Luvox (fluvoxamine maleate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Luvox (fluvoxamine maleate)

Wondering how long I'll feel like sh!t before it starts working.

Complex PTSD, OCD, Depression, Anxiety

At first I thought I was going to like it, bc the first few days I felt sedated, thus making me feel as though it was helping with my anxiety. But, after 3 weeks all it has done has increased my appetite causing weight gain.I feel "empty inside" or a feeling of hopelessness. I'm not finding any laughter or happiness in things that I did prior to beginning this medicine. I've not been able to leave my house bc my social anxiety feels 1000xs more intense.I explained it this way to a friend: if I had an "off switch" it feels as though someone flipped it. I keep yawning and having long blank stares into space.Also, zero sex drive! And, I had a very healthy sex drive prior to this medicine. I will have to talk with my Psych to try something else. This is making me worse I do believe.

Seems to rock for Anxiety. Depression starting to come along.

Depression, GAD, social anxiety

Mild headaches, waking up in middle of night, not noticing I have to use the restroom.

This drug is a lifesaver for me. I finally feel somewhat confident in public and don't feel obsessive negative thoughts related to social anxiety. I feel calm and happy for the first time in so many years and I am so grateful. My libido didn't really appear to be affected and my breasts have also increased in size. The only side effect that has made a noticeable impact, is waking up two hours before my alarm and having a hard time going back to sleep.I am so grateful for this medication.

Depression, repetitive thoughts

This drug made me feel calm and confident almost immediately, even at a very low dose. The visual world was extra vivid. It alleviated my depression. But I had to stop taking it due to constipation so complete it would have put me in the hospital sooner or later..

Repetitive negative thoughts, reduction of libido.

At first it seemed to not do to much, but then I slowly started focussing on random negative thoughts and I would think about it over and over again, often all day and into the next. Just this week I decided I could not go through that any longer and I cut the dose in half, I will go to a quarter on the weekend, then stop taking it completely. I also noticed a reduction in my libido, joint pain, dizziness, heart palps.

This drug changed my life. After completing 8 months of exposure and response prevention, I was still not exactly where I wanted to be. I have had intrusive thoughts and feelings of guilt throughout my entire life. After I started taking Luvox, the guilt finally disappeared. I still experience intrusive thoughts, but I have no reaction to them any longer. I could not imagine my life without with medication.

Drowsiness, nausea, waking up at night, vivid dreams

Since the first dose, this medication chilled my thoughts out completely. It's like my ocd had built a dam that stopped my thoughts from flowing and luvox broke it down. I'm also experiencing a slight apathy. Not enough to keep me from getting things done, but enough to knock out my social anxiety. It feels good to not care so much about stuff I can't control. I feel very relaxed.

Definitely fatigue first few months, maybe increased anxiety until I got right dosage (didn't need much for it to work - increasing dosage wasn't good idea so stuck around 35 mg a day or max 50). I think it increased nightmares.

I had to stay on it for a few months before it really kicked-in and for first time in my life I felt my anxiety and depression lift! I wanted to do things, go to school, engage with people. I got on the Dean's list for the first time on this drug, it helped me focus and I was no longer tormented by my OCD.

Anxietyandconstant skin picking

Experienced shortness of breath, suicidal thoughts, panic attack. Quit after 1 day.

Panic attacks, brain fog, difficulty breathing, heart palps, major increase in food cravings.

Extreme weight loss, no appetite, itchy, insomnia, frustration, and at times confusion

I’m trying to stay positive because my doctor says Luvox is the best for OCD, but I’m starting to feel like it’s not going to help me

Even though i took it at night, i experienced nauseua and upset stomach every morning, no appetite at all and worsening depression.

I do not like it. It is worse when I am not working,/ days off. I have no motivation.

obsessive thoughts, ruminations

I was prescribed Luvox for obsessive, negative thoughts. Things I had said or done years ago were crippling my thoughts. I took Luvox and after 2 days these were gone. After an initial dosage of 50 mg for a week, I was told to increase to 100 mg. When I did, I had a panic attack so severe, I thought I was having a heart attack and went to the emergency room in an ambulance. I stopped taking it and went to my doctor who said it couldn’t be caused by Luvox because it treated panic attacks, so I started back on the Luvox. Two days later I was back in the emergency room with what I thought was another heart attack. I'm not taking this any more.

Just felt terrible after trialling this going straight from Celexa onto it. Low, hopeless mood and I swear my appetite increased - probably WOULD have gained weight if I'd stayed on it any longer than 3 days.

I do have bad OCD but depression where you feel like ending it all is probably more serious than the daily inconvenience of OCD. I am now happily back on Celexa (or Cipramil as we call it in Australia). Give it a go by all means, but get off if you are feeling really bad!

Was fine on starting dose of 25mgs for four days. Went up to 50mgs thereafter and had insane panic attacks way worse than before up to 8 a day. Absolutely terrifying. Ended up in the emergency room. Got told this was a normal reaction. After two weeks of pure hell I am now tapering off this drug from hell!!!!!! Thank god for valium as it was the only thing that saved me during this time. Couldnt work. Couldnt get out of bed. Destroys lives. Stay away from it!!

Major depression, ocd, anxiety, pts

Initially weeks of sleeplessness. That passed. But now significant weight gain of 19 pounds.

Gained 14 pounds in 8 weeks, but it makes the physical tension I feel from my OCD go away so it's worth it. Missed one dose by maybe 17 hours though and I had a mental breakdown and self harmed, very rare for me. I'm also in the process of life changes, so it might not even be from Luvox. Like any drug it'll work different but so far this is my 5th medication and it's actually working.

LUVOX (FLUVOXAMINE MALEATE): Fluvoxamine is used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It helps decrease persistent/unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and urges to perform repeated tasks (compulsions such as hand-washing, counting, checking) that interfere with daily living. Fluvoxamine is known as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). This medication works by helping to restore the balance of a certain natural substance (serotonin) in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My Dr. prescribed Lupron to shrink tumors & reduce bleeding before hysterectomy. It's been 4 weeks since the shot and the bleeding has reduced but not stopped like i was told it would. I feel horrible. My Blood Pressure has gone up & im now on bp medication, it doesn't seem to be helping with the racy heartbeat nor the chest pains. I'm also taking Lorazepan for anxiety, that seems to help with the racy heartbeat & chest pains, but problem is as soon as it wears off, i'm back at square one. Dr. says to her knowledge hypertension and chest pains are not side effects associated with Lupron...... Is it just me?

Only depression med that feels natural -as in I don't feel like I'm on a drug of any kind. If you dislike the feeling SSRI's give you (which I do) you might be pleasantly surprised to find that no strange brain feelings or numbness or just "general SSRI weirdness" seems to accompany this med. Doesn't blunt my feelings or creativity.

CONSTANT BLEEDING, huge mood swings, rage, anxiety, lack of and no sex drive, vaginal dryness, sharp pains during sex, sharp abdominal pains, slight weight gain and constantly hungry, slight depression

dry mouth, increased thirst, bit of weight gain, nausea initially

In the middle of week 3 started getting HIVES and literally havent stopped, - just in severity from really itchy head to one or two on my body, to all day long, going beserk at night, covering myself with calamine lotion which helps. Feel like ripping my skin off

felt absolutlely drugged up to the eyeballs on this!! lost all capacity to function! slept all day..couldnt go to work,couldnt speak properly, couldnt find the words i needed, loss of memory..loss of balance,no way could i even atempt to drive, i was so confused, i put my glasses in the fridge, kept repeating was horrible!!