Nuvigil (armodafinil) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nuvigil (armodafinil)

Nausea. Taking generic- Armodafinil. Several companies manufacture it but I am finding I have nausea problems with the Aurobindo manufacturer. Is anyone else having severe nausea with this manufacturer? I have felt better with other companies that manufacture it. I also had the same problem with lamotrigine from this manufacturer. Started using a different manufacturer and no problems. Other Aurobindo meds I have not had problems with. But definitely with those two.

I find it extremely helpful for promoting wakefulness and focus.

Off label for adult add. Tried Adderall, Vyvanse, Ritalin they made me edgy, angry, and I couldn't sleep which added to issues I was having. Armodafinil was a game changer for me, I am focused, and motivated, and no longer have the forgets. It has changed my life for the good. Just wish I'd have been on a lot sooner.

What a difference this has made in just a few days. It feels like a heavy weight of constant fatigue has been lifted. Months upon months of constant fatigue is debilitating and makes you depressed- this has been life changing

Extremely dry mouth causing deep cracks in my tongue. Very painful. I find at 2.00pm I am fighting to stay awake, I have to keep standing, if I sit down I would be asleep immediately. Fall asleep after dinner and wake up about 4 hours later and cannot go back to sleep.

Extremely dry mouth causing deep cracks in my tongue. Very painful. I find at 2.00pm I am fighting to stay awake, I have to keep standing, if I sit down I would be asleep immediately. Fall asleep after dinner and wake up about 4 hours later and cannot go back to sleep.

Excessive talking, weight gain, some insomnia

Finding it was life-changing. I was incapacitated from my insomnia before Nuvigil woke me up.

excessive talking, sweating, racing heart at times

This medication has changed my life. I was not able to stay awake throughout the day without a nap, and when I was awake I was just going through the motions. I've been on this medication over a year where I was first prescribed 150 mg and also 10 mg of Ritalin. I no longer take the Ritalin, and am at 250 mg which works much better for me. This lasts all day long, and gives a feeling of being alert, attentive, and fully present. Whatever is in front of me has my full attention. I have to be more mindful of my priorities on this medication though. It can seem as though time flies by. I have taken vyvanse and adderall in the past and compared to those, this medication does not give me the nasty comedown that I experienced with those, or the side effects of excessive thirst and jittery feeling. It's a more gradual comedown, like you're slowly running out of gas. a more predictable and consistent feeling. It kicks in fully after about 1 hour on an empty stomach and I try to hold off on eating until the 2 hour mark, which is when it's in full effect for me. Then I must eat a little something or I'll become nauseous. I've tried to eat while I take it but notice it takes a lot longer to feel the effects then. I definitely can have trouble falling asleep if I take this too late in the morning, so a consistent routine is a must while using this medication. The withdrawal

Sleep apnea/chronic sleepiness

Vivid nightmares/stressful dreams, trouble staying asleep at night. Although staying asleep at night has improved the longer I've been taking it.

Keeps me alert during the day. Keeps me from nodding off. Able to function all day.

Severe headaches, heartburn, couldn’t sleep at night

Expensive, changed to long acting methylphenidate due to severe migraines post Nuvigil dose.

palpitations, holding my breath, anxiety, at times felt like I was lost in thought or would lose train of thought, delayed reaction to job functions, irregular heart beat, insomnia

I started taking this medication because I took myself off my Adderall after 20 years of use for my ADD. This is the second medication I have been testing to help with my ADD symptoms. I initially was on Provigil which caused intense headaches but Overall helps with my ADD symptoms. However my body became tolerant to it too quickly and it stopped working. My doctor put me on Nuvigil Because the headaches were bothering me and to see if it lasted longer. I’ve been taking it for five days and I think I’d rather have the headaches and stick with Provigil. I can’t completely describe the emotional side effects with this medicine for me. It definitely makes my heart race and feel like it’s skipping a beat. I feel short of breath and almost claustrophobic and away. I am a paramedic and I noticed when I would go on scene and begin my patient assessment, I would lose train of thought, sometimes even space out. Of course I would recognize it was happening and was able to correct myself and continue my job. But it was almost as if this medication made my ADD symptoms worse. Sometimes I felt like I couldn’t even carry a conversation with someone because that I would lose interest in what I was actually talking about or what they were talking about. I found myself worrying about things that I’ve never worried about before and becoming paranoid about stuff that I’ve never been paranoid about before. I found that my heart would start racing very quickly

