneys or adrenal glands). Today (day 5) and yesterday I have been feeling depressed. Yesterday was more manageable but today was suicidal feelings and extreme unhappiness. I have been crying for the past 2 days. I have had depression twice in the past but have been depression free for 3 years. Sleep, exercising, eating healthy and stress management is how I have managed it, but since Alesse nothing I do makes a lasting difference.

Extreme bloating-stomach looked tripled by the end of the day. Zero sex drive and extreme hungry 24/7. This medication is the DEVIL!

Severe anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, acne worse, constant crying.

After 14 days of taking this pill, I had to stop, it is the devils drug, I have never been a depressed person but I was suicidal and felt hopeless. Please don't take this drug!

Seemed fine the first month, but now that I am almost on the 3rd month the depression is out of control. I can't handle anything. Every little thing upsets me and sends me crying. I can't be like this. I have 3 children to take care of and remote learning to deal with still. There have been a lot of stressful circumstances, and I'm about to just have a complete break down. I almost smashed my son's chromebook, because I can no longer even take the demands placed on these poor kindergartners! I am currently fighting the urge at this moment. As I sat at the table sobbing about needing to be committed this morning, it was my husband who said maybe I needed to get off the pills! He said after 14 years together, he could tell when there was a hormone issue in me and not something else.

pregnancy prevention and feminine l

cystic acne, suicidal thoughts, hair growth on chin every 3 weeks unknown bumps on chin and brown spots. I now I'm left with brown spots and acne scars for the rest of live.

I don't care - if I get pregnant anymore this pill has destroyed my life. Ladies its your body, don't let the G.p brain wash you and dismiss your symptoms. I've been dismiss for 5 years.

Birth control and period regulation

Depression, anxiety, significant weight gain, irritability

I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety about a year and a half ago. I've been on citalopram since. I started alesse in February, I've gain about 25 pounds since and about a month ago I started having the worse mood swings. My anxiety skyrocketed, I was always sad and I would be irritated by the most insignificant things. Just last weekend I got EXTREMELY mad because someone proposed they showered first even though I said I was going.

First 2 weeks was the sorest breasts I’ve get in my life, third week I started with horrible migraines which I’d never experienced in my life !Just finished second pack and headaches with higher blood pressure have started!Quite emotional at timesNo weight gain or acne problems !Cannot handle the anxiety of the headaches with high blood pressure so I’m done taking them!

Weight gain stopped appetite did increase but bowl function returned like I was 25 again. Eye sight depth perseption returned I didn't notice it had left (perimenopause is wicked evil reeks havoc on us women and male drs want to treat symptoms not the Hormone imbalance) sex drive returned. Breast became fuller again instead of what they were starting to look like pancakes after 3 children five miscarriages. Natural oils returned to skin face wrinkles decreased eyeliner went on seamlessly no drags. Feeling happier yes and sex drive returned. If this is what hormone replacement therapy is im all for it. I'm on brand name alesse it is the fountain of youth and if I ever hsveto undergo a hysterectomy then I'm going to insist on Premarin also HRT. I'm not getting old haggard ashy and gray wrinkled with pancake boobs without a fight. I don't smoke and this is an amazing OC as well.

I felt a bit nausea at first but it make most of my pain go away.

So far it's really lightened my period

Horrible breakthrough bleeding. Not just spotting but full on clots for all but one week of the month. Made me absolutely insane. Horrible crying, moody up and down depressive states. Tried to see if it would get better after three months. Nope so going to the doctors to switch it.

Side effects for me are horrendous. I am extremely nauseous after taking the pill and lasts throughout the day. Vomiting at times, mainly after eating. Very tired, I can sleep for hours on end. No sex drive. This pill is horrible and not taking it anymore.

Chronic exhaustion, decreased sex drive, recurring headaches, EXTREMELY intensified emotions and bloating.

I've only began to experience side effects recently - probably within the last 6 months. This pill was very effective at preventing pregnancy, reduced my period to only 4-5 days instead of 7, lessened my flow, and didn't cause any weight gain or acne but all of the side effects began to really impact my relationship and me. Just wasn't worth it :(

Contraceptives.stabilize hormones

Have my period too early as expected

I was already feeling depressed, doctor said it might neutralize my emotions or make it worse but I need it for 3 months as assessment to know. I'm moody, depressed, I cry a lot, feeling anxious about future more, not motivated, no appetite, barely can taste food,don't feel hungry, my skin terrible more acne. Two and half months so far, terrible bleeding 3 times month and my regular cycle is 4 days,now is 7 days, awful pill

Caused two yeast infections within the first month, tenderness of breasts, irritation and loss of energy, spotting

Caused two yeast infections within the first month, tenderness of breasts, irritation and loss of energy, spotting

Emotional, sad/depressed, irritable, cramping (while not on period)

The first 3 months of this pill wasn't too bad. I bled a little through the first 2 weeks of taking it. After the 4th month my partner had to talk to me about how emotional and irritable I was. I didn't notice how bad I was getting until he told me. I became a very angry, depressed and all around horrible person which is very unlike me. Completely stopping this pill. Not worth the stress in my relationship.

