Victoza (liraglutide recombinant) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Victoza (liraglutide recombinant)

The drug worked incredibly well to cut back on eating, one just never feels hungry. I had to force myself to eat, however i stopped due to constipation. Perhaps it had something to do with not eating

Uncontrollable diarrhea for a period of time when I first started taking it. Lots of abdominal cramping. Both problems have subsided with time.

It took about 3 months before I started losing weight.

nausea, gall bladder removal, weight loss, fatigue

I have been taking Victoza for 3 years. Right away I experienced a big reduction in hunger, and could only eat small portions of food. It lowered my blood sugar within a week and keeps it stable. I did feel fatigue and nausea that never goes away. Nausea is helped only when taking anti-nausea meds. Fatigue is strong and I am always exhausted. I had to stop it for a few days due to a flu, and the nausea and fatigue went away within 2 days, and came back within a day of re-starting it. I lost 30 pounds in the first year and then have been at the same weight, even though I eat way less than I did before Victoza. About a year and a half in, my gall bladder went bad and had to be removed. Now I am at the 3 year mark, and feeling pain in the gall bladder area, along with increased sweating, nausea, and vomiting every few days for the last month. I suspect I am having pancreas problems, probably from the Victoza. Am going to my GI dr next week to get checked out. It did help for a while, but I am planning to change to something else, because I suspect if I don’t, I will have pancreas trouble. So I am 50/50 on recommending this med. It did help with weight loss and stabilizing blood sugar, but the nausea, fatigue, and gall bladder removal are harsh side effects.

Nausea only when upping the dose (settles after the first day), extreme appetite suppression, excessive sweating from face (dripping!), foul smelling urine

Havent noticed much weight loss, maybe 5lbs since I started 40 days ago. Will use up medication I have then probably not continue, due to sweating & urine smell side effects.

I've become irritated, sore muscles, tired, ifeel that I'm fighting low blood sugar, possible some confusion


Not recommended for people without diabetes

Pancreatitis and I had to have my gallbladder removed. Would not recommend.

Nausea, severe stomach pain diarrea, very tired, no energy, .stopped taking it after 1 week felt awfulNow I have blurred vision, it's been 2 weeks, eye Dr. Said no Dibietes damage, it did take away cravings for food and sweets, but could not tolerate stomach pain, would not recommend Victoza, I'm on Janiva 100mg. Working well no side effects sugars are down in morning

Initially had pain in upper stomach and upper left side but it resolved within a week. Really killed my appetite (which was great) and immediacy brought my blood sugar in line .

I have never had side effects. Keeps me very stable. I'm brittle diabetic. Until this am. I did my daily injection and suddenly there was an after taste. Minor but connected. Is this normal or just a freak. Been diabetic for 45 years.

Thyroid weight gain caused joint pr

Hyperness, maybe because I have fibromyalgia, arthritis which makes me so tired. I also have hashimoto which is hyper and low thyroid,to be clear. I am always tired always. I eventually gained 60 pounds way over weight. Recently thyroid doctor prescribed victoza. I started feeling myself right away. I do have ADHd to begin, along with depression and bipolar. 1 day on 1.8 took hunger away completely. I lost 2 pounds in 4 days. That is amazing and I'm excited because I took only 1 dose Skipped next 3 days to see side affects. Day 5 and I'm eating small portions periodically but not really hungry at all, however you must eat or your body feels like your stomach needs food, like when you're hungry and starving & feel like throwing up, even growls but you actually don't want to eat, but your stomach knows u need food if u get my just. I have also trouble sleeping since first dose, and nausea. I ate forcing myself because u need nutrients regardless.. I haven't heard people feeling like I do but maybe because I have several.medical issues and mental which triggers u differently. .on the bright side I love energy, I'm so extremely happy I can shed weight which helps my joint pains and I'm more active then I've been in a while. Also no jitters or anxiety. People say u adjust.. does work though. Miracle I say. Hopefully no reprucutions. Does anyone have similar effects??? Advise !!! Eat periodicaly. Nutrients are the key, use this to program healthy eating.

Be careful. Eat small portions forcefully.if u don't, u feel week, dizzy, out of wack, and your blood pressure drops which is not healthy. Take advantage to retrain yourself to eat the right way. Works wonders for me after trying diet pills that make me have crazy anxiety and hunger still there. Use it for the good. Either way sleep is fucken crazy all over the place. Please let me know if someone feels same. Or it's my own Insanity, lol !!!

