Requip (ropinirole hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Requip (ropinirole hydrochloride)

REQUIP (ROPINIROLE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used alone or with other medications to treat Parkinson's disease. It can improve your ability to move and decrease shakiness (tremor), stiffness, slowed movement, and unsteadiness. It may also decrease the number of episodes of not being able to move ("on-off syndrome"). Ropinirole is also used to treat restless legs syndrome (RLS). It may improve your sleep by decreasing the urge to move your legs and decreasing uncomfortable/unpleasant feelings in the legs. This medication works by helping to restore the balance of a certain natural substance (dopamine) in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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none whatsoever!!! its a great pill. even my boyfriend approves

blood pressure went from 120/70 to 145/90 within 5 days of taking it, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, but no relief from popping ears/tinnitus

I had an little dizzy when I first started, I have changed taking my cymbalt to night before bed and works great. My only complaint is the price. My insurance only covers $30 of the price. wish to find a way to reduce the cost.

Headache for the first week, and some insomnia.

I like the idea of Tirsoint, but it was too strong for me to handle, even spreading it out throughout the day with five 13 mcg. gelcaps. I was only able to do this because of Tirosint's Patient Assistance program, which was very helpful at the time and paid for me to try this kind of dosing (I couldn't have afforded it, otherwise, so thanks to them for giving me the chance.) I really wanted this drug to work, but for me, I just kept getting hit with how super-strong it was on me. I am out of options, once again, and have to keep working with various thyroid meds that have failed me, already. We need more options. Only thyroid drug that helped me well isn't made anymore. It was an older version of Synthroid--manufacturers made changes to Synthroid in 1982-83, and I haven't done well, since, on anything. And I've tried so many of these drugs, natural & synthetic, at different doses, etc. Maybe Tirosint can work for some; I hope so, but for me it was just too much to deal with.

HORRID EVIL DRUG! Prickly, burning cell popping sensations, brain zaps, joint pains, sick flu feeling, head fullness, cognitive and memory problems, anxiety, insomnia, dry eyes, thirst, inner sensations of trembling.....etc.

The most noticeable side effect was some slight dizziness that comes on quickly for no apparent reason. I can be standing or sitting when it happens. Sometimes it lasts for hours, yet other times it's short-lived. The severity varies as well.

My guess is that majority of the population is not affected by Zyrtec, but for the people who are, it can totally change who you are as a person. Take careful note of your disposition (or your kids' disposition) after you start this drug.

Nothing too bad while taking the medication for 5 years, HOWEVER, I have been debilitatingly sick for the past 5 months after I tapered off my Effexor over a 9 month period. It was a wonderful anti-depressant, but I never dreamed a medication that helped so much would make me so miserable and literally ruin my life for such an extended period of time. I am miserable!! My withdrawl symtoms have included every GI (stomach) problem imaginable. I was never warned about this, and if I was, I'm not sure if I'd have done anything differently, but after experiencing these everyday symtoms for months, I wish I'd have never taken it

slight nausea, shaking, shivering, lost of appetite, drowsiness, slow reaction.