Forteo (teriparatide recombinant human) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Forteo (teriparatide recombinant human)

I'm no longer taking this medication. same very debilitating

First couple weeks were ok, now severe fatigue and bone/joint pain. Have to sadly stick with it in anticipation of revision spine surgery. Otherwise I would stop.

Sadly, went to an Osteporosis Center for treatment. Zero support and cannot even tell me if I need additional vitamin supplements. Short staffed so no calls are responded to. Seems this is everywhere these day. Only good part is the injections are very easy. No pain at all. Don't be afraid of that one part at least.

Bone pain. Exhausted. Dizzy. Hard to focus. Flu-like symptoms 24/7

Severe spinal osteoporosis taking.

Blood pressure 80/46, so short of breath. They lie about 24/7 help line. I called today to get v/m. Please, please, I beg of you, do not take this medicine. I feel like I am going to die. Pd $1450 for 1 month supply, never got the trial pk. They deserve a 0, but it sure was nice of Lilyto lower insulin prices to $38. Again, I am begging you to not take this med. BTW, husband is a retired Pharmacist, he has seen what is happening to me

Did I mention severe diarrhea, anxiety, trembling & confusion. I could go on but I am too weak.

Knee pain, occasional heaviness in legs, Insomnia were some mild side effects my mom had. She was on Forteo injections for 2 years after that there are no “studies “ about what happens after 2 Years! Yes she got great results with bone scan she grew bone back but after she stopped the injections she also developed a brain tumour .. that is also where she grew something. She had no other underlying conditions and btw was causing cancer in rats as well .

This medicine killed my mom and will do same to you avoid at all costs !

Was recommended to take it but not

Would like to know if taking collagen helps reverse bone loss. Recommended to take forteo but reading the side effects I'm not going to. Can anyone tell me what has helped with their bone loss? Recommendations without horrific side effects?

Have not started taking it. Wanted to see the side effects that others posted.. Any good suggestions to improve the bone loss? Please contact me. Thank you!

Plunger was defective. Ely Lilly found a hundred reasons to avoid responsibility. Cannot use due to this problem

I did not realize I was having a side effect until a year changing to Prolea. During time on Forteo i was urinating quite often. Like clock work every 2 hours I would be up at night urinating. I have gone to many specialists and could find anything wrong. Even tried acupuncture. Just recently stumbled upon the urination problem. The frequent urination was only at night (every 2 hours).. Daytime fine. Now, nearly 4 years later I still have the problem with urination at night. I have problems with acid sores in private area. Now, after being off Forteo I still have the problem. Has anyone out there experienced the same problem.

I am a nurse and this drug is not for the faint at heart. Bone pain has showed up at random rotating areas of the skeleton. First week neck pain where the parathyroid is. Awareness of my heart. Very thirsty but that subsided. Knee pain first then toes. Legs by 6 weeks in I had a 9/10 pain all over the skeleton, especially ribs. I am very active and had to pause the drug 3 days at the 6 werk mark and pain subsided. I reluctantly started back up after that. I take it at night because that pulse of hormone makes me feel headachey and not good for a couple hours. I can tolerate it now. I dont feel my best on it but I can endure it.

I am toughing it out but bone pain is a new norm I never had. I quickly feel great when i dont take it. But I dont see a lot of options. I want to stay active as long as I can so the best case scenario is to endure the yuck of this drug and make it another 20 or so yrs doing what I want to do.

Incredible joint pain in my arms and knees. Tired all the time

Weight gain, increase in abdominal girth, headaches, depression and fatigue. Finally get to quit this med in March 2021.

Hair loss, blurred vision, headaches, more frequent urination

Wasn't able to inject in stomach so have to inject in my legs.

Apparent Hair loss. Frequent Urination.

Seems to have a mild stimulating effect. I can exercise ( jogging & workout at the gym ) right after injection,with no problems. Improvement in BMD after 4 months of treatment .per DEXA scan. I am hopeful for good results after the 2 year Treatment

Headache within 5 minutes, rapid heartbeat, unmotivated, depressed, and weight gain. I have never in my life had a weight problem. I've been 110 since the day I married and immediately gained 10 pounds within 2 months. I can hardly eat without gaining a pound. I've added at least 2-3 inches to my waist. I feel terrible... tired all the time. I hate this so much!

side effect free until recent hair loss

Weight gain. Leg cramps, neck pain. Gerd. Results have been good but hate side effects. Ready to be off shots

Slight leg aches at nightSome bruising at injection sight but minimal

Osteoporosis due to taking Prednisone

First few days had nausea which I could cope with. On the eighth day I woke up with excruciating pain in my hips. Couldn’t contact anyone to ask what to do but couldn’t face taking more.

High blood pressureMuscle and joint painLose of balanceBlurred visionHeadaches

Never had high blood pressure before160/80I've had headache but nothing like now

FORTEO (TERIPARATIDE RECOMBINANT HUMAN): Teriparatide is used to treat bone loss (osteoporosis) in people who have a high risk of getting fractures. It is similar to a natural hormone in your body (parathyroid hormone). It works by increasing bone mass and strength. This effect helps to decrease the risk of getting a fracture. This medication is not recommended for use in children or young adults whose bones are still growing. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have taken Aleve once or twice in the past but will NEVER take it again. It should be taken off the market. It was a terrifying and unnecessary ordeal.

OMG!!! I felt like I was going to DIE!! Really, I thought I was going crazy until I read some of the other side effects people had listed on here!! I was terrified..I felt depressed and moody and extremely tired all of the time. I felt like I was in a daze and could never get my thoughts together. I CRIED ALOT!!! I told my husband that if I kept feeling the way that I did that I would rather just be knocked out until I didn't have to take the meds anymore!! I was miserable. My body ached and I felt like I had been ran over by a BIG truck. I really felt like I could just crawl up in a ball and stay there until it got better. I had a very vary BITTER taste in my mouth and honestly this medication made me feel forse than having the upset stomach for 2 weeks straight! I called the doctor and the nurse told me that the side effects would go away in a few days but it never did!! I was counting down the days until I was finished with the meds!! I don't want to scare anyone but I just want you

Thumb nail split right down the centre from top to bottom. Skin on my arms and legs got thin.