Concerta (methylphenidate hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Concerta (methylphenidate hydrochloride)

Constipation, vomiting, nausea. Big increase in anxiety and depression

This can't be good for you with these side effects and the fact it keeps food in your stomach longer probably with toxins that your body is supposed to process after your stomach.Anyway first off I would disregard comments from people who've taken it for only a few days or weeks, you have to give the medicine time. I'm on my 4th month and given it enough! The first two days were awful with acid reflux, nausea and constipation, this was on 0.25. but then my body adjusted and Iost 10 lbs in a few weeks (a lot of muscle thougb). I upped the dose to 0.5 and got the side effects again. The worst being constipated for long periods of time even after taking laxatives. Then I went up to 0.75 and this is where I ended it as the vomiting really started. The worst effect for me overall is the increase in anxiety and depression, my provider specifically asked about that and people noticed around me. Well at least I tried. Any medicine that has a risk of thyroid cancer along with all these other issues isn't for me. I will just accept my weight and go walking more.

it works, but it made me black out. there are 4 months of my life where i was an angry, scary person. I tried to hit my mother with a metal pipe because she told me to do the dishes.

I feel a little less creative, and if I take it late in the day complete insomnia cant fall asleep till 5 am. Sometimes for a week. My anger is worse than ever and I get mad a lot. I get in trouble and people stop talking to me, because of what i text or email.

I do feel my memory is much better. I am much better at word finding ability and feel mire confident. I have bipolar, but never had Add or Adhd. My focus is great, but sometimes hard to stop doing a project and get onto the next thing. I get out more, clean more and get more done

Concerta has been a life changer for me. I've been able to slow my thoughts and work more efficiently, be more organized, and get things done with fewer incidences of executive dysfunction. Side effects I've experienced are headaches and trouble sleeping. I'd much prefer to have a little trouble sleeping than go back to life without being able to think straight.

Life changing after late ADHD diagnosis in 2014. Took up Piano and guitar and many other interests that would have been impossible before the medication. Like wearing glasses for the first time. Very calm and can be present. I don’t feel revved up anymore.

At times my heart will race a bit.

I have found this drug to be very helpful. When I feel down and I don’t want to do anything, it helps me to concentrate. It makes everything a little bit brighter. I am in a better mood and feel like I can tackle those things that I’ve been putting off. I have never lost my appetite or had stomach pains or anything else. Sometimes I will wake up with a headache the next morning for a little bit. That could be the weather or anything, tho. This medicine is ER and will last a good 12 hours so take it as early as you can in the morning.

Very few side effects. Occasional increased heart rate.

I do not take Concerta everyday, but it does help on the days I do need it.

loss of appetite, can't feel hunger, higher heart rate sometimes it's over 100 BPM resting, insomnia,

Concerta is great but I have to take sleeping pills to get any sleep at all. After I started taking concerta I have noticed that most of the time I just don't feel hunger.

To the 38 year old lady asking to talk about it. Please Email (see link)

No dry mouth but I drink a lot of water,Head aches every morning the last week (but I also am a person who gets headaches often)

I've been on this medication for about a month now increasing the dose weekly, I didn't feel anything until 36 MG the first day I took that dose I was so productive and on cloud 9, then I haven't felt like that since, idk kinda just feel a bit more focused than average (but I know I have to get to the right dose for it to work to its full intent )

Felt loss of appetite, migraines, upper abdominal pain, food made me feel sick looking at it, Insomnia, heart pounding, erectile dysfunction

Made focus a bit better in school.

Itchy eyes, sore throat, dry mouth, loss of appetite.

Since I started Concerta I have flu-like symptoms my eyes are itching, and have a sore throat but I don't know why is this happening, I paused the medication for one day and all these symptoms were resolved suddenly, but next day those symptoms came back within one hour after I took my daily dose again. I don't know if this is something serious or will be resolved over the time but, it just doesn't feel ok. If anyone has any idea what can this symptom be, please contact me. Thanks.

Extreme rise in blood pressure. Hot flushes. Chest tightness. Headache. Extreme tiredness. Irritability and feelings of extreme rage. Increased sensitivity to noise.

I feel terrible on this. I cant wait for it to be out of my system.

