Tussionex pennkinetic (chlorpheniramine polistirex; hydrocodone polistirex) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tussionex pennkinetic (chlorpheniramine polistirex; hydrocodone polistirex)

severe headache, drowsiness, hallucinations

it helped me sleep, which made the bad side effects worth it. I suggest only taking it at night before bed, however.

Sinus infection with horrible cough

This medication is Heaven sent! Tussionex suppresses your cough and then makes you really sleepy so you can just pass out to where you no longer cough. Every time I have a sinus infection my coughs are horrible and last for forever. Tussionex is the only medication that kills the cough and helps me sleep!

Pneumonia/severe night coughing

Paranoia during sleep. Mild hallucinations diring sleep. Some itching at bedtime.

Used only at bedtime. Worked excellent as a cough suppressant. Side effects worth the effectiveness.

None. Must NOT accept Generic version of this drug as it does NOT work & tastes horrible in comparison. If u need relief now, this is perfect! It really works!

My cough is gone however both nights don't feel like I'm sleeping. Keep seeing the clock every 1 to 2 hours.

Did not help my cough at all. Gave me headaches.

My cough was deep, painful, & spastic. I coughed so badly I'd gag or wet my pants. It was bad! Tussionex eased the cough, for sure. And it lasts. I was concerned that it said only "twice daily", but that's all I needed. Although it didn't make me sleepy, if I slept after taking it, it was good, deep sleep. I wouldn't drive while on it, due to the lightheadedness. It is by far the best cough syrup I've ever seen. And it's tasty.

persistent cough due to bad cold

No major negative side effects. Feel relaxed. Positive side effect: calmed my cough approximately 30 minutes after taking the first dose. Allowed me to (finally) lay down & read without violently coughing. I'm on day 9 of a bad cold, and I also have asthma.

As mentioned in the "Side Effects" field, today I am on day 9 of a bad cold. I finally went to the doctor because I haven't been able to sleep due to violent coughing. Sadly, the doctor tried to give me antibiotics. I refused them & said I only needed something to calm my cough so I could sleep at night. Also have to use albuterol, which I already had for my asthma. Tussionex works. I do not plan on taking the daytime dose because my cough isn't as bad when I'm not laying down. It doesn't taste too bad, and with my insurance the bottle cost $11.00. Very satisfied.

Respiratory Infection, Dry Cough

You should never take cough medication with a very wet cough. You need to get that mucous out of your lungs and a cough suppressant will only extend this process.

Take as prescribed. I have never had any side effects. If you take too much - you are going to suffer the consequences. That is why they have a label on the bottle that you read to tell you how to take it. This is the best cough suppressant and antihistimine combination available. Most of the side effects reported here are due to the chlorpheniramine (antihistamine) - particularly have trouble urinating. They make prescription cough medications that contain codeine instead of hydrocodone. If you feel that your side effects are too much, be smart and take something less potent.

Lightheadedness, lack of appetite...

Didn't stop my cough for one minute, coughed all night, didn't get any sleep, this medicine does absolutely nothing for me.

Tussionex is probably one of if not THE best medicine out there if you're looking to soothe a persistent cough, though be very careful when you take it. I took a bit more than prescribed for "extra" relief and ended up with a fast heartbeat and it was almost as if every few seconds I stopped breathing and would catch myself. Cold skin, itching, really difficult to use the restroom; Well, THAT'S not gonna be happening again! Definitely does the job and doesn't taste too shabby either.

My doctor overprescribed the medicine, it works great, but he kinda screwed me. He told me to take 2 tsp every 8 hours... when the MAX dose is 2 tsp in 24 hours. He gave me 2 refills, so 8 days after my 240ml bottle is empty i request a refill and the pharmacist refuses to fill it. Now i am stuck hackin up a lung :[

