Lexxel (enalapril maleate; felodipine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lexxel (enalapril maleate; felodipine)

Felt horrendously ill. Terrible headache. Feeling lasted 23 hrs...till time of next dose...unable to sleep, awakened by pain. Pain in upper back. Dizzy. Vertigo. Decreased urination. Swollen feet ankles..diahrrea with blood constantly. Nausea. Etc

Side Effects forlexxel (enalapril maleate; felodipine) - User Comments


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A research article in JAMA, 2004;291:2243-2252 concludes this:

tingling in hands and feet, flu like symptoms, carbonation tasted horrible, some appetite loss(yahoo) extreme fatigue, weakness, forgetting words, stupomax and dopomax qualities

mood swings, anger, severe back pain, headaches, basically nothing good. I would rather have a period every month then be angry and pissed at nothing. Ready to get my cheerful self back.

Weight Gain (15 lbs in 6 months)

Extreme constipation, belching, pain in the area of my gall bladder, chest pain.

Worked great. Had a really bad allergy reaction to a medication and after speaking with my doc, he suggested I try benydryl for instant relief. It started working within the hour. I totally recommend for intstant allergy relief. However, the only drawback is you do become drowsy and it takes a while to leave your system. Definetly not something to take afte 9pm as you will wake up extremely groggy.

When I read the side effects from others who has taken this, I fully expected to have worse diarrhea. I had diarrhea really bad before taking this and it stopped. I felt like I had to "go" alot when in fact I didn't. That was the only side effect I had. When I was done with the medication, I was back to having diarrhea.

Can I just say I LOVE klonopin. It has been a life saver and I don't know how I would make it through each day with out it. I am also on 40m of celexa which is also great, but not enough. Before starting klonopin my anxiety got so bad that I didn't want to leave the house and could not function at work. I got put on Klonopin after my grandmother ( who to me is my mother) started her battle against terminal cancer. This alone crashed my world down, I was begining to have panic attacks daily to a point I would avoid leaving the house and taking sleeping pill just to get away. I was also starting to be a extreamly heavy drinker which made my situation even worse. Since taking this drug, along with my celexa I am me again. It doesn't block your feeling about what is going on around you, it just helps you deal with it. I think starting Klonopin was the best thing for me to do in this time of life. I don't know how I could deal with what I do with out klonopin.

Fast heart rate, dizzy, tired, forgetfulness, numb fingers, short of breathe. Blurry vision

see data in field below. I am correcting below data field re dates. I have been on Dosintex for 10 years, not 10 days!