Drisdol (ergocalciferol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Drisdol (ergocalciferol)

Absolute dismay when a blood test revealed that I was taking Vitamin D2, named "maximum D3" for maximum deception by the manufacturer!! My doctor prescribed "vitamin D3" and she assured me verbally that it was D3. There was nothing on the patient information from the pharmacy to indicate it was other than vitamin D3. I was scammed!!!

While physicians routinely prescribe vitamin D2, which is made from mushrooms, expert scientists do not considered vitamin D2 to be equivalent to vitamin D3. A recent article, "The case against vitamin D2 as a vitamin supplement", published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition by Dr. R. Vieth, concluded that "vitamin D2 should not be regarded as a nutrient suitable for supplementation or fortification." !!!

Muscular, joint, and skeletal pain; confusion; irritability; fatigue; insomnia; inability to stay focused; increased urination; dry mouth and increased thirst; nausea after meals; difficulty maintaining balance; constipation; shortness of breath.

My symptoms continued nearly unabated for more than a month after I stopped taking the drug; traces linger after three months. While I realize this drug is beneficial to most patients, it should be prescribed with caution.

muscle aches went away shortly after using. I had severe muscle aches from 17 months on actonel. My bone density went down, went to an endocrinologist who determined a d deficiency and I should have never been using actonel. I would advise a vitamin d test before using actonel

Side Effects fordrisdol (ergocalciferol) - User Comments


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depression, seasonal depressive dis

Nerve/muscle pain just above right knee that shoots down leg, mild nausea and abdominal cramping in the beginning

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My therapist diagnosed me w/dysthymia - low grade depression - and we believed I'd suffered this my whole life. At least once a year it would become major depression and I ahve self medicated with vicodins and abused other uppers over the years. I never felt "balanced" but now I DO. I take just 5mg a day. This may sound extreme or corny but is this what NORMAL feels like? Wish I found this sooner. I laugh, I don't feel crazy and out of whack I feel EVEN and steady. its great.

No side effects at all only positive relief of symptoms.

On a starter dose I experienced mental confusion, aphasia, stuttering, the feeling of shrinking, almost constant, painful prickling in feet and hands, thirst, fatigue, insomnia, weird dreams, weeping, rage, and panic.

I am very pleased! I feel no different from before I was taking the drug. However, next week,I am going for a blood test to determine my liver enzyme and Creatine Kinase levels, which would eliminate any doubts of potential side effects.

9 years on this pill, was satisfied for 6 of them. The last 3 I had been diagnosed with diabetes, & tested for cancer, anemia, and heart problems. I couldn't take a shower without wanting to faint, severe heart pain, and ready for bed by 4pm everyday. By process of elimination, we found out it was Seasonale causing my symptoms. I switched to Microgestin Fe 1/20 with lower estrogen, and and feel like I am 23 years old vs 50. Wish my OBGYN had listened to my pleas for help a lot sooner!!

Crestor 5mg daily. In the beginning I really didn't notice any difference. After 4 weeks now my joints hurt so bad it is hard to stand it. My knuckles are so swollen on both hands I can't close my hands. I tried to think what had changed in my life causing this. The only change was the Crestor so I went to look for side effects and found this site. I am quiting today. I took fish oil for a year and lowered it almost 200 points. I will stick with that. The pain associated with the Crestor is not worth it. I was sure I was getting arthritis at an extremely rapid rate. Glad to hear I am not imagining this. Will check back when been off a couple of weeks and let you know if the pain is gone and I can use my hands without severe pain.

Bit forgetful, nothing major...