Evoxac (cevimeline hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Evoxac (cevimeline hydrochloride)

EVOXAC (CEVIMELINE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat symptoms of dry mouth due to a certain immune disease (Sjogren's syndrome). Cevimeline belongs to a class of drugs known as cholinergic agonists. It works by stimulating certain nerves to increase the amount of saliva you produce, making it easier and more comfortable to speak and swallow. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I started this drug at 250mg twice a day to deal with near-daily migraine headaches that were not consistently responsive to abortive therapy and the migraines stopped within a week. I was also taking lithium 300mg AM/600mg PM for bipolar NOS. Recently I have gone off of the lithium and my migraines returned along with what psych literature describes as feeling an "unseen presence" at night before going to sleep. Hopefully doubling my Depakote dose as prescribed will alleviate the migraines.


I am relieved to read all of the comments I wasn't sure why I was having these symptoms. I just stopped taking the medication this morning after having a horrible weekend.

I've been menstruating for 2 1/2 weeks.... I really hope it doesn't continue, and that my hormones balance out within the 2-3 months I'm supposed to stay on it.

I also had no urge to read my mail or walk to basement to do laundry. I wss changed to Trazadone by my Doctor last week I can at least usually sleep. Wondering if I should have come off of it gradually. I also take Xanax (orange pill). Went off of Effexor last Nov. because I am now on SSD and couldn't afford Effexor, my doctor has been giving me samples of the Cymbalta. I thought I was crazy because the insert just mentioned insomnia in the Cymbalta60. Glad I came here!!

I FINALLY feel normal on BC! I have been on BC since age 16 (now 26) and have run the gamut of side effects. From headaches, to mood swings, to acne and pain, low sex drive has been my biggest complaint over the past few years. My gyno prescribed this due to my complaints of low libido. I tried it and for the first 4 months I really didn't notice a change. I missed a couple of periods all together which freaked me out, and I started looking into the copper IUD. However, by months 5/6, I started to realize my sex drive returning. I thought maybe it was a fluke, but it stuck around. I realize now (on month 11) that I have had a period every other month, so I'm less concerned about pregnancy. I take the pill every evening between 9 and 12 usually. Have not had any breakthrough bleeding except for when I missed a day and a half and had super light spotting. My periods on other BCs have been very heavy, but on this, even having a period every 2 months, they are light and end within 4 days. My moods have been very stable, my face is usually pretty clear (except week before my period when I get some breakouts), and I just feel great overall!! My cramps have also lessened. I will definitely stick with this pill, as I finally feel like I found the right match for me! I love that it is low in hormones. The only downside is the cost. Luckily, I have great insurance that makes it about $33/month when I get it in packs of 3. Yay!

High triglycerides; weight gain; breathing problems; sore muscles

Last spring my son took Zyrtec for the first time. For two weeks he was out of control. Totally disrespectful, not listening or following directions, hitting and kicking at daycare. Took him off after 2 weeks and symptoms went away. A month ago, Dr. suggested back on it as Claritin was not working. Tried it again (thinking that maybe last years issues were caused by something else). Same thing happened. He cannot concentrate, refuses to do activities, hitting screaming kicking etc. He will stop taking it tonight after reading 105 pages of negative side effects of this drug.

I love this pill it has been the only pill so far that has not interfered with my moods, and that means a great deal to me every other pill has made me angry or deppressed... i recommend this pill highly..

High cholesterol, post stentplaceme