Provigil (modafinil) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Provigil (modafinil)

I'm still taking this medication. I have chronic post nasal drip but it doesn't get better without the medication so I'm not sure if it's related or not.

It works well for keeping me awake. Not sure if it's the cause of my post nasal drip or not. I originally thought it was but nothing improved when I temporarily stopped taking it.

Increased focus and productivity

My experience with Modafinil is that it's a "fascination pill". Whatever you're doing when it kicks in, you'll suddenly be absorbed and fascinated in doing that. So happy I've got it, thanks to 'Uniso2slp'. I once made the mistake of doing some online shopping while I waited for it to kick in. Four hours later I'd scoured the internet for the best deal on the items I was looking for, including comparing shipping costs and doing a rough table of average shipping costs by item or by dollar spent, seperated out into different scenarios depending on how many of the items I was looking at I decided to buy. I was narrowing it down by cents and was deeply fascinated by the process and deeply motivated to "win" the game I'd set myself. So beware of procastination activities while you wait for it to kick in. My recommendation is to "procrastinate" on something related to what you're doing, like say the proofreading or formatting or even the font of the document you're wanting to work on - then it should be easier to shift yourself over to the substance of the document.

A little more anxiety so far not to much else at this point yet I still have to use klonopin for the anxiety

Has anyone used generic Provigil Off label for depression and how has it worked out for you. Please any one email me and let me know Please.

Maybe some nervous tics- chewing cuticles, scratching scalp, jaw clenching, but not even sure they're caused by the drug..

Life-changing. If there are side effects they're not bad enough for me to stop this drug. My brain works the way it used to. I'm productive, organized. Even better I'm calmer and less anxious. I take 50mg in the morning, another 50mg mid-day as needed. No heart, muscle, or sleep issues. Best drug I've ever been prescribed.

Very useful once I figured out how to avoid stomach cramps by taking lactaid pills 1 hour in advance & not eating breakfast. I realized cramps were merely due to an additive!

I take generic modafinil. It only works some of the time. Works best if I can take it alternate days, but that is rare. Seems to work best if one is already up, out, and moving.

intense gastrointestinal discomfort including diarrhea and bloating

I've tried taking it with food but it really doesn't help. Also, I discovered that even after taking the drug and waiting 3 or more hours, coffee is a no-go and makes the aforementioned issues so much worse. Bummer for me because I love coffee.

None. It is a miracle drug. I wouldn’t be able to work without it. Before this drug, I couldn’t focus on anything because I was half asleep at all times. Now my functioning is almost normal.

Works very well to keep me alert during the day

Initial nervousness for a week

Truly a lifeline lifting away the morning fatigue and stupor from sleep apnea, Hyper-insomnia and TBI. Began with 100mg in the morning and 50mg after lunch. After a year it was changed to 200mg in the morning and 100 after lunch but never after 4:00pm - taken with Wellbutrin. I hope that the others who couldn’t take it find something that works for them.

Severe stomach pain dry mouth.

Not the wonder drug l thought it might be.maybe if l would taken 100mg instead of 800mg it might have about self medicating.l guess my next refill l will take as prescribed

Severe stomach pain dry mouth.

Not the wonder drug l thought it might be.maybe if l would taken 100mg instead of 800mg it might have about self medicating.l guess my next refill l will take as prescribed

Increased fatigue and depression after crashing in evening, increased OCD behavior (scalp picking), increased irritability, sometimes agitation, insomnia

This worked well to keep me alert for a few weeks then I developed a tolerance. Larger dosages give me worse insomnia without giving much positive benefit.

Woke my brain up. Made OCD A bit worse but manageable. The initial dose of 100 mg felt too zippy so I cut to 50 mg a day. Recently am trying increasing to 100 mg. Focus is excellent, and attention to detail better. Talkative more and swearing seems more fun so maybe verbal social filters reduced. Have to watch for anger flashes. Sense of wellbeing heightened. Biggest CON; having the FEDS make me pee in a cup twice a year- shame on them. Biggest PRO; despite side effects it feels like I have my life back. Asked my endocronoligist how does it work? Harvard trained - he said "we don't know". Overall worth rolling the dice to see if it helps you.

