Minoxidil (for women) (minoxidil) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Minoxidil (for women) (minoxidil)

Severe insomnia. Yeast infection.

bad side effects. Insomnia and a yeast infection within a week of using monoxidil. I RARELY get infections and it came during the short time I used the minoxidil. Infection went away thank goodness but my severe insomnia has continued for weeks since stopping. I am contacting my doctor.

Palpitaciones, insomnio severo, depresión ,ansiedad acné

No lo recomiendo cuiden su salud, soy médico y no encuentro la razón por la cual causa estos efectos graves, mi hipótesis es que en algunas personas llega a atravesar la barrera hematoencefalica y tambien tiene efectos duraderos en otras tejidos pues estamos compuestos por células y el medicamento interacciona con una proteína de membrana esencial para mantener la salud alguien que tenga efectos parecidos a los míos contacteme 2491371255

Numbing at the tip of my tongue and night sweats

Extreme fatigue 24/7, weakness in legs, muscle aches

This product is not worth the dangerous side-effects. Highly recommend to stay far away from it.

Here is the thing with this medication - it absolutely DID work for me - it grew my hair and thickened it up. The reason I gave it a 1 (dissatisfied) is this: I truly believe that minoxidil has contributed to me getting rosacea. If you don't know what this is, please look it up as there's not enough room to explain. As rogaine (minoxidil) is a vasodilator - it expands blood vessels - I truly believe this is what happened to me. Yes, rosacea can be hereditary and yes, I believe that too may be a factor. But, you can also get rosacea from damaged blood vessels. By putting minoxidil on my head for many many years (and expanding my blood vessels) - I believe this could be a possibility... I wish I would not have done this to myself... Rosacea is painful and incurable.....

I suffered horrible feelings of paralysis like a numbness in my face and sometimes teeth. I felt like my head was going to fall of my neck. Also experienced breathlessness and night sweats.

For ears I and my doctors couldn't figure out what my "mysterious illness" was. The doctors forgot to ask me if I was taking minoxidil before they prescribed medication. As a result, I had severe drug reactions with other meds. Then later when I stopped the meds & was just taking minoxidil, I still felt sick. I accidentally read the side effects of minoxidil and realized the numbness was what I was suffering. When I completely stopped, I got better. Stay away from this drug it doesn't work that well and the few hairs you do get are not worth your health!

heart palpitations, some breathlessness, increased heart rate, sleeplessness, dandruff

I don't know if I'll continue the treatment since the side effects are so bad

MINOXIDIL (FOR WOMEN) (MINOXIDIL): Minoxidil is used with other medications to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Minoxidil works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I started taking concerta for school about two years ago. I am currently trying to be done with it. It gives me horrible acne. It makes me depressed and have horrible anxiety. Which makes me smoke ciggerates which if I don't take the medication i can't stand the smell of them. I have never been so depressed in my life. It helped me in school but I can find other ways to concentrate. It gives me head aches and make me nauseous in the morning. I have a three year old and if I take my meds I have to wait till I come down to even be social with him. Cooking for him when I take it makes me sick to my stomach. I get head aches here and there. It's the devil stay away find alternative ways to coup with everyday task. Also any loud noises like music loudly irrates me and i just want to be left alone in my room plus it makes me feel tired but can't sleep.

Anxiety Panic and Mild Depression

My 7 year old son has been taking Zyrtec for years for his allergies. He takes one tablet with breakfast and also takes two puffs QVAR (steroid inhaler). It wasn't until reading all these posts that I realized that so many of his behaviorial problems are more than likely side effects. He has horrible angry outburst, hard to get him up for school, will say he hates himself and that he's stupid. Has a hard time focusing in school. His teacher and I assumed he is exhibiting ADD symptoms. I even researched ADD diets and was loosly treating him as if he had ADD. I do notice he scratches a lot - but he also has eczema. I will definatley start weaning him off. He will need another medication to control all his allergies though. He's been on Nasonex and some other med when he was little(about 3yrs old) that gave him night terrors and sleep walking. Poor kid has gone through so much - but never complains.