Rybelsus (semaglutide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Rybelsus (semaglutide)

Nausea, fatigue and diarrhea but went away after a couple of weeks

Still on it. Lost 29 pounds with no extra exercise so far. Cuts appetite which is awesome.

I am a heart patient and have used this medicine (3 mg), at my own request, for five days. No side effects until the morning of the fifth day: very nauseous, very tired/sleepy, headache, no appetite, a lot of belching, feeling of bloating/constipation, listless. Didn't know how to get through the day. This was the last time I took this medicine.I still take twelve (!) other medications, four of which are for high blood pressure (including a beta blocker) and anti-epileptics, but it seemed as if Rybelsus 'neutralized' these medications. The anti-nausea medicine also did not work. I have now stopped taking Rybelsus for three days, but my blood pressure is still too high and my heart is beating much too fast (around 80 at rest, normal: 57). An extra dose of heart medication does not help. Sometimes a bit frightening, especially if you have suffered a stroke in the past. The sad thing is: the active substance in Rybelsus, semaglutide, remains in your body for a week. So I can brace myself for (heart) misery for another while.

Rybelsus will undoubtedly help people, but if you use multiple medications and especially if you are a heart patient: keep your fingers off this medication, because it will cost you more than it will yield! Test results in the lab are always widely reported, not the well-being of the patient. That's why sites like this can be so valuable.

I took this as directed and everything was fine until the evening, right before dinner. I began experiencing severe stomach pains, nausea, then had painful, severe diarrhea which was extensive. I was sick all night. Discontinued immediately. This medicine is evil and should be taken off the market!!

The reason it is being touted as a weight loss drug is because it makes you so sick that you can not eat!!

Severe acid reflux and pain. Constipation. Nausea. Caused blood pressure medicine to delay absorption and dropped pulse to 40.

I have acid reflux and irritable bowel. Not the drug for me

Nausea to start with until got used to it. Not eating as much and hoping it is helping stabilise HB1ac.Current national shortage due to online pharmacy's advertising it as a weight loss drug. Unsure what will happen if I can't have this medication. Very concerned

Why has this been promoted as a weight loss drug, when it is a drug to treat diabetes.? Greed?

Lost weight quickly but a lot of nausea.

Extreme loss of appetite, nausea,bloating, belching

Great for weight loss and lowering a1c

I have lost 19lb in 6 weeks. Only side effect is constipation but as not eating much, expected. Senokot works perfectly. Appetite reduced massively and when I do eat I get full quickly.

Tired, sleepy, bloating, a little loss of appetite

This has made me extremely sleepy. The first thing I want to do after work is go home and lay down. My appetite has decreased but towards the evening it starts to build up again. I'm really addicted to sugar but I have minimized my intake since I started taking Rybelsus. I really want this to work, I've tried everything else over the counter for my sugar addiction. I believe if I had more energy I would make it to the gym more often. I'm going to stick it out and see if the side effects subside soon.

Indigestion, bloating, gas, stomach cramps, decreased appetite.

I have been taking Rybelsus for 4 months now. I started with the 3mg and my dosage was increased to the 7 mg. All of the above side effects lasted for about 30 days, but now I can tolerate the medicine. My eating is much better now. At first I could barely eat anything, but now I eat at least two meals a day. I have lost 22 lbs with brisk walking 4 days a week for an hour. My A1C was at 10.9, but it decreased to 6.1, after receiving another test a few days ago. My blood pressure also decreased and my doctor lowered my HBP medication because it read 108/73 from 145/90 four months ago. My advice is to hang in there and try to withstand the side effects because hopefully they will dissipate for you as they did for me after 30 to 45 days.

Insulin resistance and weight loss

2nd month a little loss of appetite. 1st month a little nausea.

Lost 5 pounds, then after 3 months, no side effects. Hungry just as much as before, craving fat and sweets, gained weight back.

Severe constipation, nausea, tired, sleepy. No energy. Bloated all the time lost a little weight but my stomach was getting bigger.

Constipation was so bad did not go to poop for days got me really sick with joint pain, felt so tired all the time. My leg edema got back because of my kidney no flushing nothing at all. Felt so sick! Had to stop

Weight loss, oprevent diabetes

Constipation, gas mild side effects

Moderate weight loss said 14 mg more effective. Very efficient to kill sweet tooth, no graving for sweet or junk food.

Loss of appetite, slight nausea

This medication has worked wonders for me. I was on 3 diabetes medications before and my A1c started rising, but now I am only on Rybelsus and metformin and my A1c is 6.2. I have lost 25 pounds and feel great.

I had some nausea after I took it that lasted a couple of hours but not terrible. It works great for me.

