Plendil (felodipine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Plendil (felodipine)

First, I carry a drug warning for doctors: do not prescribed any drugs with cancer causing agents. It was ignored. Thru the yrs I've had constant daily nausea and fatigue. I recently experienced passing out (several times a month) unknown reasons, so I stopped my meds one at a time for two weeks each. When I stopped Felopidine, I immediately felt better, which continued the longer I was off it. I then read reviews and side effects, and am wondering WHY AM I TAKING THIS AT ALL? I will not take it anymore.

I originally took Plendil over 10 years ago, but stopped due to hair loss and other side effects. It was on my "Refuse to take" list. Again I ask: WHY AM I TAKING THIS? Do doctors just ignore our warnings and wave off our concerns.

Heart started to race 2-3 hours after taking it.By 5 hours, around 11.30pm heart rate was up by 20 - 25 points. Accompanied by a pounding headache Vomiting x 3Nausea & some mild diarrhoea too.

Absolutely shocked by the reaction as I've taken amlodipine in the past which is also a calcium channel blocker and the experience was totally different. Only reason I came off amlodipine was because of hair loss.

Very painful burning lower legs, slight swelling

Felodipine 2.5mgConstant cough... sore throat...headaches.... rash...chest pain....whole body acheBeen off it 7 days now and still have all the side effects. Been prescribed 2.5mg candersarten but not taking it till side effects go away.

No high blood pressure, diabetes

Severe burning skin and swollen legs, worsen over the years until it became unbearable all over body. Suddenly doctor realised I'm allergic to it.

slight headache, flushing, dizziness, lightheadedness, some tingling sensation in legs and head, sleepy. otherwise good for me. doc has increased my dosage to 10 mg. getting used to effect on lowering bp.

Only side effects with generic of Plendil which is Felodipine because hard to get Plendil.

Recently heard that calcium channel blockers such as this one causes high risk of breast cancer in older women my age. Is this true? Recently had to undergo a breast stereotactic biopsy because I have very dense cystic breasts with lots of calcification. Thank God showed no cancer. But I'm very concerned whether I should stay on this medicine because of the findings of this medicine linked to breast cancer.

Horrible head and neck pain weakness upon standing. I also felt like my heart was racing and had to spend an entire weekend in bed.

I will not be taking this ever again. I must get my doctor to change this med. I was taking Mycardis and Losartin Potassium previously. Mycardis worked best without all these lousy side effects.

I had taken other meds for hypertension but I experienced bad side effects like feeling drunk,dizziness n others until such time that my doc, changed my med.with plendil 2.5 mg.I.m starting to win back my health and control my b.p. to only problem is plendil 2.5mg. is always out of stock in any drugstore.that.s why I.ll just buy 5mg. n have it break into half...hopefully.plendil 2.5mg.will always be available in any drugstore

I have been on Plendil for over 12 years with no side effects other then linkage to my breasts. I am postmenopausal and at risk of breast cancer. Just undergone a stereotactic breast biopsy procedure 4 months ago because of increased calcification cluster growths. As of yet no cancer thank God. I'm now worried though about stopping this med as latest findings linked all calcium channel blockers to breast cancer. HELP!

According to health news on MONDAY, Aug. 5, 2013..."Postmenopausal women who use a type of blood pressure-lowering medication called a calcium channel blocker may have increased odds of developing breast cancer, new research suggests.Long-time users of these drugs have more than double the risk for getting breast cancer compared to women not using the medications, according to the study, published Aug. 5 in JAMA Internal Medicine."We looked at these drugs because people who use them to manage their blood pressure are usually on them for the rest of their lives," said the study's lead author, Dr. Christopher Li, of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. "There has been some evidence suggesting that some of these antihypertensives may be related to breast cancer risk."The study of nearly 3,000 women found that among high blood pressure drugs, only calcium channel blockers carry the heightened breast cancer risk, Li said.

I have been on Monocor...and Coversyl but my bp in the office is 180... altho at home my monitor indicates 120 most of the time going up at night and early morning 140... Doc gave me 5mg of plendil which lowers my bp but gives me migraines and weird fluttering in the chest... it makes me uncomfortable and I am unable to sleep... so after 5 days I stopped taking it and now I feel back to my old self..I think that for me it didn't help but for some people it may work wonders give it a try if you are asked to try it never know...I took other meds like Norvasc...Lopressor...adalat xl.... with other side effects that made it impossible for me to take them either... ...

Science has yet to find the cure or magic pill for this health problem

I have not experience side effects

I blood preasure is under control

Worst headache of my life with severe vomiting!

I had normal bp until June this year. They think it might be renal hypertension but after a second opinion, the cardio wasn't convinced it was definitely that. I tried norvasc & aldactone both of which raised my bp to 230/135 and sent me to the ER. Plendil was the absolute worst. I felt like I was having a stroke, & nearly passed out. The pain was so excruciating I wished I was dead. I started vomiting from the headache about 2 hrs after it developed (which was about 3 hrs after I took the pill). I have never felt so sick in my life. The next day my neurologist sent me for a cat scan as I was sure a vessel burst in my brain. Not one medication lowers my bp which was normal or low up to Jan. They are doing 2 MRI's next week. I went to Cornell & they believe it could be trauma hypertension. My bp after talking to them has come down to 120's & 130's w/o meds. Prior to the consult, it was 150's-180's/100-122. DON'T EVER TAKE THIS DRUG!

