Rocaltrol (calcitriol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Rocaltrol (calcitriol)

Causes me a lot of discomfort in my stomach. Sometimes I feel like I have a tummy bug and it is very painful. I have to take this because my parathyroid is not working on its own to provide the calcium to my blood.

1969 I had thyroid Ca; parathyroid gland was involved & my body does not retain calcium well. My blood calcium levels hovered around 6. This caused tetany & made me feel awful; severe tingling everywhere (no outward signs of this, but I could feel tingling in my face, stomach, legs, etc.) and occasional hand muscle spasms. After taking .50 mg 2x daily, within 4 wks tingling/spasms ceased & blood work has been 8-9 (10 is perfect). Switching to new a Md., an endocrinologist, gave me my life back. Former Mds were of no help to solve this problem & some even thought I caused this problem by not taking my calcium lactate meds; I NEVER missed a dose! Very frustrating and some didn't know what tetany was; they thought I was saying tetnus. Go figure! I know I will be taking this the rest of my life. My only caveat would be to women who plan to or are pregnant. I would refrain from taking it then, as there are risks to the fetus. The formation of the fetus will actually remedy tetany during pregnancy. And yes, I had that experience while pregnant with my son. The tetany symptoms will return after delivery & you can resume taking rocaltrol.

no side effects noticed except mild constipation

a great alternative to bisphosphonates, no lethargy, pain, rapid heartbeat, or weakness associated with actonel

no side effects, easy to digest, noticeably less joint pain.

think this is an excellent addition to calcium, vitamin D regimen in lieu of bisphosphonates.

ROCALTROL (CALCITRIOL): Calcitriol is a man-made active form of vitamin D. Most people get enough vitamin D from exposure to the sun and from fortified food products (e.g., dairy products, vitamins). Vitamin D helps control parathyroid hormone and the levels of certain minerals (e.g., calcium, phosphorus) that are needed for building and keeping strong bones. Before regular vitamin D can be used by the body, it needs to be changed to the active form by the liver and kidneys. Calcitriol is used in patients with kidney disease who can't make enough of the active form of Vitamin D. This medication is also used to prevent and treat certain types of calcium/phosphorus/parathyroid problems that can happen with long-term kidney dialysis or hypoparathyroidism. Calcitriol is usually used along with specific diet recommendations and sometimes other medications. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I've seen a lot of people mention that they stopped their meds without asking a doctor. Although this medicine is hell in a tablet, I urge you to please talk to your doctor before deciding on your own to stop a medication. Your infection could become even worse. If your doctor gives a crap he'll put you on something else. Aside from that, if you have to take this drug, be forewarned that your general attitude on life may plummet straight into the toilet while you're taking metronidazole. Not to mention the mere thought of food will turn your stomach inside out...It is an unpleasant experience to the extreme, but I will say that it does what it is supposed to do in terms of curing an infection. However, the pharmaceutical companies and doctors should warn the patient public of these dangerous side effects. They seem to common not to mention.

Did as it was supposed to. I was not bothered greatly by the side effects as I was still recovering. But now I am healthy its become a burden. I can't lose any weight, and can't exercise without excessive fatigue. I can't build up my fitness. A week of average effort leaves me needing a week off.