Amlodipine besylate (amlodipine besylate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Amlodipine besylate (amlodipine besylate)

Lethargic, urinate early when didn’t before bit forgetful however seems to lower down 40points. So does ok there not sure what to do reading comments. Felt better before however

Added to my already dose of 4mg Perindopil… did notice one night lower number bottom was 65 ,hmmm should be 77 my age 80. Not sure if that’s a concern. Top number is the issue really .

prescribed amlodipine for ER visit July 2024 for high blood pressure. I had pneumonia per CT chest. I have elevated b/p in MD offices. Checking at home b/p is normal up to 135/70

At night I would awaken 2-3 times every 2 hours with tachycardia, palpitations, anxiety, severe bladder urgency, chest pressure and pain. Took myself off of this drug after 2 weeks due to these symptoms. My b/p is back to my normal but the withdrawal is severe. I finally fell like myself again but it took 12 days after quitting this drug.

Chest Pain, Flushing, Arm Pain, Leg Pain, Shoulder Pain, Chest Tightness, Jaw Tightness, Headaches, Nausea, Lightheadedness, Dizziness, Tiredness, Lack Of Appetite, Anxiety

The drug from hell. I had all of my symptoms constantly 24/7 they would never go away. This drug also caused my blood pressure to be high 24/7 due to the anxiety it gave. Doctor wouldn't believe me it was the medicine until I begged him to try to let me get off it. Blood pressure is completely fine now 3 weeks off.

Fast heart rate, extremely swollen legs and arms. My legs felt like they were on fire and I would feel a tingling sensation up and down my legs almost every step I took. My arms, legs, and hands would often be bright red, especially after any form of light exercise. I stopped taking it because it was just becoming too painful to move around, plus I work a job where I am on my feet for hours at a time and it was affecting my work performance.

I have also been on losartan and lisinipril for high blood pressure and like them a lot better.

First it was lightheaded upon standing, then muscle/leg pain, heart palpitations, and finally swollen legs/ankles. I have had enough and am telling my doctor to switch me to a different medication.

Anything over 5mg causes too many side effects.

Fast heart rate in the morning can hardly walk eyes hurt neck pain chest pain blood pressure still high and anxiety is too— worse cold sweat you name it I've had it

My advice don't take this I have tried it twice and the side affects are the worst and they never get better. Do yourself a favor and request something else

I'm still taking this medication. Hot flashes no longer an issue. Works with losartan well

Severe heart burn(chest pain). Brain fog. Feeling “off”

I suffer from gerd and this made my chest feel like it was going to explode. Anyone else?

Worst med I have had to take. Depression Nausea headache nasal dryness no appetite Anxiety aches in legs

It is poison this medication. Should be banned

I have experienced no side effects.

This was added to my other blood pressure meds (Losartan and Metoprolol) as they were no longer adequately controlling my BP. I am amazed at how well this works.. My blood pressure immediately came down to normal levels.

Feet & Ankle swelling; headache;..joint pain;fatigue; neck pain

This drug makes you feel lousy due to all the sides effects

Relaxed intestines so they could not contract. Swollen feet and ankles. Headaches and brain fog. Plus BP was still high

Sore, bleeding gums, severe Achilles heel pain, ankle collapse, pain in legs, feet/toes, headache

Took 2.5, then 5mg for years, then ineffective, graduated to 10 mg. Severe Achilles heel pain. Immobilizing. Dr's position-unaware of such side effects despite found reference in"Journal of Human Hypertension",vol 13, p 565-566,Aug 1999, "Achilles Tendonitis:An Unusual Complication of Amlodipine Therapy, S.Podley, A.Cox, M.Feher

Headaches, heart palpitations, chest pain, this tablet was the worst blood pressure tablets that I tried

Do your research first before trying this drug

Brain fog, blurred vision, light headed, weakness, diarrhea rapid heart rate.

In my opinion Amlodipine is a poison drug with a vary long half-life. I was given it for hypertension. On day 11 of taking this drug I got brain fog, light headedness, a dull headache and became nonfunctional. My wife had to do all the driving, shopping, paid the bills, etc. This condition lasted for about 3 weeks. Stay away from this drug.

