Omnicef (cefdinir) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Omnicef (cefdinir)

Weakness, fatigue, anxiety, impending doom, chills, dizziness, heart pounding, brain fog, abdomen pain, constipation for first two days and then loose/runny for the next ones, shaky feeling, slightly more difficult to breathe, heat flashes

I don't have anxiety off the drug, nor do I experience any of the other side effects.I had to return to the ER after slashing for an hour with extreme anxiety, palpitations, and shaking/convulsing. Switched off the drug and had to be given strong antihistamines before shaking stopped.Avoid this drug!

Extreme dry mouth and throat, migraine headache, jaw pain, neck pain, body aches, extreme dizziness, disrupted sleep, increased anxiety that led to anxiety attack.

I will never take his medication again in my life - adding it to the growing list of meds I cannot take. The worst side effect for me was the crazy anxiety and feeling of impending doom. I do not mean to be dramatic, but it really started to scare me until I realized it had to be the meds causing it. Awful. I would not recommend this medication.

Extreme dizziness, Vision problems, extreme drowsiness, headache, jaw pain, ear ache, confusion, anxiety, body aches, tingling sensation- head

Avoid if you can! This medicine caused me 2 ER trips, 3 Dr appts, numerous tests and referrals and hundreds of $$! ALL unnecessary. Was prescribed 10 days of Cefdinir for what the Dr thought was a sinus infection. I immediately started having the symptoms above and truly believed the infection was getting worse and was affecting inner ear or brain. After my trips to ER and doctors, I was “diagnosed” w fluid in ears, vertigo, migraine, and spent hundreds of dollars on healthcare all within 8 days of starting the med. I was even referred to an ent specialist out of town. Smh. On day 9, since my symptoms weren’t getting better, I decided to skip a dose and see how I felt and if it was the med. About 80 percent of my symptoms were gone! To confirm it- A couple hours later, I took another antibiotic. Within an hour ALL symptoms were back and I am just sick about it and so disappointed that this drug is being given without warnings. Hoping this helps someone.

DO NOT TAKE THIS IF YOU HAVE ANXIETY NATURALLY! I was rushed to the ER for a panic attack from forgetting my address. Felt like I couldn’t think… I literally spent 4 days thinking I was dying. I genuinely felt like my life was ending. I have NEVER felt this type of anxiety or panic before. I finally put it all together after reading these reviews. And i was only taking it 1 time a day cause I was too scared to take it twice! My doctor put me on meds for anxiety and I’m not realizing it’s not me, it’s the meds! Cause every morning I woke up completely normal and fine until I took the antibiotic.

Crying spells, insomnia, depression increased, anxiety increased, diarrhea

A very great antibiotic! I was scared to take it due to all these comments but it worked splendid for me

Diarrhea, palpitations, anxiety

I was supposed to take the medicine for 7 days. Day 4 I ended up in the ER because I was having palpitations for two days and just didn't have energy. No issues with heart but this medication has caused my to have palpitations and anxiety. Prayerfully this resolves itself very soon. Horrible drug!! DO NOT TAKE

Anxiety, jitteriness, depression, shakiness

It did clear my sinus infection

Severe panic attacks crying every dose and severe stomach spasms to right shoulder abdomen making noise, my neck hurts, nose dry mouth dry, eyes burn, omg I had no choice in medication just take this crap NEVER AGAIN ON MY List OF NO,

Horrible side effects I thought I was loosing it till I Google this drug new I wasn't alone

Chills/ hot flashes, panicky anxiety, sleepiness, severe diarrhea, vomiting. After 1 day.I am already anxious so I didn't link my panic attack to the medication until I read these comments.

I really wished I had read the side effects of this medication before taking it especially these reviews here. It may have prevented me from calling out of work today.

anxiety, impending doom, chills, sweats, shaking, insomnia, dizziness, flu like state

do not take this medicine!! i've only taken 2 doses and the amount of anxiety i've felt is nothing like ever before. i've been shaking the whole day and have had chills and sweats as well. i'm calling my doctor to discontinue this medication because it is not worth losing your mind. i honestly felt like i was dying.

