Allegra d (fexofenadine hydrochloride; pseudoephedrine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Allegra d (fexofenadine hydrochloride; pseudoephedrine hydrochloride)

Heart (palpitations, racing/rapid, very high BP), pain/sore/numbness/tingling (neck, back, upper arms, thighs), out of body feeling, hot flashes, dry mouth, dizzy.

Took my first Allegra d pill at 4pm and by 9pm I felt all sorts of scary symptoms.I had just gotten out of the shower and went to kitchen to warm up some water for a steam session and as it was heating up I felt a wave of what I would describe as a hot flash I felt dizzy, hot, racing heart, tightness and some numbness in my arms so I sat down checked my pulse and it was at 130 and increasing if I were to stand.I eventually took my blood pressure after 30 minutes of trying to sit and my levels were very high. I felt like I couldn't walk by myself for at least 20 of those minutes. My BP is still running a bit high 12 hours after the onset of symptoms. My heartburn/acid reflux has been agitated. I get headaches once in a while. Pain in upper arms, shoulder, neck, back, legs along with some slight numbness. Somewhat a dry mouth. The rush of these symptoms caused some anxiety as I felt I was dying. I only began to feel this way once I took Allegra d.It did help clear the mucus in my throat so I could lay down comfortably but the other symptoms were too bothersome to want to continue this medication at the risk of my cardiovascular system.Be extra cautious the first time you take this medication have someone with you to monitor and make sure you are okay.

Omg where do I start?! First day, blood pressure high and dizziness. Second day, some dizziness and anxiety. Third day, extreme anxiety and dizziness and lightheaded. Stopped taking it after the 3rd day after reading reviews and saw that I was having the same issues. Woke up day after and still felt the same symptoms so I went to the ER and labs, X-ray and ekg all were fine so Dr also contributed my symptoms to Allegra D. Today is the day after the ER and I feel like I'm getting over a hangover. Jittery, blood pressure still high and extreme anxiety. Don't know how long it will take to get this medicine out of my system but I know I will never take the medicine again!!!!!!

Allergies and my head stopped up

Works great for my allergies. Does not make me starve like reg. Allegra

It messed me up. Nauseous then vomiting, heartburn, loss of appetite, light headed, and could not sleep at all.

This medication makes me feel like I'm on speed it's not a comfortable feeling at all it helped with some of the congestion but it is making my heart race and I feel horrible after taking it. Not for me. I also have heart disease and it does not help that one bit.

I would not recommend for anyone with heart problems.

Sense of smell seems to have lessened but may be due to thyroid issues.

Only thing that works consistently for me. Plain Allegra knocks me out. Maybe I need the Sudafed part because of low blood pressure too, but it works wonders for me. I can tell a distinct difference in my day when I do not take it. Have tried everything under the sun for my allergies including natural remedies. Only thing that works.

Dry mouth, excitability, energetic, insomnia. Really helps me concentrate and focus on task...

Definitely helps decrease allergy symptoms, opens up my nasal passage and dries up congestion, alleviates runny nose, itchy nose, sneezing, etc.

Severe allergies and sinus issues

I had been congested, sneezing and coughing for weeks due to allergies and sinus blockage. My pulmonologist recommended that I begin taking it along with a nasal spray on a daily basis. I used to take Allegra D years ago but, stopped after a while. I could not remember why I stopped taking it, now I know. I took it yesterday and have not slept since. I feel like I am wide awake after no sleep.

Dizzy, throat felt constricted, head feels like stuffed with cotton and scalp tingly, was able to do labor around house/yard but felt terrible when I stopped and sat down, loss of appetite, overall feeling of being unwell

Will never take again. Took about a year ago and had bad results then. More anxiety side effects then but same overall bad body symptoms. This confirms that remainder going in the trash.

Rapid heart rate, dizzy, anxiety, numbness of legs/body, exhausted.

I felt like I was on drugs one moment I felt fine the other I felt like I was tweaking and needed to calm my self down. Other than that I can breathe but will not be taking again.

Stomach pain, diarrhea, bloating, restlessness, depression, anxiety, insomnia. Several undigested dark halves of pills.

I believe something must be wrong if the medication doesn't dissolve.

Absolutely horrible. Insomnia, heart palpitations, and dizziness. Not for me, the vertigo is awful.

Can not sleep! I took the Allegra D 24 hour, took it in the morning.. was not able to sleep that night...