I started with swollen ankles and feet but that resolved(sort of). Then the vivid dreams/Nightmares began, insomnia I am up till 2am, diarrhea, constipation. The last straw for me is extreme fatigue, memory loss and a general foggy feeling. I'll be asking my doctor to take me off this drug asap

In combination with Carvedilol

My cardiologist got me to try this twice insisting it's the most tolerated blood pressure medicine on the market with the least side effects. Well I'm sorry but one size does not fit all it has taken me forever to prove to them that this makes me so sick. I practically felt judged and shamed just because it didn't work for me. I even attempted to score at 2.5 mg tablets in half and for two weeks I basically took 1.25 mg and still got sick. He added this to my carvedilol for which I do excellent on but amlodipine is a disaster drug for me. I completely empathize with anyone that feels the same way about this horrific medicine and if your cardiologist doesn't believe you fight to prove yourself not to be in the one size, fits all category and then find yourself a new cardiologist like I did!!

What drug does not fit all if this makes you sick get off of it quickly and safely with the help of your doctor and if your cardiologist won't listen, find another one

Was already taken losartan hcq pressure started creeping up to mid-100s over 90s and a little higher. Went to cardiologist all other tests came back fine. Took this at night before bedtime as I was told and literally was urinating two to three times an hour for almost 12 hours. Light-headed and very anxious. This drug should never be taken in my opinion. I have never left the review for anything in my life but I feel this is very important and hope people can read it before they make the same mistake.

Flushing of face, headaches, palpitations numbness and tingling in feet .hated these feelings

AMLODIPINE BESYLATE (AMLODIPINE BESYLATE): Amlodipine is used with or without other medications to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Amlodipine belongs to a class of drugs known as calcium channel blockers. It works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. Amlodipine is also used to prevent certain types of chest pain (angina). It may help to increase your ability to exercise and decrease the frequency of angina attacks. It should not be used to treat attacks of chest pain when they occur. Use other medications (such as sublingual nitroglycerin) to relieve attacks of chest pain as directed by your doctor. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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Nausea brain hurts and feel all my pain but with a feeling of borderline numbness and harder to breath normally

It has been a miracle drug,it takes away my knee pain.i ride a mountain bike every day and the pain relief is unmatched

I take 200 mg twice a day and this has been a miracle for me. I love it, however recently my doctor changed it to 200 mg once a day and I have started to get headaches and night sweats again. Has anyone else had this experience?

Nausea, loss of appetite, major weight loss

More tired and sleepy faster. Has helped my blood pressure. Now in normal range.

There has to be a better way. Although it did its job and cleared me out, there really has to be something better they can come up with. First off the taste is horrid even with crystal light to try and cover it up. Luckily, being the raging alcoholic that I am, I was able to pound the large amount of horrible tasting liquid. It did leave my stomach feeling nauseous though. Somewhere around the 571st trip to the bathroom, my anus felt like I had been raped by an elephant and I did not know if I could stand to go again, but this lovely medicine does not give you the choice. My appointment is tomorrow and I hope the colonoscopy does not aggravate the tattered flaps of skin that used to make up the opening to my mud vein.

Anxiety,worsened depression, stiff neck, flu like, sore throat, lowered immune system, hip pain, urination, dry skin, stuffy nose, insomnia, headaches, memory issues, hair graying/loss. I think the ceo's of companies caught hiding negative info about their drugs should get life in prison/death penalty. The whole system is corrupt IMHO.

Dizziness,racing heart,vision changes,breathing problems,headaches,jaw pain,shooting pains and memory loss.

be sure to read up on antibiotics before taking the because they make you feel these anxiaty attacks/palpitations/limp in throat etc as if its your fault and its not!

This is my first period since taking Seasonale. My period came 2 weeks early and the cramps beforehand were incredibly painful. There were large chunks of uterus lining in my period (more than had ever had before). Also, the week before my period, I had severe PMS, but did not realize that it was PMS since my period was early. I'm not a person who cries often, but I was crying on a daily basis, about 3 times a day.