Covera-hs (verapamil hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Covera-hs (verapamil hydrochloride)

swelling ankles,headaches,dizzyness, mood swings,hair loss, heavy eye lids a night,shortness of breath at times, vision blurred, itching, lightheadedness.

This is one drug that should be tossed in the trash can forever!it makes a 40 or 50 year old person feel like a 80 or older person ! you have no energy at all, bp goes down but does not hold even with sr types - fades out in the wee hours, and you end up wakeing up with ultra high b.p readings! and some chest pains! I think Doctors should take a step and read the side effects and make sure the paitent can tollerate the medicationsthey hand out so free and easy! its a half assed process with doctors today!

cant tolerate this stuff! shortness of breath,no power no get up and go!depressed tired lazy feeling cloudy thinking!short term memory loss! dry mouth and dry eye conditions! puke feeling off and on light headed feeling off and on.. panic attacks from this!

and you think beta blockers are bad! these are no better! same crap side effects! waight gain -bloating belly! gas problems, vision blurrs! hair thinning out, throat closes when eatting ?cant poop! bound up on this stuff! heavy cramps in legs and backfeel faint on this stuff off and on ! just dont want to move !!im 55 and feel like 155 on this poop ! dont like it at all..looking into natural meds now !!

It brought my HBP uder control almost immediately (from 180/130 to 120/80), but I am always tired and have dry mouth & eyes.

Hair loss! I was on it for 9 years and losing my hair. I didn't realize that it was the Verapamil causing the hair loss. I pray my hair will grow back now that I am not taking it any longer. It worked for my high high blood pressure, but not worth it to be going bald.

Cannot get it anymore. What gives. I really liked it. Neither the mail away nor the local drug stores said they could get it.

My tachycardia first started at age 11 and I had 4-8 episodes per year until starting Verapamil about ten years ago. I have perhaps one or two short episodes (30 seconds or so) of tachycardia per year now. I consider Verapamil a miracle drug.

weight gained quickly.Night- mares couple times when first started ,skin breaking out and hearburn

Worked for Tachy, but worsened at first for maybe 1 wk. beginning med ,breasts always sore ,not pms .worse coughing,already had a cough from ace. after few weeks tonque throat swelling constant headache nausea these problems with dose adjusts didnt help..Dr.took me off and all problems went away within 3 -6 days

tachycardia/high blood pressure

Side Effects forcovera-hs (verapamil hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Excessive sleeping, stuffed/bloody nose, next day drowsiness, massive weight gain, tardive dyskinesia, Withdrawal is HELL.

I increased the dose to 300mg a day. I also take 195mg trimipramine and 5 mg amitriptyline. I have cfs/ME since having severe viral infection 3 decades ago. Constant urgency has been very distressing. Been on numerous gut meds but this helps the most. I notice I am calmer. Still anxious about travel in case the bowels go.hopefully this will lessen over time. I now have some control over when I go. If I take a couple of cups of tea I end up going to the loo. Prior to gabapentin I was going numerous times a day and had to be very careful about what I eat. I can also eat a bigger range of foods without having to run to the loo.

Has anyone taken Wellbutrin XL along with Zoloft? How was it?

Works for me! For two years before Seroquel, hard time getting to sleep or wake up after 3 hours and can't go back to sleep. 25mg helps me sleep 9-10 hours each night,. More REM sleep! Can concentrate better. Everything seems sharper, brighter, crisper. Less moody and irritable.

Been a migrane sufferer all my life. Amerge is the best of the triphans. Best of all, does not appear to cause rebound headache. Also, is long-lasting: 24-30 hours.

i became a slobbering idiot, couldn't keep my eyes open, slept for 16-18 hours a day, and my dissociation worsened.

Muscle damage,fast heart rate, high bp nightmares, severe anxiety, headache, metallic taste, fear, mental issues intrusive thoughts ,lots more new symptoms keep popping up, ringing in ears my eye sight, candida overgrowth h pylori, this is toxic poison, there is a facebook group for people who has been injured from this, would not take and I beg that it be taking off the market

Hallucinations hand tremmors slowed motor function dizzy tired sea sick feeling

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was somewhat effective but not my first choice as an analgesic