Comtan (entacapone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Comtan (entacapone)

tremors worsened, had mood changes and became very short tempered and nasty, noticed no real benefits

Strong color and smell to my urine. Difficulty in swallowing such a large tablet. Upon occasion, staining inside mouth and on lips due to coating on outside of Comtan tablet. Sometimes my blouse would also become stained with that distinctive orange color of the Comtan coating.

When 4 Comtan were first added to my daily regime of 8 Sinemet and 8 Permax, its benefits were hardly noticeable. However, it did seem to help smooth out my highs and lows throughout the day. Now that I am no longer taking Permax and my daily Sinemet is down to 4 tablets, my 2 Comtan have become critical. Without that Comtan, I sleep most of the day and my tremors return. With it, I am alert at least part of each day, and my tremors remain minimal.

Combined with sinemet and rapidly became a part of an upward spiral for more l-dopa and greater tolerance and addiction to l-dopa. Did not slow the progressive need for more and more drugs with lessening benifits.

Combined with sinemet to extend on time. L-dopa tolerance, addiction, dosage increases, and loss of therapeutic response all raced forward without a noticable effect when comtam was added.

COMTAN (ENTACAPONE): This medication is used with other medications (levodopa/carbidopa) to treat Parkinson's disease. Entacapone belongs to a class of drugs known as COMT inhibitors. Many people taking levodopa for Parkinson's have problems with the effects of the levodopa wearing off between scheduled doses, causing symptoms to return or worsen. Entacapone blocks a certain natural substance (COMT enzyme) that breaks down the levodopa in the body. This effect allows the levodopa to last longer in the system so that it doesn't wear off before the next dose. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Sorry pet aversion here - side effects as a concept is misleading. Effects from drugs are better labeled desired, undesired or varied desirability effects such as drowsy before bed vs drowsy at work; same effect yet in different environments. If occurring in both settings then effect desirability is varied.

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I have read that this is a common reaction to Cymbalta with a first dose. My (old) doctor thought that it was because the dose was too high for a first go at it and tried to talk me into taking it in microdoses until I adapted to it. Given that my experience was extreme and frightning, I told her she was kidding herself!

not many side effects at all, just hungry a lot and agitation and I seem to want sex a lot more woo hoo!!! I was really weepy too!

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Life changing... along with Anafranil best combo for me. After trying many different SSRIs over 10 years finally I feel good!

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