Keflex (cephalexin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Keflex (cephalexin)

No side effects other than a bit of tirdness.

A brilliant drug. Why is this rubbishing of it being printed? Are the medical profession afraid it will put them out of business? It works on dental and UTI infections. Prostatitis and almost anything inside you. Joint pains, lots of things.

On the second and third nights after starting the med had vivid dreams that woke me up and was a bit startled. Never experienced this prior. I write this ahead of my fourth night on Keflex. It does appear to be working as the sinus infection and constant forehead pressure and headache have subsided.

Took a half of one, once to see how my body would react. Mouth, tongue, lips on fire. My body felt like I was in a beehive all night getting stung. Mild upset stomach. Headache and small chest pain. This drug needs to be taken off market!

Fatigue & exhaustion, trouble breathing, brain fog & confusion, nausea, sense of impending doom, depression, crying fits, suicidal thoughts, mood swings, mild headaches, backaches, easily "scared/jumpy" mindset

I could not get through four days of this antibiotic nightmare. The worst of it all was all of the crying depression spells and bouts of suicidal thoughts I went through and I thought it was just because of having a uti that made me this upset when it was really this medication. I hated that I didn't feel like myself and I had to stop taking this nightmare pill I didn't finish the doses whatsoever.

My side effects were awful I had extreme anxiety, Im still a little depressed after stopping for about a week, had really bad chest pains (its just tiny chest pains now), had real bad back pain, was dizzy a little bit after standing up, couldnt go number 2 (no constipation just couldnt go), memory fog, stumbling over words, couldnt eat because everything I ate made my stomach hurt and it still does all Im eating right now is bananas and granola bars with water, also soup) cant do regular activities like going outside and I cant get out of bed Im extremely tired most of the time but Im up all night. I think I also got gastritis or acid reflux from this medication.

Its been a week later and Im still feeling half these symptoms. I think I got gastritis or acid reflux from this medication and how can I go back to normal, can anyone help me please.

I am have developed moderate depression since taking this med. I am using the generic brand. I am into the 5th day but realized that this is not normal to be tearful and crying for no reason.

I am discontinuing this med immediately and am ready to feel in a normal state of mind again.

Extreme depression to the point of almost going to a mental hospital, suicidal thoughts, increased anxiety, heart zaps, exhaustion, headache

I have no idea why they would ever prescribe this. If you have any sort of mental health issues I'm begging you to refuse this medication.

Severe insomnia, brain fog, chest pains shooting to shoulder area, mild depression.

My tongue and lips felt burnt,( like when you eat hot soup and it burns your tongue and it feels weird afterwards, Crazy vivid dreams ,brain fog, couldn't think straight, couldn't speak right, I kept fumbling over my words, hallucinations. I told my doctor about the hallucinations, she said the medication wouldn't cause that..ARE YOU SERIOUS!! Doctor told me to stop antibiotics for the burned tongue feeling..

EXTREME depression to the point of suicidality, aches especially in neck and back, horrific nightmares, exhaustion, mood swings from here to the next millennium, impulse control issues (legit almost quit school and my job bc it made sense at the time), crying nearly all day every day

I LEGITIMATELY feel like I'm going insane which is why I found this site in the first place. IDK why or how antibiotics affect some people like this but man im saying I'm allergic to this from now on

Horrible symptoms starting the 3rd day in. Trouble breathing, horrible anxiety. Brain zaps when starting to fall asleep. Can't sleep. Racing heart. Pins in needles feeling in my arms, shoulders and back. Just felt unwell. Still had a uti after 5 days. Changed antibiotics. Have never felt this way taking an antibiotic. Can't believe they prescribe this to people

This medication is awful! It caused harsh mood swings. Made my depression worse than it was. It also caused horrible gas and stomach pains. I don't know what this medication is made of, but I wouldn't even start it. Ask for something else.

Muscle pains in my legs and arms, diarrhea for 3 days in a row, mood swings, depression, pain during sex, itchy genitals, yeast infection.