Increased focus and productivity

This is like an Anthony Robbins seminar in a pill. My focus and productivity have increased immensely (cabinetmaker). Not much of increase on less urgent days. I seem to sleep better probably because I am so much more physically active. Also amazingly I urinate more freely (have BPH)!!!Has changed my life.

Chronic Fatique Syndrome, & ADHD

Since my last post I have lost weight and I am finding that that the 200mg dose in the after noon is actually working better, I don't really know why but it just is.

I have developed a metal taste on my tounge and numbness in different parts of my body and the slight vertigo has turned into a disaster and I feel like I have lost touch with reality, awareness, focusing and could be more..??

just have more energy on it I haven't noticed any really bad side effects but I am not getting to a really deep sleep like I used to but that could be from different things. overall I like Provigil.

Worthless, did nothing for my symptoms, no energy, continued brain fog, still got sleepy thru the day, no concentration, trouble remembering things, continued to have sleep drunkeness. Could take my dosage of 100mg twice a day and sleep 13 hours get up, non rested, and have to take a nap within couple hours. Nap would be couple hours long. Not the wonder drug for me. Was on adderal 30 mg once a day felt normal no buzz effect, but developed tachycardia so my doctor tried this. Now we have to look for something else to try.

Headache, most days. Weight loss initially.

I have been taking Provigil for a couple of years for extreme fatigue/exhaustion from fibromyalgia. It worked best in the first 3 month of taking it. I felt awake but not jittery, very focused, less foggy and less yawning. The only downside are the headaches I get from this drug. They occur 2-3 times per week on a normal week which is unfortunate. However, due to my insane fatigue, I was not willing to give them up. Two years later and it still helps keep me focused, but it seems to wear off within a few hours. I lost about 20 pounds in the first 3 months as well, which was nice. The weight has crept back on unfortunately. Still a good medication if you can tolerate the headaches!

It gave me my life back!! I was 50 years old when I was given it. I am now 60 and have no energy with the modnifil I was taking for 2 years. If I want to continue to live I need the Provigil BACK!

PROVIGIL (MODAFINIL): Modafinil reduces extreme sleepiness due to narcolepsy and other sleep disorders, such as periods of stopped breathing during sleep (obstructive sleep apnea). It is also used to help you stay awake during work hours if you have a work schedule that keeps you from having a normal sleep routine (shift work sleep disorder). This medication does not cure these sleep disorders and may not get rid of all your sleepiness. Modafinil does not take the place of getting enough sleep. It should not be used to treat tiredness or hold off sleep in people who do not have a sleep disorder. It is not known how modafinil works to keep you awake. It is thought to work by affecting certain substances in the brain that control the sleep/wake cycle. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I used vytorin for 4 months and started to lose my hair. i didn't know it was casuing my hair loss. I'm balding and have very thin hair now.

Very bitter metallic taste, all beverages taste bad, especially water. Taste like a 9-volt battery. Still some restlessness.

BEWARE OF CETIRIZINE be it generic or branded like Zyrtec.. it gives the same worst side effects!

I think this is not a good drug for people who want to live a productive lifestyle. I just paid $40.00 for a two month prescription. However, after reading these comments I think its time to introduce the meds to my garbage can. I was on Vytorin which did not give me any side effects. Perhaps I will go back on the Vytorin.

Celexa has absolutely changed my life in every way. I almost never have crazy attacks of crying spells and depression, and my anxiety level has decreased significantly. This is the first anti-depressant that has not impacted my sex drive or given me any stomach problems. I can't believe I spent so many years without it.

itching, burning all over, anxiety or panic attacks, feeling of pressure in my head, loss of appetite, rapid weight loss, fatigue,just feeling bad

Not sure what side effects I have since I started 4 medications at one time

Insomnia, loss of appetite, anxiety/nervousness, anti-social behavior. When medication is stopped I become ravenously hungry, lethargic to the point of being unable to move, and sleep all day.

Dizzyness!! I've been taking it for about 4 weeks. This last week I have been dizzy. After reading the side effects from other users now I know why! I will not take it again!

changed from ovcon 50 to yasmin