I stayed taking this after finding out I was insulin resistant I was first given Metformin which did not help with weight loss. I went to a metabolic doctor that prescribed this 7 mg a day and 1000mg of Metformin and the weight literally fell off. I have lost 75lbs since I have taken it in August 2020. I started with a low carb (20) a day and now just don't eat large amounts but I do eat things I shouldn't and stand stay at my goal weight. This has definitely been a game changer for me! I have done everything from weight watchers to diet pills and this has worked great!

I'm on 7 ml and i have had no side effects lost a little weight not much no Diarra or nausea i drink homemade ginger tea and i have no problems with constipation or being tired i do also stay very active working out or walking i also have had no bloating im looking to see if i loose more weight i have been on 7 ml for 23 days so ill see if i loose more

This medicine causes bouts of severe nausea andVomiting for me. I never know when it will happen, IHave days of just slight nausea, then a day of vomiting. I never take it when on vacation, on holidays, or other times when I can't have my time ruined with being sick. I take it with metformin, but honestly, my glucose levels and A16 were similar without this. It is hard to eat low carb when I am nauseaus, so I am gaining weight due to this awful medication. My doctor's “solution” was to increase this med and stop the metformin, which has never caused a problem for me! I refused that idea! I am looking for a new doctor who will not insist on this medicine, which is clearly not good for me.

Did well until now. Lost 30 lbs but stopped working. Not losing weight and hungry all the time.

A lot of nausea, went away after a couple weeks or so, constipation; decreased appetite, weight loss, but stopped at 10 lbs. A1C down from 8.6 to 7.8.

Will see if side effects are worth it after next blood draw!

Severe constipation, blurry vision, afternoonI would feel so tired, bloated and bad indigestion

RYBELSUS (SEMAGLUTIDE): Semaglutide is used with a proper diet and exercise program to control high blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, blindness, nerve problems, loss of limbs, and sexual function problems. Proper control of diabetes may also lessen your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Semaglutide is similar to a natural hormone in your body (incretin). It works by causing insulin release in response to high blood sugar (such as after a meal) and decreasing the amount of sugar your liver makes. If you use insulin, semaglutide is not a substitute for insulin treatment. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Face along jaw line and chin started to go numb as if I had been given novacane at the dentist.

Palpitations, arrhythmia, 'heavy chest'

1st Day: Mid-afternoon had sudden onset of extreme nausea/stomach cramps, headache, drowsiness, and a feeling of being "not with it".2nd and 3rd Day: Same as 1st day, but headache worsened and also felt irritable and agitated, excessive thirst4th-6th Days: Nausea and agitation subsided, slight headache and stomach cramping, insomnia, marked increase in energy7th Day-Present: Insomnia (i.e. I go to bed at 10pm, but don't fall asleep til 3am..which only lasts about an hour or two); General feeling of well-being (i.e. happy and content, feeling that everything is going to be ok and things will only get better); Significant increase in energy, motivation, and concentration

In a 6 month period I lost my dad, job and my mom was diagnosed with cancer and of course had to go through the first round of holidays without my dad. My family doc put me on wellbutrin. Bad idea. From what my psych. said the wellbutrin increased dopamine, which made the racing thoughts worse. This may be good for depression, but HORRIBLE for anxiety. I really like my family doc, but for mental health problems, see a specialist. Once I got started on Lexapro/Seroquil combo my whole life came back to me.

I am 5mg, for just about a week, first 2 days I was very hostile, last 4 days restless with insomnia and cant eat much.However I have energy, I get things done, I am back to being social which I was not for over a year and half. No fears of public and can focus to read, play games etc. My patience level is much better. Just would like to know when the insomnia and nausea will pass.

after taking it i felt depressed, it brought my anxiety down and also the smoking which i want to stop smoking when i feel better not by some damn medication. this medicine sucks ass


Would give this a 5 since it has worked great for the burning in right foot, neck pain, restless arm and itchiness in left arm following a bleed from a CM in my spinal cord, but over the past month or so I started having some speech issues(slurred) and loss of words and alertness..confusion..weaning myself off to 300 twice a day..my doc wanted to try Cymbalta, but I'm apprehensive to try it due to the bad reviews, so I'm hoping that taking just 300mg will do the trick. I can't deal with the speech issues and loss of words any longer otherwise I would stay on this medication...it gave me my life back.

Depression, weight gain. It just did not agree with me at all.

Does help with sleep. I’m having very vivid dreams and I’m told I’m talking in my sleep and twitching A LOT!I feel very groggy in the morning and it does take a while for that feeling to go away. Usually a few cups of coffee help