Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine dimesylate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine dimesylate)

Vyvanse may be effective for ADHD and CFS, but the severe side effects outweigh its benefits. One significant concern is uncontrolled and barely noticeable ejaculation, especially during urination, which often goes unnoticed. This can lead to long-term serious issues. It's critical to avoid prescribing this drug to children, as it can have detrimental effects on their long-term well-being.

Graphic visual and audial hallucinations exactly 2 hours after taking this drug.

Jaw clenching which leads to me sucking all saliva out of my mouth, which lead to dry mouth, which also leads to sores on my tongue that take a while to heal due to not having the efficient saliva in my mouth.

Vyvanse has been a great medication for ME. It's helped refocus, become more organized, which has haloed my self esteem and made me happier mom/wife/person all around I feel.I'm just stuck because with the side effects I am experiencing they can be painful butat the same time does my positive outcome outweigh that?? Again this medication has helped ME. It may not be for everyone.

Insomnia, excessive and obsessive nail biting

anger, hallucinations, delusional

I switched to Vyvanse from Modafinil to see if it would reduce the side effect of chronic post nasal drip that Modafinil caused. Nope. Just as bad or worse.It was effective in keeping me awake for the day though.

Dry mouth, slight headache if I don't eat or drink lots of water, persistent headache for 24hrs if not taken every day

I've trialled several medications in the past 8 months to help with disorganisation, procrastination and inability to focus at work that has always been a problem (I've had ADHD since childhood but only recently officially diagnosed). Menopause amplified all of those unfortunately. Vyvanse has been amazing. I now feel productive at work and so much more focussed on the tasks I would procrastinate on. Sexually, I've always had a high libido, which dropped significantly after menopause. Libido hasn't increased, but orgasm intensity has increased.

Hypersexuality. Masturbation or sex with partner. Increased desires. Dry mouth some insomnia If dose 20mg taken too late in the afternoon.

Overall improvement. Still clean up constantly help out more around the house. More productive in general. Focused....

Intense anxiety, paranoia, suicidal ideation, raised heart rate, insomnia, decreased appetite, weight loss, nausea/headache when starting.

It worked well for focusing and thinking clarity but it didnt last the whole day (maybe 7 hours only). It was not worth the side effects for me.

I initially had immediate euphoria - sobbing not out of despair but out of overwhelming feelings of love and happiness, repeatedly, for several days. Gushing to family and friends about my changed life. At the same time Prompting my boyfriend to be extremely concerned that I was so sped up acting and speaking like i had 500 cups of coffee. Sadly this positive feeling quickly faded. Within a week, I began more and more raging in violent outbursts of severe impatience, even worse than before starting it. I became unable to smile or feel joy or happy or loving barely at all, basically hurrying about, trying to take care of things, and snapping at anyone who got in my way. Sleep was also bizzare - no matter what time I took it, I would awake on the dot at same exact hour every morning, even if I only been in bed a few hours, and feel revved up though still exhausted. Took a break, tried again wirh a half dose, seemed ok but then was just more low grade angry all the time. Everyone Was appalled and kept saying why are you so angry all that time after only a week. Took a break, then tried full dose again, and had same results as first time - euphoric feelings of love and joy for everyone and for life, followed quickly and permanently by horrific anger snd irritability and sleep problems. Ultimately it caused such devastation to my relationships and daily life I was way too scared to take it any more and doc agreed .

Stomach painUrinary pain on and offDiarrheaIrritabilityDepressionLoss of self0 motivationI started on 20mg, 5 days later on 40mg but was struggling so bad with the crashing, so they put me on 20mg twice a day, 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. I think its destroying my relationship and I feel like I can't talk or word any of it. I just don't feel like a person, worst part is, I am a mum of 2. I feel so depressed, I get very hot, then my fingers get so cold they cramp and go pale or purple, constant headaches and I just want to sleep.I don't know, bit I don't recommend.

Diagnosed with ADHD earlier this year and was recently prescribed Vyvanse. It gave me horrible vertigo. I already have BPPV so I don’t know if it magnified it or what, all I know is the 4 days I took it were the absolute worst. I would rather manage my ADHD without meds then go through that again.

Sometimes medications are worse than the issue they are trying to correct.

Dry mouth, some jaw clenching, extremely increased sex drive, some sleep deprivation.

I don't have the sexual frustration until it starts to wear off, and it's extreme! I can't focus on anything else, and it drives me crazy! I have have thought about stopping the medication because of how aggravating it is, but I need it and I love it other then this feeling. Dry mouth is no problem bc I know I need water. I take melatonin to help with my sleep and 20 mg cylexa that is supposed to help with the hypersexual problem, but it hasn't made it go away!

This drug is very potent and it last a long time you really feel it even after 12 years it makes my mouth dry so I drink water

It stopped my appetite entirely and gave me extreme insomnia. I may try it again once I go back to work and have a set routine, and see if that helps. No other side effects.

