Verelan pm (verapamil hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Verelan pm (verapamil hydrochloride)

Very rapid and continual weight gain.

I have taken Topamax for several years. The drug seemed to quit working, and my doctor was not comfortable increasing the dosage. He decided to add verapamil. Topamax is known for weight loss. Needless to say I was very surprised at how quickly I gained weight (20 pounds in a year) while taking verapamil in addition to a medication that causes weight loss! I am quite certain it is related to the medication since I am a very health conscious individual. Aside from the weight gain, verapamil has been mostly effective at relieving my migraines, with only a few breakthrough headaches.

SEVERE constipation, bloated abdomen, weight gain, night sweats

a 300 mg dosage and did not seem to contribute to helping my migraines lessen. The constipation was unbearable. I took colace and dulcolax every night. I went off the Verelan a couple of weeks ago and have already lost ten pounds and my stomach is almost flat again. I dont know for sure if the night sweats are related to verelan, but I havent had them since I quit this drug.

itching, sore throat, swollen legs

acute constipation; corrected when medication stoppedlower leg and feet swelling; corrected when medication was stopedsoftens disc tissue and causes disc in back to balloon ,thus pinching nerves:: correction unknown

caused insomnia :corrected when medication is stopedLEG cramps to the magnitude of 10 on a 10 scale

VERELAN PM (VERAPAMIL HYDROCHLORIDE): Verapamil is used to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Verapamil belongs to a class of drugs known as calcium channel blockers. It works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. Verapamil may also lower your heart rate. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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I have been off Fosamax now for 3 weeks and still don't have relief. The pharmacist says it has

I would suggest using this medication once in a while, single dose only. In my opinion, it is not safe for continual use.

After years on ritalin and then concerta, I got sick of having to take a second medication to deal with the anxiety I had when on stimulants. My doctor eased me slowly onto strattera, and I'm grateful that she did. I had no side effects at all, except for noticeable decreases in my anxiety and depression as I was weaned off the concerta. Now, 6 years later, I'm still a huge fan. I do find that strattera makes me constipated, but I've found that if I wait to take it until after I've had a bowel movement I'm fine.

To anyone who has had a bad experience with this shrug: you should rate the doctor who prescribed it to you on a site like,, or, if the doctor did not warn you about side effects: that's their job. They really should be fired, if not sued, if they don't do this. Unfortunately that rarely happens.

I lost about 50 lbs over a course of 8 months. My doctor tried to keep me on it for two months after I stopped losing weight but I decided to stop taking it. I started to have trouble sleeping and had severe dry mouth. About a year later I did gain 20 lbs back and my doctor suggested I go back on it. I have been on it for about two weeks this time around and I have not lost anything, I have been eating better and I go to the gym several times a week. My body seems to be immune to it now.

slight nausea,itchy red patches lower left leg,from knee to sock line.always injected to right abdomen for 6 months,had right rear back pain.Switched injection to left abdoman,4 weeks later had back pinches on left side don't know if related 2 byetta shot.

I am suppose to take this daily but I only take it Monday to Friday. Muscle pains started in the past 1-2 months. When walking sometimes it feels like the muscles behind my knee will give out. This happens when I initially place weight on my leg or when going up or down stairs. I also have been having pain in the ball of my foot. It feels like I pulled a muscle. I initially thought the foot pain was due to over use from excercizing but I wear good supporting sneakers when I work out. Glad I now know that it may be the medication.

This reaction to biaxin now extremely limits what can be given to me for infection as I am allergic to almost everything.

Claritin has helped with my allergies though I dont have any allergy symptoms, but I dont like the negative side effects and so I'm taking the medicine in the morning now to avoid the nightmares.