Allergies- stuffy nose, congestion,

Insomia. Have taken 2 12hr pills the last 48 hours and I haven't slept in 2 days. that heightened anxiety. Never will I ever take this again. I'd rather suffer with my allergy symptoms.

I took it for 2 days and have not slept in 2 days. Idk why I took a 2nd but I shouldn't have. I have a headache, dizziness, nausea and can't stay focused on anything. Feels like I am on drugs. In all fairness I have a low tolerance to lots of meds. I just want to sleep..

I took it for 2 days and have not slept in 2 days. Idk why I took a 2nd but I shouldn't have. I have a headache, dizziness, nausea and can't stay focused on anything. Feels like I am on drugs. In all fairness I have a low tolerance to lots of meds. I just want to sleep..

Second night I realized I messed up taking it that morning and I even took 2 Benadryl before bed..still no sleep. Benadryl usually knocks me out.

Allergies with sinus congestion

Every time I would open a blister to get a pill there would be an overwhelming skunk odor and the pill also tasted very skunky. There didn’t seem to be any issues associated with the smell after I took the first dose so I continue to take them as my allergies are severe and Allegra D works best for me.

It seemed to help with my stuffy/runny nose, but the pills taste and smell awful!

I purchased this product this week, but as soon as I opened the blister pack, I was struck by the terrible smell of the medicine. It smells very strongly of skunk! I have attempted to reach the manufacturer, but haven’t heard back from them so far. I took the medicine once, but once I discovered that this might not be the way it’s supposed to smell, I’m afraid to take it again.

To help with my runny/stuffy nose

After i took the pill i waited and waited for it to work hours passed and it still didn’t work,if anything i felt worse.

Side Effects forallegra d (fexofenadine hydrochloride; pseudoephedrine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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After about a month, developed a tremor in my right hand. Actually made it difficult to write, to the point where I started having to type everything for lack of control of a pen. Extremely vivid dreams. Sometimes couldn't tell whether a memory I had during the day was real or a dream from the night before (I actually really liked this at first). Severe weight loss. I'm 5'3, and lost 16 pounds in 2 months. Am down to 109 lbs, less than I weighed in high school. Lastly, pretty severe short-term memory loss. I know it definitely has been affecting my job performance, but so far have been able to play it off.

take 100mg a couple hours before sex. 50mg is not enough. I have sex with my bride 3-4 times a week. seems to stay in my system for a couple days so I don't take it on successive nights of having sex. Has greatly turned my marriage around after suffering with ed for about 5 years. can have sex 2-3 times in a night and my penis stays rigid for a few minutes after orgasm. My bride stays very satisfied b/c of it. I also take 100mg of Zoloft to combat anxiety/depression which is a plus b/c there is a delay in orgasm therefore sex doesn't last 30 seconds anymore.

Low WBC which resolved when dose was lowered.

Felt like my throat was swelling up, difficulty swallowing, burning eyes and dizziness. Pills were taken as directed. I did not chew them. I ended up losing more sleep trying to wait until the side effects to wear off.

2 years@5mg : it did work (HDL/LDL) BUT : muscle pain upper arms, later, sore elbow, tendinitis?. 5 months ago, big toe partially lost feeling. 2 wks ago, 3 days of fever pains in legs, calfs, hips. Maybe dark urine 1 day but not sure. Then the skin on thighs, shins, hips, gradually lost some sensitivity. Loss of knee reflexes. Unable to run properly, fear of losing balance. Knees stiff. Difficulties with memory and logic. Tired. Referred today to neurologist.

Unsure of side effects, as I was very healthy before DVT and PE. I know that the coumandin has caused GI Issues. I take Nexium for the stomach pain.

I have used OTC for about 3 years collectively. No serious side effects, was a good birth control overall but recently I have begun spotting in between periods so I think it's time to switch. It was good while it lasted but now I am concerned about finding something new it's so hard to choose!

My doctor gave me an open ended script for this med. I took it every night for about a year. The sever memory problems did not start until after 6 months of use. I used to chew it up to make it work faster because I started reacting slower to it. The slower reaction time left me in bed for half an hour waiting for this stuff to work and sometimes I would get bored and get up and start cleaning or eating or having sex(under the influence) …..This drug WILL make you sleep like a baby (I slept better than I ever have in my life on this stuff) and having sex on it is great if you can remember it in the morning. Unfortunately in the end it made me mood and depressed without any shorter memory and a bad temper.

Allergies and my head stopped up

the worst side effect was lack of organism, went to taking Lexapro and have had no problems except excess sweating. Like Lexapro a lot better than Celexa