Minoxidil (for men) (minoxidil) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Minoxidil (for men) (minoxidil)

Erectile dysfunction, penile changes, curvature, hour glass shaped penis, testicular pain, can't get quality erections.

Permanent: Loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, constant fatigue. (All stayed after stopping Minoxidil)

Lots of men are suffering from this with no solution yet. There is a group chat of some of them here: t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFCFxK7aQf--BpSt7Q

Collagen synthesis problems vision problems low libido Numb penis No orgasm Weak erections almost no erection at all

Please help me if you know how to fix this. I am ready to pay. Here is a link to a chat discussion now counting 60 other males trying to find the cure for the same problem. Please join if you know how to fix or want to discuss on Telegram: t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFCFxK7aQf--BpSt7Q

It worked pretty well for almost 10 years. Now not so much. Had problems with the foam because there is no way to measure the dose. I usually put on too much and made a mess. Sometimes the same number of squirts gave me not enough foam. The liquid is much better because you always know exactly how much you are applying. The liquid seemed to last longer, too. Probably because I did not waste as much product.

The product produces reasonable results. I did not suffer any of the negative side effects other guys have posted.

After 2 mos I began to see new growth and now after 6 mos I have considerable hair growth. The texture is much thinner and softer than my other hair, but that is OK.

MINOXIDIL (FOR MEN) (MINOXIDIL): Minoxidil is used with other medications to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Minoxidil works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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As my doctor ordered, I took eight 8 ounce glasses of liquid with a capful of Miralax in each, one every 20 minutes. The effects started after I had taken them all, making it impossible to do anything at that point but tough it out. I thought of going to the emergency room, but the lack of bowel control made this seem impossible.


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It's a good drug.....it made my quality of life so much better, I did spend 12 to 18 hrs a day lying down due to the increase in heart rate and BP that literally felt as if I was dying if I tried to stand or walk, even.........sitting.........this has made me normal again......I also can eat again.........

I was taking this medicine for folliculitus. I took it 2 times a day for probably 3 weeks. I first had a sunburned look on my face, then i noticed joint pain, mouth sores, heartburn. i went to the doctor and had blood taken and found out i am anemic. I am now being tested for an autoimmune disease. After reading about bactrim i hope these are just side effects from the medication. It did a great job clearing up the infection but i will not ever take it again.

vivid dreams during the first month

Anhedonia, Hyperprolactinemia, Avolition, Flat Affect, Suicidal, Weight Gain, Increased Appetite and Amenorrhea.

Nausea, abdominal pain, lightheadedness, depression, panic attacks, loss of appetite. I was on a 3x 500 daily dose for 10 days.

Regulated my sleep; slowed me down during the day in a good way - racing thoughts, anxiety, irritability much much better.Slight weight gain but I attribute this to not adjusting my calories down. Now that I'm not going hypomanic, I have to eat a bit less since I'm not fidgety/moving around as much. Adjusted for sodium by having some salty soup and a pickle or two each day.

This is the first antidepressant I've tried that allows me to still feel like myself!I can concentrate better & I am more motivated.By the way, for those who report shakiness/twitching or other weird things, you're probably taking too much. The one time that WXL gave me any problems like that was when I was on a strict diet for a figure competition. I switched to regular (not extended release) buproprion while I was dieting, and everything was fine again! Now I'm back on WXL though.