I was taking 150mg which was working, but not fully. I was feeling more awake for a few hours but I’m the afternoon was exhausted again. Between 1-4 I felt like I needed to take a nap or I would just pass out. Although I had no side effects. I started 250 and it worked so much better! I was awake all day and even got some of my evening back. Although I was slight tired (which will never go away because of my condition) I still was much more productive. About 3-4 days into taking it I started to get extremely nauseous around 2 hours after I took it. The nausea could last anywhere from 30min to 3 hours. I’m hoping for a solution so I don’t need to switch medications which is one works so well for me.

Traumatic Brain Injury/CFS/CPS

Weight Gain, tiredness and it no longer works.

Took this along with 30mg BID of Adderall, whats up with Doctors afraid of DEA?Are they Medical Doctors?If a Doctor was to disregard me due to DEA then they would be history,take with Hysingla (morphine)40mg,Percocet 25/100 and Medical Marijuana.Its called Survival.

Feeling of well being .... after about 1 hour.I’m sure everyone is different as caffeine never keeps me awake ! So it’s trial and error x

Anhedonia. Bipolar, sleep apnea

Great results. Gives me energy and motivation without daytime.

Lack of energy. Excessive sleepines

Extreme dry mouth, occasional sore on tongue and swelling. Headaches. Works good but I have to cut down my dosage to half a pill for a couple of days.

Feeling confused, holding breath, burning hot face, sadness, very emotional and crying in car after work(I never do that!) dry mouth, yellow eyes, pulsating headache, palpitations, exhausted but cannot sleep, body aches..,. I will not be taking more!

Brain buzz (aura), foggy thinking, anger and/or paranoia, insomnia, nausea and depression.

Nuvigil helped with motivation, however, I found myself more focused on its’ effect rather than being focused on a particular task. I used it on off-days from Concerta and to avoid a tolerance of current methylphenidate dose. Do I recommend it? Ehh... kinda-sorta however didn’t really work like I wanted it to.

Depression, weight gain. It just did not agree with me at all.

Drug caused thought loops so quit taking after two months. With drawl symptoms began in five days. TMJ syndrome and fibromyalgia like pain. Increased over a three-week period to the point it was medically dangerous. Back on the drugs, and my doctor won’t give me any guidance on withdrawal. He says it’s three days.

I take no other drugs, vitamins, or supplements. I have no chronic conditions other than post concussion syndrome. Athlete. Healthy as a horse.

NUVIGIL (ARMODAFINIL): Armodafinil reduces extreme sleepiness due to narcolepsy and other sleep disorders, such as periods of stopped breathing during sleep (obstructive sleep apnea). It is also used to help you stay awake during work hours if you have a work schedule that keeps you from having a normal sleep routine (shift work sleep disorder). This medication does not cure these sleep disorders and may not get rid of all your sleepiness. Armodafinil does not take the place of getting enough sleep. It should not be used to treat tiredness or hold off sleep in people who do not have a sleep disorder. It is not known how armodafinil works to keep you awake. It is thought to work by affecting certain substances in the brain that control the sleep/wake cycle. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Side effects of this medication should be made perfectly clear to the consumer especially regarding long term effects.

borderline high blood pressure

Your not going mad! 7 days on the drug and 13 days off before it started to get better. This site has been a life saver for me! Please note the withdrawal effects are awful and get very severe nearer the end when leaving your body. Feel free to email if you are having an awful time on this drug x I have put a post on previously but for some reason it didn't appear,hope this one does!

horrible- fever, cramping, worse that the crohns flares- bones are crumbling to dust, but is it worth taking a pill once a week that leaves a person VERY sick for two days at a time!

Highly effective. Basically you are not hungry. The increase in energy helps to increase exercise. With a busy lifestyle I needed something to get me started and this is perfect. I can see how it could be addictive if you are not carefull. A

water retention, blurred vision and weight gain.

Extremely nauseated 24/7, bad headaches, anxious, not sleeping, and overall not feeling myself.

developped posirasis all over my body it started with a few spots but within a few months it was all over my body. now that is stopped taking zoloft it's dissapearing fortunatily.


First week headaches, flu like symptoms, weight gain about 1lb per week. lethargy and occasional joint pain.