Best cough meds! Only one that works bc it is slow releasing. 2011 a generic form finally came out. Works the same but doesn't taste as good. I have been taking this drug for 14 yrs. the key is 20 mins before you take this drug go ahead and get in bed. Once you start feeling tired go to sleep and then you will find yourself in a deep sleep. Otherwise if you try fighting it by still working or laying there fighting it, you will have more side effect issues. Like maybe more anxiety if you are prone to that. Restless sleep, tossing and turning and feeling the heaviness on your body. Do not take this and think you can drive!!! I promise you this if you are coughing nonstop this will stop it within 5 mins. It will last anywhere from 8-10 hrs. It's liquid gold so once you get over your cold, if you can keep the leftover - do!! Insurance will not allow for refills until the day yours expires. It is a narcotic. My doctor has known me for over 8 yrs and has seen nothing else work. I have severe lung issues. So when I start I get it in a bottle of 120 qty. they can tell if a cough medicine is helping or not.

Only cough syrup that works for me. I have a compromised immune system due to having RA so I get bronchitis a lot and nothing else helps.

Being tired,Hyper,Anxiety,.This cough syrup is Very Expensive 4oz bottle was 71 dollars.I had no insurance

Strep with respiratory infection

Mildly drowsy, but that's about all

OK, for those of you reporting itchy skin, vivid dreams, sweating, crawling out of your skin - that is because you ARE TAKING TOO MUCH! If you follow the directions on the bottle you won't experience that. If you abuse it, you're going to get all kinds of adverse and strange effects becaues it is A NARCOTIC! Read the friggin label, people! People looking into this as a viable medication for getting rid of a nasty caugh so you can actually sleep should not be disuaded by the folks in this forum who took it to get high.

Cough due to allergies & asthma

No side effects really, except that it typically quits working for me after 8 hours. It is the ONLY cough medicine that STOPS my cough. I've tried Cheratussin AC- might as well have taken water. Tessalon Perles are useless. Again, Tussionex is the ONLY medicine that offers me relief. It cost me $61.00 for 90mL.

Stops the cough asap. There is a generic tussionex out on the market that charges a normal prescription rate $10-20. Instead of $60-160. It doesn't taste as great but works just the same! I have been a tussionex customer for over 10yrs. Lol! I do not waste my time or money on the other stuff bc for 1 they taste horrible and 2 you have take three times as much bc it only last 4 hrs. So by the time you are feeling comfort from the meds it's time take another dose. With this stuff it lasts 12 hrs bc it is slow releasing! If you take more than a tsp you will most likely get the itchy head, skin etc. No rash will appear just itches. Also you may have crazy dreams that make you talk in your sleep. I'm not a talker but if I take more than I'm suppose too my husband says he heard the funniest stuff bc I am out of it. Again ask for the generic brand just came out is 2011

Side Effects fortussionex pennkinetic (chlorpheniramine polistirex; hydrocodone polistirex) - User Comments


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dizzy, nauseous, weight gain, joint pain, mood swings, low sex drive

Weight gain of 3-5 pounds per day, mood swings, vivid crazy dreams, poor sleep.

nausea, vomiting, headache, peeling flaking skin on face around eyes, greatly increase eye irritation, eye infection, constipation, dizziness and vertigo, fatigue

where to begin, EXTREME insomnia, EXTREME vertigo.shaking,feels like my skin crawling. anxiety, rage intolerable,hyper-mania, go go go go go crashhhhh burnnn. yelling at people (not usual)i could actually hurt someone if they even looked at me sideways and that is not normal for me. i withdraw usually from confrontation, not on this, buddy.

Called pharmacist to see if they had the flavor packets..nope. She said try adding one packet of koolaid. I haven't tried that yet. I have gotten through 2 glasses so far, with my 4 year old sitting making faces at me trying to make it go by easier, and a life-saver sitting waiting for me to finish the glass. So far I haven't gotten close to finishing, but figured I would write my experience so far. LMAO at some of the comments! That helps!

blood pressure did not go down much, gained weight in spite of all my efforts as I am always hungry, some ankle swelling, tired too much of the time

pre hypertentsion / high blood pres

inflammation around ribs/rib fx

Tired, dizzy, thirsty, drunk feeling,EXTREME fatigue, hunger (especially for sugar),and very uncoordinated

Would not reccommend this at all. I would personally rather have a period every month than deal with these annoying side effects.