At first I didn't connect the dots, but for the past 2 months that I've been taking this pill it's been making me very easily irritated, emotional, out of control and it's starting to affect my life. I am not of I should wait it out. Other than that, acne has cleared up and I have no cramping.

Depressed feelings, sad, emotional, not myself, feeling just plain weird!!!

I can relate to many of these posts after day 6 of taking this pill. Alesse 28. Yesterday day 5 I asked my boss to Leave because I "felt sad, and hungry" LoL it was out of character for me to say this or feel this way... The next day I felt even worse I had random crying spells and just felt like life was no longer exciting. I was depressed and just not interested. Oh and the migraines I had! Oh and decreased want of sex... Yeah. Fun! Allll this just to prevent pregnancy! I'm considering stopping after readi g these posts

Side Effects foralesse (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel) - User Comments


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Was getting headaches and eye pain post lasik due to extreme dryness (was in month 1.5ish of healing, in the winter, yikes). Although the eye aches were becoming much less frequent when I started xiidra, the drug accelerated healing and I really don't get dry anymore at all. Going from least 10 or so single use drop vials a day to zero. Like that basically since I started on it. If you have Blue Cross and manufacture coupon, it's free at Walgreens and not $1,500 (as of 2021). Going to see if I can stop this drug after my doc and I feel I'm over the hump. Worth it so far.

For the first 3 days I experienced, metallic taste and very dry mouth, fatigue, insomnia, jumpy legs, clenched jaw, loss of appetite, foggy brained, slight muscle spasms, dilated pupils, constipation. Insomnia and jumpy legs stuck around for about 2 weeks. Difficulty reaching orgasm is the only side effect that has not gone away.

I started it at night and the next day I woke up with a headache the worst I have had in years, if ever. I started cramping with in a hour of taking the first pill. Feeling sick have to lay in bed all day. I have three kids to take care of.(Which I have been lacking at for a lack of modiviton.) Being unable to eat until 8 at night then I cant control my hunger the rest of the night. Mood-less-ness, I have stopped caring about caring. Not really depressed but think I maybe headed there. Have taken it for a week now and its turning me into an "I dont care" kinda person; I dont care that it is making me have cramps or headaches, or that my home is trashed. I havent cleaned since i started taking it, well I couldnt. not that it matters but NO SEX DRIVE!!!!!(which doesnt bother me at all, but it should, I use to love sex!) My husband wont let me take it anymore.

I will stay on it because my readings were 19.4 and the generic brand I was taking just was not helping me. I did feel better with my reading high

First day took 2 pills by the end of the day I could swallow again without severe sharp pains, next day took 1 pill...pain even better, 3rd day took 1 pill started to get such stomach cramps and diarhea and bad gas, 4th day serious serious naseous headaches (like motion sickness)and neck aches, still stomach cramps, gas and diarhea. Last day 5 ear still feels like ear infection is still there with a blocked sensation, cough is still there although the pain in my throat is gone. I feel soo out of sorts and sick otherwise which is worse than the original sickness!

After recieving the first injection on Oct 9 2006 I had severe headaches for the for two weeks directly after the shot. I continued to have them not as bad as severe but still bad enough. Currently, it is six weeks after my shot. I have the hot flashes and some night sweats, as I expected, but I DID NOT expect this horrific joint pain. It is almost indesricebable. I am suppose to take another shot on Dec 31st but you can forget that buddy! I also learned after the shot the this is irreversable! By the way THIS IS NOT A CURE!!!!! It is only to TEMPORARILY stop the syptoms! My doctor should have been more informative about the possible serious side effects!!!!! Now I have to SUFFER for two-three more months. PLEASE BE CAUTIONED before taking this medicine. I don't believe that people who have taken this drug are being honest if they say this drug did'nt effect them. (WHETHER we react differently or not)Pray for me if you believe in prayer!! (I do)

Depression, restlessness, suicidal thoughts, fears for sanity, panic attacks

very sedating. makes me "loopy".

Very bad yeast infection, Splitting migrane-like headaches which are accompanied with nausea and light sensitivity, gas, diarrhea

Overall this drug is great for depression. But I do recommend taking an antipsychotic if you have bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc.