Verapamil hcl (verapamil hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Verapamil hcl (verapamil hydrochloride)

Hot flushes with sweating, severe headache, stomach pain, upper back pain, chest tightness, throat pain, insomnia, shortness of breath, dizziness and horrible episodes of tachycardia .

Not a nice drug for me, I was on propranolol and it worked a treat especially with the high heart rate unfortunately that caused my psoriasis to flare badly, so was put on vepramil started on 40mg and was to increase to 120mg but I never got past 40mg I stuck at it for 3 months but I couldn't take any more I literally felt like it was causing a heart attack that's how bad I felt, it increased my tachycardia to unbearable levels and such a tight chest would get anxiety and shaking because the tachycardia, not sure what else I can take also tried diltaizem but that didn't work only beta blockers do but I can't be covered in psoriasis, so only on losartan for bp right now, very unpleasant side effects and really don't know why it made the tachycardia worse.

Gradual onset of joint paint, pins and needles in hands and feet. Burning muscle pains in legs. Swollen left knee. Hot Flushes .

Started on these drugs after I couldn’t tolerate beta blockers .After the initial constipation issues which I manage to resolve by taking a daily laxido, the side effects were not too bad. However, blood pressure did not reduce to much and palpitations still happen but not as strongly.But the past couple of months I have started experiencing gradual joint pain, pins and needles in both hands and feet and my left knee swollen. My symptoms are very similar to Rheumatoid Arthritis, including night sweats and strange hot flushes during the day .I never had any of this 8 months ago before I started Verapamil. I notice that when I forget a dose the other day, the next day I was fine, all joint issues had disappeared ! There is literature on the web that does link Verapamil with spontaneous Lupus and the published side effects lists all the issues I have experienced.Seeing my doc in 2 days and would like to wean off as this is just too much to tolerate.

Still have high blood pressure and rapid heart beat. Dizzy all day and severe headaches. I already have migraines but now have one every day. I also take a small dose of imetrex. Chest pain and can't get out of bed. Feel like I need to go to er everyday.

Still have high blood pressure and rapid heart beat. Dizzy all day and severe headaches. I already have migraines but now have one every day. I also take a small dose of imatrex. Chest pain and can't get out of bed. Feel like I need to go to er everyday.

Swelling of ankles, abdo region, hair NOT growing and thinning, dizziness, fatigue, headaches.

It stopped the SVT, the day I stopped the medication the svt's started that morning again, I am not an overly appearance concerned person, but the way my hair is soooo thin now and not growing any more than a a cm over a couple of months is horrible. The constant fatigue and dizziness is draining and migraine headaches are regular. I feel so relieved to have seen there are others who experienced the same problems as I was beginning to think I was just being crazy (especially when you try to tell someone you think the medication is stopping your hair growing and it's thinning)

Chest Pain, hard painful heart beats, irregular heart beats, bloating, fatigue

I was switched to this, trying to lower triglyceride levels. My doctor said it's possible it wouldn't agree with me and he was right. The extra heart issues made me nervous. Switching back to my original medicine. I cannot wait until this is out of my system.

Extreme back pain! Severe itching all over my body, constipation, super dark urine (I'm a huge water drinker), vaginal discharge is also a dark yellow, fatigue, loss of appetite, my face is starting to look bumpy, did I mention extreme back pain?! This medication is absolutely horrible.

Developed Dyspnea, heart palpitations, tiredness not lowering bp

Extreme constipation. Took several days after stopping before I felt better.

Bloating and stomach pain. Severe constipation

Bad constipation daily with stomach bloat and stomach pain, blurry vision, always lethargic through the day and restless sleep.

Worked for the afib but suffering in other ways daily

Foggy mind, severe neck pain, frequent headache, fatigue, blurry vision, light sensitivity

Helped my migraines the first 6 months but then when I started having frequent small migraines my doctor increased my dose to 180mg and side effects and headaches got even worse.

headache,flush and constipation weight gain tired feeling also feeling itchy, insomnia dry mouth neck pain,muscles pain and confusion

i don't really like this medication but i am so sensitive or allergic to all blood pressure medications so I'm tolerating it for now

Initially took 180 mg for migraines and never got another one. Then had SVT and cardiologist increased it to 240 mg once a day. Gained weight, constantly tired, all joints hurt. Will.see him.soon.

Having terrible muscle pain feet and legs hurts so bad. Sinus problems horrible.

I want off see dr in 9 days not sure I can stand the pain that long.I seem to have side affects from every drug that suppose to help heartrate I've been on just about everything only one left to try..

Stomach Bloating, sleepy in the morning, allergy like symptoms, numbness in hands and feet which have passed.

This med has been a life saver. I've had migraines since I was 14. Now I have only a few a month instead of 4-5 a week.

No real side effects...Other than a little bit of constipation easily dealt with just by drinking water and eating things that keep things moving so to speak, No constipation Med ever needed.

Constipation. But the last 3 weeks I have swelling on my left side and my wrist is swelling and hurting bad. Shortness of breath and back pain.

I see my cardiologist in a couple weeks and plan to ask for a change.

Dizzy,constant sinus issues,muscle trouble galore,palpitations,ruined my vision,leg cramps at night,gastro upset,non stop ear ringing,you name it.

Been taking for 5 years,when it was made by Mylan,now? no longer available,switched to Glenmark made in India,and all hell broke loose,since Oct 2018,i've had nothing but non stop side effects,i want off it,my Dr is ignoring it,said "oh you've been on it a while" i will go elsewhere,i know it's the drug doing this! as soon as i couldn't get the Mylan anymore,if anyone can PLEASE tell me what they switched to? i'd really appreciate it,Was on Toprol years ago,raced my heart,i can't seem to find anything else that doesn't have nasty side effects.I can't even pull a full breath on the treadmill anymore.

VERAPAMIL HCL (VERAPAMIL HYDROCHLORIDE): Verapamil is used to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Verapamil belongs to a class of drugs known as calcium channel blockers. It works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. Verapamil may also lower your heart rate. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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Despite the negative side-effects, Remeron has been a surprisingly good drug. Interestingly it never seems to be a first line drug for OCD or anxiety and yet both have been very well managed by the med. I've tried everything including Wellbutrin (increased anxiety and OCD), Effexor (sweat like a maniac, zero libido), Luvox & Zoloft (both worked for anxiety to some degree but had memory problems on both and sexual side effects were not tolerable) and Celexa (sweating, sexual side effects). Needless to say there is always a trade off with these medications but if you're a man in your mid-30s, the sexual side-effects can be particularly hard to live with. I have found Remeron to be relatively free of any of the usual SSRI sweating / libido / cognitive & memory inducing side effects. I'll check back up on this board in a few months to give it a final verdict. If I haven't ballooned into a fat slob, I'll give this one an A.