Clonidine (clonidine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Clonidine (clonidine)

Mild fatigue, foggy, and insomnia if taken before bedtime.

Take .1mg Clonidine as needed for anxiety. Doesn't totally take the anxiety away, but makes it tolerable. The side effects almost outweigh the usefulness for anxiety. I only take Clonidine to avoid taking too much Ativan.

would wake up at night and couldn't get back to sleep. Woke up at 2:30 for several days but the last straw was when I awakened at 11:30! Also, blood pressure was elevated a couple of hours prior to the next dose.

Frequent headache. Annoying dry mouth. But this stuff has saved my life! Or my brain. As a rule, can knock bp down from 220/110 in half an hour, then further via subsequent tablets.

Try not to take it near snacks or meals as it makes me terribly sleeping, have wondered if it affects blood sugar.

Have to get up slow. Is not long acting so have to take several doses

I consider this a wonder drug. Have had terrible reactions to about 8 other B.P. drugs. Conidine is a old drug that has been well researched. No constipation, swelling, etc. I am scared to death of all the new drugs that cause things like headaches, neuropathy, numbness in limbs, leg and hand cramps.

I experienced bad headaches on this medication.

This is the only medication I can tolerate without multiple side effects. After taking other medications without any success, I began taking Clonidine again. I cannot take it twice a day for more than a few days or the headache returns. Basically, I'm taking enough to keep my BP under control, but not enough to get headaches

Irregular heart beat, Purple skin under toenails, mood problems

Caused blood pressure to fall too low. 74/48, pulse 42. Almost passed out. Not for me.

CLONIDINE (CLONIDINE): This medication is used alone or with other medications to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Clonidine belongs to a class of drugs (central alpha agonists) that act in the brain to lower blood pressure. It works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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tight scrotum, burning sensations while ejaculation, dizziness, low libido, som back pain,

Itching, Very seldom constipation,Increase in pain if late taking it ( 1 10/500 4-5xday) since 8/07..Treatment of me as a person by pharmicists filling my very legitimate prescriptions and passing judement, also withdraweal fear if I can ever stop them. Doctor increased this pass Pain management Visit from 4 to 5 times half of the month and if this does not minimize flasres he will move to OXYIR or other more potent drug and this is not what I want to happen

My son was very sick with almost 105 fever, extreme body and joint pain, sore throat, could not eat from the pain, body chills. The day after he started taking the medicine he woke up like a new boy. His fever was reduced, but lated for 1 more day, but he got out of bed and was looking for something to do. I recommend this medication when needed.

I am trying to get pregnant and since there seems to be no other problems, my doctor thought this could help. I am currently on my period (my doctor timed the provera perfectly and I started at my regular cycle time). My period is different - a little heavier and more cramping that usual, but nothing Tylenol doesn't t stop. Overall, nothing scary. I was initially worried about taking provera, but so far so good.

I have been taking provera for five days now. My side effects are headaces everyday, cramping, severe dizziness, very sleepy, tired, mood swings, and hot flashes. When I wake up in the morning, all I feel like doing is throwing up. I'm trying to conceive and if I don't get pregnant off provera then I have to take clomid....I wish everyone the best!!!

Bad Diarrhea setting in after 15 months of use. I started taking it because Methotraxate which had worked very well for 10 years had stopped working. I am taking Arava together with Nivaquin.

high blood pressure. shortness of breath when exercising. pounding heart at night.

I thought I was better when I was only on 10 mg. On 20 mg. I think I need more xanax for anxiety; and Xanax can cause more depression. I am not sure if anyone else is on prozac for PTSD; I also have adhd, depression and obsess about suicide. The suicidal thoughts are a little bit better than when I was on Cymbalta, which made them worse. I don't think anything can help as much as a really good psychotherapist who understands PTSD and really studies this and cares a lot.I have that good fortune; I do think I am a bit more stable on prozac (generic) than without; I don't know why cymbalta was so horrible for me though since most people like that one.

Sleep much better, possible increased appetite, but also may be the Astelin.