Terrible anxiety, depression, lingering headache, nausea, sleeplessness (waking up multiple times in middle of night)

I totally thought, like many reviews mention, that my anxiety spike was coincidental but now I don't think so. I had a panic attack on day 4 and vomited everything in my stomach up. Mind racing, so many anxious thoughts, etc. will never take Omnicef again.

Severe headache, ringing in ears, dizziness, tired

Absolutely horrible. My headache started on day 4 and I ended up going to urgent care to make sure everything was ok. Tylenol, advil, nor excedrin migraine touched the headache. Ultimately quit taking before I finished the prescription.

Super Extreme headache, neck ache, can't sleep, nausea dizziness.

Increased agitation, anger, anxiety. Headache worsened, jaw pain, neck pain. All onset after I started taking this med.

Wouldn’t recommend this for people with PTSD or other anxiety disorders.Pretty messed up. Super cranky.

Ear infection and respiratory infection

Depression exacerbated. Have no affect at all. Feel nothing inside. Was likely slightly depressed before starting omnicef. Do not recommend for anyone with any mental issues at all.

I am currently on Day 5. Only realized today that I am depressed beyond the norm. My infections are clearing up, but I really don't care about anything at all...which is worse than the infections, IMO

Aches in muscles and joints, Poor balance, fatigued easily, weird feeling - not myself. No GI issues. Poor concentration.

I would not take it again unless my only option.

Dizziness, fatigue, headache and constipation.

Although I did have a few minor side effects, the medication worked great for my chronic sinus infection.

I am an RN, and in shock that an antibiotic can cause this type of brain fog. I thought my sinus infection had crossed into my brain! Neck feels weird, confusion, stupor

No!! Bad bad stuff! Cleared a chronic sinus infection but

OMNICEF (CEFDINIR): Cefdinir is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. This medication is known as a cephalosporin antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I am going to keep trying as I think the benefits outweigh the side effects.

I was told it would be unlikely to experience problems with bp because the cyclosporin was opthalmic and not IV.....well,ha; it did cause high blood pressure for me.........too bad because it helped my eyes.

I got a great nights rest. Took a whole pill first night. Then last 6, i only took half. Regardless of amount, i woke up to total lethargy. Left me with a dry throat too. I was useless at work until afternoon.

Right now, I'll probably push on through the end. If the joint pain gets any worse, or I experience any of the other symptoms described here, however, I'll quit and live with ugly toes.

Frequent urination, intense craving for CHEESE, increased energy, dizziness after drinking caffeine (had to stop coffee habit), insomnia for the first round and increased sleepiness for the second round, some breast soreness and bloatiness, low-grade headache, and mild leg cramps first couple of days taking drug, which taking frequent walks alleviated.

i started this med at the same time as welbutrin (for anxiety) and thought the welbutrin wasn't working...this is my first day off allegra d in 2 weeks and i was calm all day. patient, no headache, all the symptoms seem to have disappeared. i'm not dissin' allegra d, but i think for some it's great, others...not so good. i can't wait to see if i can sleep through the night :)

brother was diagnosed with dementia

I will never take this medicine again

After using 4 days, developed moderate sore throat. Have continued use and still have mild sore throat. Have had deviated septum surgery 3 times and still can't breathe through nose without use of this product.

Bloating, HORRIBLE mood swings, HORRIBLE feeling of wanting to vomit everyday I wore the patch, lost weight, depression, anxiety, not interested in daily responsibilities much at all, when I did have an appetite I could never eat much which caused the weight loss, my boyfriend hates BC all around at this point because I was turned into a monster basically. He felt really bad for me because of all the pain this patch was causing me. I also had the rash that is still there till this day. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE!!!!