Azor (amlodipine besylate; olmesartan medoxomil) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Azor (amlodipine besylate; olmesartan medoxomil)

Just figure it out after, taking myself off it for a day, and the other blood pressure pills another dayThe pitch of my stomach feels like, I have a hole, nausea, flu like. Went to Emergency two weeks ago could find anything, gave me nausea med and muscle rekaxer, Today is Sunday 8/20/17. I am making me appointment first thing tomorrow, I will not take another one of these pills. I thought it was my methrox., right now, I am sick than a dog.. I need this out of my system now. Lord Help me to holdout

Hair loss, joint & muscle pain, very rarely light headed, heart pounding in head, anxiety

Hair loss started when I was on Benicar, continues even on Azor. The joint & muscle pain is almost unbearable. Does control my BP.

Went to refill today and was told I must now go to generic, bucause insurance no longer will allow payment for Azor.....bummer

Flushing, high anxiety at first, then extreme lethargy, head clouded up, unable to function or move, joint pain like arthritis, peripheral burning pain neuropathy in feet, hands, and legs, late night cramping, overall bad feeling... much like flu-like pain, then after 10 days, severe puffiness, swelling in ankles and feet, nausea, vomiting, as if chemically poisoned... So I Stopped it.... Yikes this stuff is crazy nuts!

Too bad because it did lower my BP. Yet isn't a medicine supposed to make you feel better than sicker? This stuff made me feel very sick... Rather live a short life feeling great with all my marbles, than a long worthless life sick as a dog!

Has helped immensely. Pressure is normal. I take it in the evening before bedtime.

Severe knee joint pain. Had xrays, MRI they can t find much wrong except mild arthritis. We are suspecting the Azor

I had light headedness with all other blood pressure meds...Azor seems to work the best but my knee pain is awful

Worst drug ever! I took this medicine for close to a year and had every side effect.i was taking it in the morning and was so lathargic I could not function,I had diarrhea,nausea pounding head and said I had to get used to it.blood pressure spikes,and worst feeing of anxiety in my life!! Panic attacks 2 hours after taking it.indigestion could not sleep eat function.hives everyday for months.suicidal.i finally figured out it was the Azorand I quit taking it.i think I had took me a long time to finally start feeling good

Only a few days in and I have a lot of drowsiness. The worst part has been the horrible nausea and stomach pain. A slight headache as well.

I've stayed around 210/115 give or take a little and now averaging around 119/78 so it works! I just feel horrible.

I have been very happy with Azor

swelling in legs feet angles shortness of breath stomach naseua heart flutting

Headaches, palpitations and a little shortness of breath.

My doctor gave me 4 weeks of samples for AZOR. The first 3 days I felt fine. Any swelling in my feet and hands were gone after I started the AZOR. On day 4, I started having really bad headaches. By day 5, palpations started. The evening of day 7 I was feeling crazy. My heart was racing and my head was pounding. I felt like I was full of anxiety. I was clearly headed towards a panic attack. On day 8, I forgot to take it. Half way through the day, I realized the headaches were completely gone and the palpations were almost non existence. I think the way to go is through weight loss. Not worth the headaches. I don't recommend AZOR!

My BP was stroke level. We're talking 200/120. Dr prescribed azor BP immediately went down. Few weeks later started having intimacy issues and loss of sex drive. Dr checks blood and starts me on testosterone replacement injections. The injections worked for about a week or so after I would take them and would wear off after. Even while they were working I still had a limp noodle. I dealt with this for over 2 years and finally one day something just told me to Google reviews of the drug azor. I stumbled upon this site and started reading the numerous reviews of low T, ED, swollen breasts, weight gain, headaches. Immediately I called my doctor and asked if we could try something different for BP med and told him of my findings. At this point I was 10 hours from home working for a month in the middle of nowhere. The nurse calls and said he won't make any changes until he sees you in the office. I was depressed that I thought I had found a solution to the problem I had battled for 2 years and my doctor whom was normally understanding of these things wouldn't do anything. I came home from work and immediately found a new physician told him of my findings he said let's try it. He writes the script for loesartan and low and behold 3 days after I dropped azor I got my erection back. Azor gave an indication of low testosterone and the symptoms of low T. I battled this for 2 long years. It nearly ruined my marriage. My wife and I usually have an active sex life. This drug is terrib

Do NOT take this drug if you're a male. It will kill your sex life and make you feel like crap

Severe headache and erectile problem. When I stop for 2 weeks, I got my erection back.