After 8 hours from taking first dose, stomach felt nauseous for remainder of the day. Also instant fatigue noticed after injection. I am very active and it was hard for me to do the elliptical ( usually do 20/20 for 1.5 hours, only able to do 45 minutes).

I will give it another few days and see if I can tolerate it.

Loss of appetite initially so weight loss but after several months no side effects

None til increased dose to 1.8.

Have lost 40 lbs. A1c is 6.0. BS 99

Overwhelmed with fatigue, blurred vision and pain. Lost 5kg but after I stopped put all of it back on and more. But I do not feel right since, even after stopping pain, extreme fatigue and blurred vision never subsided. Devastated!

Hasn't helped a tremendous amount, and has kept me nauseas for the entire time so far. Not sure I will continue. I eat an extremely low carb diet, so I expected more help for the trade out of feeling sick all the time. I agree with other user, seems like you are poisoning yourself.

I compare the side effects of Victoza to being on chemo! Horrible taste in my mouth, stomach discomfort,& OVERWHELMING INSOMNIA & tearfulness.

To me Victoza is POISON!! Ruined my life!

Lower blood sugars weight loss

nausea loss of appetite couldnt eat even to take insulin really bad heartburn pain in upper stomach left side

My whole body aches no energy lost my sense of smell constipation sometimes nausea sometimes can't sleep well

Nausea, a lot of nausea!! Dizziness, tiredness and headaches. I threw up a few times.

I'm so happy that my doctor recommended Victoza. There is a bunch of my favorite foods that I can't tolerate anymore. I feel super sick after eating anything greasy. I crave healthier options and eat way less. I've lost 42lbs in 2 months!!! I feel amazing and excited about my results so far.

Side Effects forvictoza (liraglutide recombinant) - User Comments


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This drug is a hazard... If you can get off of it - DO IT! I took Omeprazole for 8 years - loved the fact that I could eat/drink anything I wanted - but OH what a price I've paid (literally)! From the time I took this drug I have been losing hair. I did not know at the time it was from this medication. Because of the hair loss, I started to see a dermatologist - who diagnosed me with Alopecia. I saw him for approximately 6-7 years and paid a lot of money for a problem that I could have avoided in the first place! I then went on women's rogaine for many years, then switched to men's rogaine - took a toll on my scalp, so had to get off of that medication - after a few months off of the minoxidil (rogaine) - a ton of my hair fell out - that's what happens when you stop minoxidil. In June I went off of Omeprazole and it "seems" my hair is trying to come back - I mean seriously I lost almost ALL body hair - eyebrows were very sparce, arm hair, hair on my head, etc. ALL BECAUSE OF OMEPRAZOLE... If you don't need to - do not start this medication - if you are on it - get off ASAP!

Horrible medicine complete fluid retention sore stomach all day muscle pain all day one pill 25 mg:( never ever again:(

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I LOVE this med. It has kept my mania pretty darn stable. Recently added a bit of Topamax to it for weight loss, but have no plans to get off the Lamictal. The generic is now available by Teva (I know, I know--they're not the most loved generic pharma), but I've noticed nothing different in my moods after taking the generic for at least 6-7 weeks now (neither has anyone else). Lamictal (brand name) is the one med that I've taken consistently and with only minor dose tweaking since I was dx'd with BPII in 2001. I did, however, find out that 400mg is too much for me, and almost immediately I experienced burning, swelling, and itchy palms. Doc lowered it right away to 300mg.

nausea tiredness low sex drive, after taking 60mg hard to reach orgasem, and hair loss

Weight gain - 35lbs over the last year( was 120 now 150), depression, moodiness, crying spells, increased sex drive, breast tenderness, a strange increased desire to want a baby now.

See my review of 2/12/2012 under 'Zyban' on this site. Exact same drug bupropion hydro but marketed under this name in Australia and UK.

I have been on the shot for 13 years and the only reason I have not quit is because I love not having periods and I am so afraid of if and when I do stop, how my body will react to it. How long will I bleed and what other problems will I have. I have gained 50lbs but I really don't blame Depo. I am lazy and eat fast food everyday. I had lost 50lbs in my 5th year on the shot but gained it all back. I am wondering about my bones in my golden years and still am trying to find information on long term affects. Everytime I get my shot I always ask that question and I never get an answer. WHAT ARE THE LONG TERMS AFFECTS??? I guess I will know soon...

Will the tics go aways after a few weeks while still taking med. He wil turn his head side to side and up and down

Dizziness, vomitting, blacking out, and confusion