Tiredness,zombie like mood,sinus pain,dry mouth,Anxiety

Hello.I hope your quarantine days are going okay.I have been on concerta for 2 months and not a single moment i remember i enjoy a thing.It is doing what it supposed to do i think but it turned me on a living zombie.Can not listen to conversations, think fast or be creative.It surely calms my racing thoughts and makes me surf for 7 hours straight reading about Concerta. But i cant even stay on feet just laying down and read about the meds all day long and wonder if i am having the right treatment.My parents and my doctor defines me as lazy,saying that i make excuses.I can not feel anythng and i am socially awkward.I can not articulate my emotions and my thoughts.I can not talk as fast and clear as i used to.I have no energy to do anything i can just read things in my bed.I want to quit but this time my parents and my doctor would judge me.Beside concerta i use risperdal and prozac for my adhd ,it makes me less anxious and less paranoid.But i am not sure if pros outweighs the cons.I was a programmer and studying computer engineering until i had a panic attack, not being able to focus and do an exam question.Can not mute my inner excessive talking and worrying since,leading myself to depression and self critisism and anxiety constantly.With treatment this was all ended but know i am feeling like a complete vegetable,forgot who i was and english basicly.Contact me if anyone experiences the same effects.

Extremely Agitated, moodiness, tunnel vision, zombie like state, hostile. Emotional wreckWorst 2 weeks refused to take the last we weeks.

Well it worked on not having a million things going on in my head. It turned my brain into a zombie brain. And I knew it but was stuck.

I started at 36 MG and didn’t notice a thing. I was bumped up to 54 and still feel as if I’m not taking sunburning. Adderall was better for me but it stopped working and I doctor wanted to try this. I am going to doctor today and asking to go off this and try Dexedrine or Adderall again

Headache, and quite frankly nothing else.

I was diagnosed with ADD when I was 13 years old, however my mother was unable to pay for the medication and thus I didn't get it. However being an adult and earning a paycheck I had revisited this @ 34 YO. Being re-diagnosed again, my Dr. Said I qualified for Concerta as a result of living a particular lifesyle. This included 0 Drugs or Alcohol (Clean & Sober for 10 Years) Very physycally active, and did not consume Caffeine. I have been using Concerta for 2 years now with absolutely amazing results. Focus on mentally tuff tasks, project follow through, commitment to work. But also mood issues I faced, like mood swings, genrally dissagreable attitidue, and argumentative. Those defects went away (or were reduced significantly) on Concerta. I had started @ 18mg and worked up to 72mg where I currently am. NOTE: I have just booked a consult with my Dr to either adjust my dose, or find an alternative, as I do believe my tolerance has build up very high, and my current 72mg dose is no longer performing past 2:00 Daily. Other then that, it changed my life. No joke.

It started well but after like 2 weeks I noticed severe abdominal pains and cramps, Irritability, a crash around 12pm after taking at 7 am and what seems to be a sinus infection/very runny nose. I need something for my ADD so I can't stop taking it but the side effects are dreadful. If you experienced this or know of something that may work better

post graduate student and ADHD

I have had headaches but they go away on their own. I have also experienced appitite loss but it did subside after a week of consecutive Concerta usage

It is a great drug if used corectly. I dont see it as a once off drug to be taken mid exams, it should be used consistently

CONCERTA (METHYLPHENIDATE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - ADHD. It works by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain. Methylphenidate belongs to a class of drugs known as stimulants. It can help increase your ability to pay attention, stay focused on an activity, and control behavior problems. It may also help you to organize your tasks and improve listening skills. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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In the beginning, felt very tired, yawning all the time, drymouth, dizziness and some eyesight blurriness primarily at night when driving. Now, i have been gaining weight (coming up on 10lbs in the last 2-3 months) and my diet and exercise routine has not changed. And it seems like the meds are not working like they use to.

One concern I have had anyone experienced hair thinning with this drug? Not sure it has been a side effect or it's just me.

I was surprised I had no issues because usually I do with anti biotics. Difference in infection within 48 hours.

Instantly gained 6 lbs, despite a very active lifestyle & strict diet. Can not lose a pound no matter what. Depressed. Breasts swollen, painful nipples, dry hair, cracking nails. .

Unfortunately, I didnt experience any weight loss, or increased energy so many patients have. Started at 150 and increased to 300mg after a month or so. I still have no libido, but when I do have sex, I dont have any problems reaching orgasm--unlike when I was on Effexor. never really had problems with anxiety attacks before wellbutrin. Im just figuring out that this med is probably the cause.

After 36 hours on the drug, I began experiencing Atrial Fibrillation. I also experienced a panic attack. The first panic attack that I had since 2006.

I've been on almost every other Anti-Depressant on the market and Cymbalta is the only one that has brought me relief from depression and self-harm impulses associated with BPD.