Everything about this medicine sucks, only good thing it did was take care of the infection but now I'm left in pain. I stopped these pills before finishing them because I'm having so many side effects. This medication is horrible.

This antibiotic is absolutely terrible. I experienced a whole mood swing that was just out of this world. I ended up throwing stuff at my S/O.

Took one pill and started seeing random lights in vision, muscle weakness, depression, anxiety

Pain in lower right side, nausea, burping, nightmares. Insomnia feeling exhausted

This is the nastiest, dirtiest drug I have ever taken it should be taken off the market.

Itching around the entire body including private areas. Stomach ache cannot call it pain but nothing like I've felt in a stomach ache. Vomiting. Lower than normal heart rate. Feeling like I had to tell myself to take a breath, overall feelings of fatigue, needing to nap (normally not a nap taker). Swelling of tongue and inside mouth, bumps inside mouth, physically forcing myself to swallow food. Needing to eat but cannot. After third day a total sense of doom took over. Honestly the only thing that calmed me down was reading the list of side effects and connecting the dots as to why I was feeling like this.Notes I am allergic to penicillin.

I took this medication two separate times within 2 months. The first time I had the same experience as the second, but the first time I did not associate the two. First time 3/21/22 I had a possible minor infection in my finger from a splinter that was lodged. Second time I had no infection just given as a precaution because I had the splinter removed 5/5/22. As soon as I took the medication the second time, I vomited and was extremely itchy. By the third day side effects progressed quickly.First dose 3/21/22 500mg 4x a day for 7 days completedSecond dose 5/5/22 500mg 4x a day for 5 days ended of 3rd day after 3rd dose of the dayI am sure this drug helps so many people. This is only my experience.


I'll never ever take this poison of a medication AGAIN there trying to kill peaple prescribing this medication

Infection Prevention Post-Surgery

Mild depression, anxiety, hopelessness, slight heat rash on first day

I knew what to expect since I had taken it in the past, so it wasn't as bad this time. All antibiotics cause me depression/anxiety - what do they put in this stuff?!

KEFLEX (CEPHALEXIN): This medication is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. This medication is known as a cephalosporin antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This medication will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Unnecessary use or misuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

The first two weeks of this drug are hard. Start at 0.6 for a week and then go up 1 click a week (no more) to avoid severe symptoms of nausea. Forget about eating. Side effects are much less if a person is active and eats less.

Severe blurry vision pupils dilated when it was wearing off I feel nauseous if I miss a dose taken in the morning thinking about coming off it I'd rather have panic then to feel so irritable and jittery

Anxiety, Restlessness, Jittery Feeling, Racing Thoughts, Weight Loss, Stomach Pains, Abdominal Pain, Significantly decreased libido, impaired sexual functioning

memory loss.....word retrieval problems is the most of it.i have also noticed that my short term memory is pretty bad. it's often hard for me to remember what i did yesterday. or how long ago much of anything happened, unless it's 10 years ago or more.As long as it doesn't get worse or cause permanent damage, i don't really mind too much.

not having periods and cramps is great, but losinbg my sex drive is not so good for newlyweds...

Extreme nausea, insomnia, excessive belching

Don't take it if you have another choice

Hair loss, fatigue, low immunity against colds,sore throats etc, weight loss, nausea.

Extra fatigue, slight abdominal pain at times. Only just went up to the .5mg for my second week and had lots of gurgling in my tummy, making me gassy.I dont have constant cravings anymore, especially for sugar, which is great.

I love Robinul because it seriously has changed my life. I used to sit in school and sweat so bad that I couldn't hold a pencil. In summer I couldn't wear flip flops because my feet sweat so bad they would slide right out of my shoes. The only complaints I have are listed above. I find it very hard to go to the gym because I get extremely dizzy there from dehydration I'm assuming which is worrying, so I don't do my best. I also have been getting very cold lately, to the point where I'm almost always in pants/sweatshirt even in summer. Has anyone else had these issues?