Minoxidil extra strength (for men) (minoxidil) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Minoxidil extra strength (for men) (minoxidil)

Anxiety, restlessness, headache, fatigue, nauseia

MINOXIDIL EXTRA STRENGTH (FOR MEN) (MINOXIDIL): Minoxidil is used with other medications to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Minoxidil works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I had hair loss, joint and muscle pain(excruciating) fever, sore gums and just an overall bad feeling. Should have done more research but I was led to believe that side effects were rare and only a flu like phase. Never told about ONJ or to check with dentist. I've been told by Dr. that he has given it to hundreds and I am only one he has heard of having a problem. That isn't what I am finding now. Also never understood that drug would be in body so long with no antidote. Oh well, I am alive but would never recommend this drug. Also causes a lot of anxiety worrying about future possible problems. I had my Reclast IV in Nov. 2008.

anxiety, muscle weakness, dizziness, overwhelming feelings

I started taking Macrobid on Jan 2, 2010 and completed a 7 day course. I was exhausted and had a headache and chills, but attributed it to the infection. I did notice a slight rash on my leg, but didn't attribute to macrobid. Approximately 2 weeks later the infection recurred, I was placed back on Macrobid and took about 5 pills. I had a headache, jaw, ear and neck pain. When I woke up on the 4th day of treatment, I had hives on my legs, arms, back, etc. I stopped the antibiotic, called the nurse took a benadryl. That evening the hives got worse, clinics were closed, I felt exceedingly ill and did not have the energy to do much other than take more benadryl and cover my body w/calamine. By 8am the rash was so bad that I could barely get up. When I got to the walk in clinic, I was short of breath, I had hives LITERALLY from head to toe, chills, etc and was sent to the ER. I was given prednisone and an additional antihistimine. Two days later and I am still on the course of treatment from the ER, I have hives (though they come and go...but not gently), headache, chills, hot skin, neck and ear pain. Upon picking up the first prescription for this, I looked at it and told my boyfriend that it looked like poison. I am only hoping that when the 6 days of steroid treatment ends, I the hives will be gone. It is sheer luck that I didn't take another pill, as I would likely have gone into shock. I will NEVER take this again and would strongly suggest that no one else does.

Horrible drug. Unfortunately doctors don't know the side effects and are too willing to add another drug to counter the side effects of a drug instead of thinking outside the box. Doctors are nothing more than drug pushers anymore. Very sad.

This drug was a living nightmare for me. Just a few days into it at 150 mg, I sank into a state of constant agony, despair, being unable to eat (did not eat for 7 days), just lying on the couch moaning, crying, calling my Mom, and wanting to kill myself. I started smoking a pack a day just so I could feel like I was breathing. I slept off and on during the day and woke up weeping in terror at night. I was deteriorating so fast I thought I would have to enter a hospital. The doc thought it was just my depression and upped the dose to 200mg. Then I started being unable to speak, find words, or talk on the phone. I was asking my Mom to move here to live with me and take care of me because I thought I was going to lose my house and car by not being able to work. That's when I decided to stop the Trileptal. Within 24 hours I was functioning again. I woke up, took a shower, made food, and felt like myself. I called the friends who were taking care of me and told them I was better. We cannot

GEODON is a VERY dangerous drug. Avoid taking it at all costs! It will render you helpless. I could have been scalded to death if I had managed to turn off the cold water! Do NOT take GEODON under any circumstances!

None, just feel so much better most of the time

No side effects. sex hasn't slowed at all and my wife is mad.

just listen to me don't take this medication please!

My breasts were already a 36c as is but for at least 3 weeks out of the month they are HUGE. Sometimes I experience severe naseau. I can tell I am a little thicker or snugger fit in my clothes so I guess a little bloating. My nipples get sensitive at least a week before my period. My period is maybe 3 days. Other than the HUGE, uncomfortable breast thing....this has been pretty good so far. I have dealt with totally horrific side effects with the pill before so I was very afraid to try the pill again.