Miacalcin (calcitonin, salmon) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Miacalcin (calcitonin, salmon)

Side Effects formiacalcin (calcitonin, salmon) - User Comments


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I get post nasal drip and clogged ears this time of year and thought I'd try Flonase with my claratin. It REALLY helped with my ear and post nasal drip but by the 3rd day I was so off balance/dizzy. I didn't put the two together but after 4 days of misery, I didn't take it today and I am not off balance. MISERABLE! Helped but not worth the side effects.

The difference in my morning blood sugars was 140 down to 90 in 2 days. I believe I am one of those this may work for.

Suicidal itching EVERYWHERE!!!

Relpax will treat the migraine quickly but I find I then need to recover from the Relpax as it makes me extremely sleepy & I can't really do anything but sleep & urinate. I sleep through alarms it knocks me out so much. Numb fingers & other areas. Migraine often returns next day ...just got over 6 days of on again off again migraine.

I am female, age 55 and generally in good health. No smoking or drinking and work daily. Wt is 15 lbs more than it should be. Cholesterol has been high for years despite diet. Taking 40mg daily for 1 year, took 20mg previously. Lately I realized everything hurts. It crept up on me. I am an RN and still did not put it together until this week when I decided something is not right. When the aches and pains were mild I thought it was arthritis or too much activity. Stopped the Lipitor and the generalized aches and pains are fading after just 3 days. Will explore other options but these drugs have not been around long enough to confirm long term effects.

High blood pressure, stomach discomfort and shortness of breath after 3 months.

Tremors, Concentration Loss-Forgetfulness.

i have been takeing lexapro for about 7weeks and it has taken my anxitey completly away and has made me happy but the first 3 or 4 week was bad i had anxitey and panic attaks and felt mentally strange but after the first 2 or 3 weeks it was ok i feel great i am haveing a life with my daughter and my old lady has seen a change in me i am like i was before i had the anxitey BUT everybody reacts differnt so dont look at all the comments and think that u will have the same exprience

severe nausea and vomiting, severe sharp pain, very cold, very weak, had to go to the emergency

Hallucinations/weight gain/tremor/zombie-like feeling