Is a pretty good drug. Except for the two side effects listed above. Besides azor, I have tried all other similar drugs in its class none work like azor 10/40mg.

unbearable headaches, the point that i could not sleep for days,...a general feeling of unpleasantness. tired sore neck,..and legs. for worse then my 140/90 bp, that i have brought down to 136/87 by losing 12 lbs. i have stop taking the medication for two days now,..and the headachs, and foggy head is going away. im just going to lose the weight ,and bring my bp down

azor gave me a foggy head,headach soreness,..chills. i stop taking it after two weeks, never to return to it

I would never take this drug ppl. I think it is the benicar that is in it. Started off good compared to the beta blocker then progressively got worst. Shortness of breath dizziness lightheaded fatigue tired all the time general sense of disgust. Took my life away for a month. I quit taking this med 3 days ago and I feel like a new me.

Extreme headache vision problems,labored breathing,nausea,bloody stool,dizziness ,overall bad feeling terrible medicine

I don't think they studied this med enough terrible side effects be carefully try something else first

AZOR (AMLODIPINE BESYLATE; OLMESARTAN MEDOXOMIL): This product is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This product contains 2 medications: amlodipine and olmesartan. They both work by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. Amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker and olmesartan is an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


Related User Reviews

I had spotting and mild cramping daily for 3 months. Now I have no issues. The best thing is my orgasms are more intense! I'm loving this thing!

Shakes, sweating, difficulty sleeping, diarrhea, high blood pressure. Increased orgasms

Swollen face, muscle pain on back, shoulderWill never get the second dose

Chest pains, tics, dry mouth, excessive salivation, twitching tongue, blurred vision, slurred speech, muscle fatigue.

The very first day I took this pill I had hot flashes. Those have let up since. I've only been taking it for five days and about two or three days ago I noticed my feet were hurting as if I had just started a new job and wasn't used to being on my feet. However, this is not the case and I have been wearing the same shoes for four months, so it's not that. Today I was in so much pain I had to take Tylenol and Naproxin just to get me through the day. It didn't help much. The thing is, my feet have been hurting more and more each day, and today when I woke up they hurt worse than when I had gone to bed. This is not normal. I threw the pills away! I refuse to live like this. I'd rather have a monthly heavy period than go through daily pain like this. I've also been feeling lower back pain as if I had a kidney infection, and fatigue and slight depression. This pill is the only thing that I can account for the sudden physical changes in my body. I'm not a big fan of taking pills anyway, but I thought it would be great if I could stop the heavy cramping and bleeding. I'm still bleeding, too, by the way, so that hasn't even let up. I think I'll stick with the natural way.

No other side effects other than the vomiting. Boo vomiting.

Extreme nausea, headache, clenching jaw, joint and muscle pain, tremors, dizziness, heart palpitations, chest pain - all within the first 24 hours.

dry mouth (even after 4 years); affects sleep if I take it late in the day; headaches (sometimes); slightly elevated blood pressure in the beginning but it settled down pretty quickly.

Terrible leg pain and a numbness in my elbows. Very strange feeling.

I have suffered, and I mean suffered from depression my entire life. I am now 46 and happy to report I have not been depressed for about two years. I have tried prozac, wellbutrin, paxil and serzone. I tried Effexor (not XR) 18 years ago and felt wonderful after the first week. Couldn't continue due to severe constipation. After many years of trying other meds finally found out about Effexor XR. It has been the drug I have been searching for. Even though I have insomnia (so I take it in the morning and take trazadone for sleeping), nightmare when I miss a dose (my family always knows when I miss a day for I am sure to talk and occasionally scream in my sleep), I also feel very shaky and unable to concentrate and will cry for no reason the day after missing a dose, but I feel better than I have ever felt in my life. I have been taking it for 8 years now and would put up with almost anything to keep this desire to wake up and live! There was a time I would have rather been dead. For me XR is more effective with way less side effects. Don't care what long term effects may be. At least I enjoyed life while on it. Glory to God!