Slight heart burn at beginning of medication. Once my body got used to the medication heartburn ceased to be a problem

This is an excellent medication for raynauds. I have noticed over time that I have had to increase the medication. I don't know if this is because my body has got used to the medication or if my blood vessels have narrowed even more as I have got older. I now take 7.5mg a day

I have been taking Plendil 10 mg for over 30 years once a day! I have NEVER had a problem and it has worked well in keeping my b?p under control.MY PROBLEM now is that my pharmacist cannot get Plendil..many pharmacies can' he gave me the deneris which I did try once before and I HATED it. I did nOT feel well at all on felodipine!Well, I went back to the Plendil after one day off it and have been taking the plendil until yesterday when I was told I would have a hard time finding it. So the pharacist gave me the felodipine (plendil generic) to TRY day and I feel horrible. I have to see my doctor Monday to see what we can do.I donot understand why distributors stop carrying a drug when they are obviously helping some people.So felodipine is my much for some generics.i would love to hear of anyone else that has tried to switch from plendil to felodipine and had the horrible experience I have. The plendil is expensive so I can see why some people may

High Blood Pressure Raynauds

Flushing, irritability, increase in blood pressure, swelling of gums, dental pain, general odema, gastric bloating, rash, terrible sweating, heat intolerance, trembling. This drug was so awful I was glad to stop it and have the raynauds back.

I was originally prescribed Plendil to help control high blood pressure and improve symptoms of Raynauds Syndrome. Plendil certainly did help the Raynauds - the only problem was it helped too much - I ended up looking like I had been boiled with a horrible red rash and flushed face to go with it. It did nothing to lower my BP, in fact it increased while I was taking it. I also experienced swelling of the gums and real bad dental pain around my wisdom teeth. My whole body felt on edge and had horrible itchy sensation on my skin. I only managed to tolerate treatment for a week - when I stopped I had to treat the side effects with anti-histamines. It took a while for my system to settle back down again.

hypertension cause:12yrs on Prempro

Tightening of the throat - and swelling in the throat thought I had Hasimoto's Thyroiditis; extreme fatigue leaving me only 4 hour days; nervousness, anxious; after coming off felodipine, I was put on lisinopril but continued to have extreme pain in the throat (thyroid?) for four more months that faded gradually; simultanous onset of vulvodynia with puritis ani when taking felodipine and experiencing the other well known felodipine side affects. Shock from taking this drug most likely triggered my memopause. This is a dangerous drug!

The doctors seem to be clueless/careless about the side effects of the drugs they so freely hand out and refuse to follow up on. I finally came off felodipine after four months when I first realized the doctor missed the common symptoms listed on the drug sheet after I went back one month later complaining to the Doc. The Dr. perscribed an antibiotic! At the time, I did not associate felodipine simultaneous on set of puritus ani and vulvodynia with menopause as a side effect. It has taken me five debilitating years without a diagnosis and 24 doctor visits plus spending the last 4 months researching on my own to obtain a self diagnosis and cure for the puritus-ani and vulvodynia (because the doctors would not take the time and I no longer could stand the misery) most likely caused by the felodipine drug nightmare. Recently, a rare and knowlegable nurse-practioner specializing in ob-gyn confirmed my diagnosis for the record. Memopause has been around for a longggg time and it is a C

Drug has been effective in controlling BP along with 150 mg of Toprol per day (100 a.m., 50 p.m.)Dosage is 5 mg 2x day. Only adverse side effect is enlarged and painful breasts (gynecmastia). Didn't see that in any other comments, tho is a listed side effect in PDR

Drowsiness, frequent urination

PLENDIL (FELODIPINE): Felodipine is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Felodipine is known as a calcium channel blocker. By blocking calcium, this medication relaxes and widens blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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Exposure to flu and used as a preventive not sure that it works that well for this purpose.

I started day one on this with Prednisone also .Within an hour i had Diarreha but didnt know which one caused it but have to say after that i felt the best i have in months.Also had Diarreha on day 3.I,m going in for sinus surgery on the 3rd May but Doc was trying to clear up at least the left sinus so he didnt have to get into both. Stopped taking Prednisone on day 3 as my blood sugar hit 199 and i,m not diabetic.Continued with Clindamycin til end of day 4.Last dose i took made my lungs feel really tight..hard time breathing.I was a little upset as i thought i was doing ok on this one. Then didnt have a bowel movement at all for 5 days which concerned me.I didnt even feel the need..had this horrible suspicion it was something to do with this med but everything ive read indicated Diarreha..not the opposite.Went to ER last night..they gave me a laxative..told me it would work immediately.Nothing until the next day when finally i had a bowel movement.I Think if you can stomach this Med make sure you take a good probiotic along with it to keep some good bacteria in your stomach. .It did seem to clear one of my sinus's, or make it feel like its cleared. I wont know til i have a CT scan on Thursday.I,m keeping up with Probiotics for awhile to make sure my stomach is back to normal

I have been using glucophage for a couple of years and not feeling well but not connecting the two. Then doctor increased dosage from 2 pills to 5 (so 2500 mg)as my blood sugar was too high. Now, I have nausea and lethargy after each pill. If I take 2 pills, I feel

Weight Gain. Slight incontinence and watery eyes.

No side effects...and no real effects

I have NO side effects. I have a bowel movement regularly now!

Pains in my arms and forearms, anxiety, sweating, sharp spasms in my back, general feeling of not feeling well, aches and pains I've never had before, still having burning in my urine after 7 days of misery.


Day one, I had no side effects until I went to bed. My skin under and around the patch was radiating incredible heat compared to the rest of my skin; it started burning uncontrollably and it itched badly. Day two, I felt nauseous all day long; it wasn't as bad as when I was pregnant. By day three, I was eating mass amounts of food and couldn't get "full." I had severe mood swings and attacked my husband verbally when he did nothing wrong. I couldn't take the burning any longer and my mood swings drove me to rip the patch off. A few days later, I still have a blotchy rash but my mood swings stopped.

migraine, headache, nausea, hungover feeling, ear popping, electric flashes, eye pain (chronic) blurred vision.