Rogaine extra strength (for men) (minoxidil) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Rogaine extra strength (for men) (minoxidil)

ROGAINE EXTRA STRENGTH (FOR MEN) (MINOXIDIL): Minoxidil is used with other medications to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Minoxidil works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I take only 5 drops each night (okay, sometimes 6) and this stuff has given me the freedom of real-uninterrupted-sleep. I have NEVER slept through the night, and just a few drops each night has literally saved me. I am SO pleased with this stuff!

Hated to stop in the middle of treatment, but even with food this caused a near-vomiting episode, and that was enough !! This was prescribed for rosacea, and for chronic, asymptomatic eye-redness that has persisted for several months.

I was prescribed these due to a low red blood cell count which my Dr put down to many years of using Diclofenac. I must stress at the point in time I was prescribed them I actually felt very well. Within 5 days I developed sore patches on my palms and ulcers in my mouth, my GP said my hands were a type of eczema and prescribed cream. 5 days later I developed diarrhoea, which my GP said was a bug. I came off the Prilosec for a few days, some of my symptoms improved a little but the tummy didn't. So I stopped the diclofenac and started taking the Prilosec again. I have had such excruciating joint pain, especially in my hands and wrists - I have wrist supports to wear as its so bad. Terrible nausea and diarrhoea, and whole body aching. Very twitchy and unable to settle for long, very low mood and finally yesterday vertigo. I stopped these tablets 2 days ago, yesterday I had the worst day ever and was unable to lift my head off the pillow but today I feel a fair bit brighter. I'm hoping that over the next day or two things will improve so I can return to work. I have also started eating again today after 3 weeks of no appetite and had my first cup of tea that I actually wanted.I have had tests for stomach cancer, pancreatitis, kidney and liver problems etc since taking these. I am also booked for an endoscopy to see what is up. I now believe its the tablets as I had no reflux or gastric problems prior to taking them.

Trouble controlling weight, Tired all the time, I've developed High blood pressure. Untill recently I thought this was a great drug. Now I'm not sure

could not tolerate my morning coffee, or i would have a panic attack

Dizziness, sleepiness, I call it flying

Not sure if i will take again, i took second dose last night but my morning sugars have been way higher than before ozempic, i take meformin and insulin already so expected numbers to go down not up

Sinus infection tooth infection

Only have been taking it for 3 days. Made it hard to sleep and ringing in ears.

Ive had a yeast infection once before and this one was 10X worse than my first. Other than that, no complaints. Yeast infections are stated in the list of side effects, so it wasnt as if I wasnt warned.