Zepbound (tirzepatide injection) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zepbound (tirzepatide injection)

I'm no longer taking this medication. Severe Abdominal pains

Side Effects forzepbound (tirzepatide injection) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Relieved the pain I won't take any again.

Panick attacks, derealization, anxiety, stomach issues, ringing in ears

I would not be alive if it were not for this drug. It completely changed my life after being on just about every other type of drug there is out there. Worked within days. Tried to get off of it once due to the weight gain and fell into a deep depression that was extremely scary. Can't get off of it even if I wanted to. Too scared. Take it along with Seroquel and Topimax. Depakote made me a vegetable. I will have to live with the side effects, even though some have been mistaken for more serious illnesses such as MS.

Miracle! a little mental fogginess an hour or so after taking, some tingling in fingers significant weight loss

slight dizziness, dream suppression and less sexual drive

Retrograde ejaculation. i had a prostate problem (just swallen a little) and since i took zyban i am having retrograde ejaculations: in other words the muscle which controls the opening of the bladder does not close properly and the sperm goes into the bladder. i looked at the causes of retrograde ejaculation and here they are:1. Nerve damage caused by medical illness — This is especially common in men with multiple sclerosis or with long-term, poorly controlled diabetes. WHICH I DON'T HAVE2.Side effects of medication, including some drugs used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure) and some mood-altering drugs.(which i believe ZYban does)

This drug may help initially with quelling anxiety symptoms, but it cast the most horrific depression ever. I am almost done tapering from this drug and it has been absolute hell. While many think this is a "miracle" drug, I can attest to it being a true experience of hell on earth. You can also google Steve Nick's experience getting off this drug; she also depicted it as sheer torture. This drug's benefits DO NOT outweigh the terrible risks. Overtime, you will reach a tolerance and you also get to a point where your personality is so flat that no one recognizes you anymore. Anyone who could discourage frank reviews, including describing the drug as "Satan's little helper", is simply trying to mislead you or they have no idea what the withdrawals are since they have not tried to taper after reaching a tolerance. However, the description is fitting as it is well known that this drug is harder to get off of than heroine.Rather than Klonopin,use this time to determine how to deal with the anxiety head on. Prayer is wonderful and breathing exercises..Also, I found Holy Basil to be much more effective than the Klonopin. If you do find yourself in terrible withdrawals, find a doctor who will taper you slowly and use the Point of Return products. Alesandra Rain is beacon of light and has helped me recover from this hideous drug. The depression has lifted and I finally feel life again much to the thanks of Point of Return.

On the last day of Rx today; period was regular at 28 day intervals before a couple of months ago, so hope to see period resume in couple of days and remain normal.

Bad side effects, but I guess we have to pay for bad decisions. -.-

It is amazing. I have been on it for 5 years and it works wonderfully. It just takes a little bit of time for your body to get used to it. But after that it work great. I never have hardly any cramps and no ance any more!!! I am on the regular ortho not the LO.