Lanoxicaps (digoxin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lanoxicaps (digoxin)

LANOXICAPS (DIGOXIN): Digoxin is used to treat heart failure, usually along with other medications. It is also used to treat certain types of irregular heartbeat (such as chronic atrial fibrillation). Treating heart failure may help maintain your ability to walk and exercise and may improve the strength of your heart. Treating an irregular heartbeat can decrease the risk for blood clots, an effect that may reduce your risk for a heart attack or stroke. Digoxin belongs to a class of medications called cardiac glycosides. It works by affecting certain minerals (sodium and potassium) inside heart cells. This reduces strain on the heart and helps it maintain a normal, steady, and strong heartbeat. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I developed a chest and throat infection and was prescribed this. Took one dose in the morning and another the same evening. After dinner, suddenly started experiencing nausea and intense lower stomach cramps about half an hour after eating; ran to the toilet and had epic diarrhea. Immediately afterward started vomiting and threw up everything I'd eaten for hours- very intense and just did not stop until my stomach was totally cleared out. Throughout the night, I had bouts of intense lower stomach cramping and severe diarrhea (with blood) every couple of hours.I started taking a high dose of probiotic powder, went straight to the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast), drank bucketloads of water and took paracetamol for the stomach pain. Much less pain and diarrhea since.Big downside is that my chest seems to be getting congested again and my throat is now so sore I can't swallow. It's almost like it was working, then the effect plateaued.Overall, it's been horrendous- but I do believe it wouldn't have been this bad if I didn't have the complication of recent abdominal surgery adding to the pain. I'd give it another chance in the future.

irritable, paranoid, slight irregular bleeding, crying without reason,

I do feel an overall release of tension approximately 30-45 mins after taking daily dose of 50mg.

I didn't realise these were side effects of Flonase until I had to find a common denominator.Anxiety,weird stomach, spacy feeling and tight chest,brain zaps and headache ...odd cough.Insomnia and seriously felt like I was losing my mind

Statins are supposed to be the new miracle drug to keep us all alive for years longer. What a joke. Who would want to live like this? I have been off all my meds for about a week and feeling much better. I know it's dangerous but so are the drugs.

Entire body achingConfusionNauseaStomach painHeadacheAnxietyDiarrheaKidney painSleepiness

Bipolar 1, Mood Stabilizer, Anxiety

I take ambien 1-2 times a month when my insomnia is really bad. Knocks me out within 30 minutes of taking it. I've never done anything weird or gotten up in the night. I wake up 7-8 hours later fully rested.

it definitely took care of the BV problem but the side effects were terrible!

unable to sleep well at night, tired, upset stomach/nauseous, bad taste in the mouth, slight headache, loss of appetite, a little anxiety, little depression.