I'm extremely hyper-sexual I spend hours on Facebook Instagram sometimes 12hrs a day searching for attractive girls and then I get a high posting them online in places like Reddit I posted my 19yr old nieces on a forum called hotgirsnextdoot someone recognized them and notified my wife's family I didn't even try to hide it my posts even said my hot niece this type of activity is so far out of my character I only do it on vyvanse and adderall

I started to itch, bumps on my tongue, blurring vision, white bumps on my elbows which now have turned to large scabs from itching, I've experienced almost every side effect except for hallucinations and sudden help it worked great for 2 years now I believe it going to kill me

Occasional insomnia, dry mouth

I was not diagnosed with ADHD until adulthood. I tried concerta before trying vyvanse, and was nervous about trying vyvanse after my experience with concerta. But it was such a life changing thing for me. I suddenly started understanding how neurotypical people managed to do so many things. My anxiety decreased, my memory improved, my productivity increased. I have to take it before 7:30 in order for it not to affect my sleep, but it's so so worth it.

Depression, Personality loss, Zombie like state of mind, anxiety, Depression, Appetite issues, stomach problems, constant suicidal idealation, shakiness,

This drug almost made me kill myself. Please do not ever take it. Legal meth is not the answer please trust me.Some kids weren't born to sit in a classroom for 8 hours a day and four hours of homework and you shouldn't have to destroy your life by taking METH in order to achieve that. Almost every aspect of my life was negatively impacted by this drug except for productivity, which doesn't get you very far when you're constantly depressed/not trying to kill yourself.

Severe lack of appetite, lack of interest in caffeine which I was previously addicted to, insomnia if taken too late in the day, increased focus and interest in hobbies and school, lack of tiredness during the day. Severe nausea dizziness and tiredness if two or more days are missed, it is very very bad to the point that i can't go to school or work. Nausea if not taken with food.

I originally started taking vyvanse for ADHD which it has greatly helped, however it has also helped me lose weight. I lost six pounds my first two weeks on it and have in total lost around 15 pounds since being on it without trying to, (the previous six months I had purposefully lost around 25 pounds). I have a BED which it helps, however I also have a restrictive disorder which it harms. I have to force myself to eat and forget if my mother doesn't remind me, it has brought me to tears in the past because it physically pains me to eat sometimes. I do not recommend this medication if you have or had an eating disorder, I was almost fully in recovery when I started this medication and it has made me regress. Objectively the pros and cons are the same for me, but I suggest exploring other options if they are available to you. Also if you are on the medication and struggling to eat I suggest a drink like breakfast essentials to get calories and it is easy to drink quickly to have something in your system.

4.5 months
idk dosage 1X day

VYVANSE (LISDEXAMFETAMINE DIMESYLATE): Lisdexamfetamine is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as part of a total treatment plan, including psychological, social, and other treatments. It may help to increase the ability to pay attention, stay focused, and stop fidgeting. Lisdexamfetamine may also be used to treat binge eating disorder (BED). It may help to reduce the number of binge eating days. This medication is a stimulant. It is thought to work by restoring the balance of certain natural chemicals (neurotransmitters) in the brain. This medication is not recommended for use for weight loss due to the risk of serious side effects. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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d'ont take this medicine at any cost!

I actually developed facial cellulitis on the 6th day, after stopping the Bactrim 2 days earlier and what may be erythema nodosums spreading up both legs. A final diagnosis has not been made. I'm now taking clindomycin 4 times a day and had IV of daptomycin yesterday to try to stop the progression. Allowing this drug to remain on the market is criminal!

Blood clot, ring caused haemorrhoids. Obstruction. Was not worth it. And yeast infection, cramping in my legs. Lastly, too thick the ring causes bowel issues.

There are natural ways to deal with depression and anxiety, in my case this medicine has only made everything WORSE. Please really taking what i am saying into consideration. I don't want anyone to have to feel what I did and still do today. I even had road rage when I was upset or frustrated. I put my life and others lives in danger. Please prevent the use of CYMBALTA! I honestly wish I could sue for all the pain it caused me and the people I love the most...

A little upset stomach sometimes but not if I eat first.Dry mouth.

shrink uterine fibroid pre-surgery

This has to be one of the Best ones I've ever taken. It let me lead a normal life... for once! ONLY take when needed. The only issue I guess I would call it is the length of time I get relief from it, which is about 2 hours and you are suppose to only take 1 or 2 every 5-6 hours.

We are in a living hell due to this medication which triggered an autoimmune response in my then 14-year old son. He continues to struggle with daily abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and bowel issues 2 years after stopping this medication. His derm was very defensive and refuses to concede that this med triggered all of this, but she now has Solodyn listed as an allergy on his chart & will not place him on any oral meds for his acne due to his "sensitivity." My child never had any kind of GI issues prior to taking Solodyn, but ended up in & out of the hospital after taking it for about 1.5 months. He lost over 20 lbs & missed 2 months of school initially due to his extreme GI issues and he continues to suffer daily -- it breaks my heart! Do NOT take this medication, it is horrible. I would give anything to be able to turn the clock back & to never have consented to try this med!!!

i have done this drug dumb a lot. try your best not to drink on it because you do comepletly irrational things on it, but sometimes it works out in your favor. been layed many times (too bad dont remember it until the next morning)

At first I got the nausea but learned if I took two tums or ate cottage cheese or ice cream I did not suffer any nausea. I did get the constipation but it was manageable. I started getting huge headaches and neck pain which is why I stopped taking it. It really does work though.