Tradjenta (linagliptin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tradjenta (linagliptin)

Significant and widespread joint pain, weight gain, fatigue, depression, dry eyes, abdominal swelling and discomfort.

Intense joint pain in fingers and knees. Constant lower back pain. Pain at top of stomach like heartburn but worse. Weird rough skin. Lethargy. Dry mouth. Increased urination

I stopped taking Tradjenta before A1c test because I couldn't take side effects, so no idea if it's working. Symptoms slowly fading now. I think this stuff needs to be reconsidered by FDA.

Frequently urination dry mouth extremely thirsty phlegm in throat difficulty swallowing

Didn't help glucose as my sugar raised over 600

Swelling in my feet. Rashes, acne, runny nose and wheezing. No sleep.

This stuff should be taken off the market.

My body was shaking from the inside continuously. Shaky and weak.

too soon to tell if it's working or not, but no really bad side effects yet

Worked gret with low to no side effects

blocked nose ,poor reduction in blood sugars ,elevated fasting levels ,not as good as januvia but fewer side effects .

TRADJENTA (LINAGLIPTIN): Linagliptin is used with a proper diet and exercise program and possibly with other medications to control high blood sugar. It is used by people with type 2 diabetes. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, blindness, nerve problems, loss of limbs, and sexual function problems. Proper control of diabetes may also lessen your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Linagliptin is a diabetes drug that works by increasing levels of natural substances called incretins. Incretins help to control blood sugar by increasing insulin release, especially after a meal. They also decrease the amount of sugar your liver makes. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My son has been taking this medicine for about four months at first he was taking 5mg and it didn't seem to do much once the Dr upped his dosages to 10mg I seen a huge change he went from active to extremely tired falling asleep in class on the toliet or just randonly. His attitude changed too. He became very calm after taking it at first but after a few hours he would lose it hitting himself and others. Yelling and was very impatient. His appetite changed too he went from barely eating to wanting to eat all the time and now he doesn't eat much at all. For about the last two months he has been super constipated and throws up randomly at night. But has no recollection Of what happened like he does it when he's sleeping. This med definitely is scaring me specially now that I read coming off of it can cause even more problems I feel bad for putting my son on it for the first place.

I think I have been on the generic Seasonale (Jolessa) for maybe 3 yrs. I take it strictly for cycle control as I have very heavy periods. I have gained about 30lbs. I had not even considered that it could be attributed to this pill until I read this page. I have never weighed this much in my life. I changed my diet, joined a gym, still couldn't lose a single lb. I also have acne breakouts and cystic acne which I never had during puberty. I also have been diagnosed with PTSD due to traumatic events that happened about 3 yrs ago. But now I am wondering how much of my symptoms might be from this pill. I've had clinical depression my entire life but never the complete loss of energy that I've experienced these past few years. After reading a lot about hormones, birth control pills, and people's reviews, I'm no longer comfortable with the idea of all these extra hormones in my body screwing me up. I have not been sexually active in over 3 yrs and never plan on having children so I decided to stop taking this pill and get a permanent birth control done soon. I am anxious to see if I start feeling better, have more energy, get rid of the acne permanently, and lose some weight.

Not worth it! It only takes one time and you'll regret it. After taking aleve for the 3rd time finally connected the side effects to Aleve. Will never take again!

It would be good if there was a rating added that allowed a person to indicate that their satisfaction level wasn't conclusive as yet.

I think Tamox restarted my periods after they stopped from chemo, so I went on Lupron also to suppress my ovaries & their estrogen production. After 2 years had significant hand & bottom of foot swelling/pain especially in the morning. Also, constant throbbing in lower legs, cramps in feet & calves, numbness in arms when bent. I tried switching to raloxifene (Evista) but that made me mentally confused and I feared for losing my job. So I stopped Evista after 4 months. After reading about AIs, I will probably go back onto Tamoxifen for 3 more years...seeing my Dr in a week to discuss.

I will use natural healing - exercise, calcium, vitamin D, etc.! The Fosamax is horrible. Don't take it.

After trailling I only need 1/4 to 1/5th of a tablet and this replicates my original sex drive.

Fatigue, muscle soreness and fatigue(even after working out), drowsiness, irritablity and depression.

Headache, dizziness and then severe jaw pain that started about 12 hours later and escalated. Strange side effect and only did a search because if not the med I was concerned I might have a separate medical issue that required attention.

Was mildly effective at best. Side effects grew more severe with use. I've been off it for over 1 month and side effects are just now subsiding.