Rogaine (for men) (minoxidil) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Rogaine (for men) (minoxidil)

I would be bald now if not for Minoxidil. But it has become less effective over time.

Collagen synthesis problems vision problems low libido Numb penis No orgasm Weak erections almost no erection at all

Please help me if you know how to fix this. I am ready to pay. Here is a link to a chat discussion now counting 60 other males trying to find the cure for the same problem. Please join if you know how to fix or want to discuss on Telegram:

Testicular pain, muscles pain, joint pain, depression, loss of libido, weak erection, numbness

I used for 6 months And I stopped one week ago side effects didn't go away still I lost libido I'm not interested anymore in sex plus weak erection I'm so sad and I have depression because of Minoxidil ruined my life

I've been using rogaine for 30 years I'm starting to lose more hair now. Is there any possibility that rogaine will up their minoxidil to level 10 percent. I feel if they do up the minoxidil to 10 percent my hair will became thicker again

Tiredness, decrease of sex drive, pain on testicles,

Only 2 days were enough to feel some side effects of this drug,after first day i could feel a slightly pain on my balls, nothing too serious but not comfortable for sure. My luck was that i was sexual active by that time, so at same day i feel something was different in sex, i couldnt get harder easily and faster like some days ago and it was even painfull sometimes, it made me confuse because i thought that only Fina would mess up with sexual life, so i thought it was just something in my mind and i gave it a new try next day but the exactly the same thing happened so i gave up of Minoxidil and i threw it away, hoping i can get back to my old hard days soon. I'm never going back to that drugs again, i prefer either to lose my hair or spend more money in a HT but for sure that i don't want to lose my sexual life and be a slave of a drug.

fast heart beat for 2-4 seconds several times a day

well, I applied more than recommended dose. I tried to cover my whole blad scalp without any leakage. and thus this way I applied more than 1Mg per use. Now I am applying the recommended dose and the problem seems to gone away

Loss of libido. (but actually thats a good thing)

Itchy scabs, sores on scalp and much dandruff. Also heart doing strange things, fluttering, pounding, and sometimes clenching up in a painful mannor.

Nearly 30 and used it since I was about 20. Its kept hairloss at bay well enough. Stopped using the product for health concerns (it is a drug).Looking into non-drug solutions (baseball cap, scary head tattoo, hair plugs etc.)

ROGAINE (FOR MEN) (MINOXIDIL): Minoxidil is used with other medications to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Minoxidil works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Severe tendon pain and candida in my gut and rib area that will not go away. My life has changed for the worse and I will never recommend this antibiotic. They need to remove it from the market ASAP .

i have to take it right now as 2 vicodin 3 times a day plus 800 mg ibuprofini can still feel the pain, but i'm more relaxed

Take it as soon as your period begins. I can't believe I had to live with horrible pain for years and no doctor had ever mentioned this drug before. I followed the indications exactly (e.g. not laying down for 30' after taking it, taking it w/food, etc...) My horrible menstrual pain went away. I almost forgot I was on my period while on it.

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Seroquel doesn't make me sleep. It lets me sleep. It quiets my brain so I can sleep. I don't wake up during the night any more. Before using it, I hadn't had a good night's sleep for years.

It completely changed my life at 42 years of age. After 14 years of crying every time I tried to talk about it, I was treated for PTS. It been over 25 years, and I am still dealing with problems. I can't unclench my jaw, I still have sensitivity towards noises, anxiety, and have bouts of depression. I've been on two antidepressants for as long as a year, but have never felt normal since taking Reglan. I've tried to warn people about this drug for many years. I'm thankful I had loving people surrounding me through it all. I believe this drug hurts at least as many people as it helps. I wish they'd take it off the market. I fear I will get it again by mistake one day.

change in personality, increased libido

I was prescribed this drug to help with long-standing (9 yrs), moderate-to-severe myofascial pain and sleep issues. My doctor instructed me to take it two hours before bed; because I'm med sensitive, she gave me the option of taking half a pill instead of a whole one if I felt "hung over" in the morning. Evenon half a pill, I have been sleeping 12 hours and have to force myself to get outof bed, though it hardly seems worth the effort since I have no energy ormotivation to do anything due to extremefatigue, spaciness, irritation, and depression. I also have to force myself to eat,as I have no apatite and everything tastes flavorless (not a problem you want tohave at Thanksgiving!). The effects from this stuff last me until around 7pm, sobasically I'm either sitting on my couch staring at the wall while trying to ignorethe stabbing pain in my head or screaming at my elderly cats for no goodreason all day long (that is, if I can resist the urge to go back to bed). It haseased my pain a good deal but hasn't helped my sleep. I've read that the actionof this drug is thought by some to be similar to the old-school tricyclicantidepressants, so it's possible that people who have problems with them might have issues with flexeril as well. And that's too bad, because being pain-free hasbeen nice, though I'd enjoy it a lot more if I didn't suddenly feel that life is pointless. I'm calling my MD tomorrow to get this business stopped.