Ozempic (semaglutide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ozempic (semaglutide)

I quickly lost 25 pounds. The problem with this medication is as soon as you stop taking it the helpful effects for weight loss are gone. Very quickly I have gained back 5 lbs already & my incredible strong cravings for sugar are back. I really wish I could just keep using it off & on, but I my doctor took me off after the weight loss. It's also incredibly expensive.

I have sulphur burps and diarrhea. I have not noticed significant weight loss, but my A1C has gone from 6.9 down to 6.0.

I'm still taking this medication. I'm going off of it as I have constipation and I don't want to as my A1C is 6.4

Why can't they figure out a way to stop the constipation

Weight loss; slightly elevated bs

I'm no longer taking this medication. I haven't taken any weight loss drug since, other than topiramate, which doesn't seem to have any effect on my weight.

I'm no longer taking this medication. This is bad medicine it needs more studying it almost killed me I would not recommend to anyone

I'm still taking this medication. Sulfur burps, nausea.

After time side effects are less as you adjust food intake to avoid side effects.

I'm no longer taking this medication.

Caused my heart rate to increases about 12 bpm and caused Arrhythmia and palpitations. Be careful with the drug

I'm still taking this medication. Lost 60 pounds and still losing minimal side effects would highly suggest and must follow keto to see full results

I'm no longer taking this medication. Horrible stomach pain from beginning. Did not help my appetite and I have since learned the delayed stomach emptying was disastrous for a compulsive over eater. Did not work for me.

I'm no longer taking this medication.

Diarrhea out of the blue, tiredness, bloating and the biggest…Ozempic FACE

Lost too much and now I have Ozempic face and look older. From what I read amd watch, you can’t get back to what you had due to a lot of reasons

Nausea, sulphur burps, some constipation (at the beginning, largely gone now). Body seems to have got used to it.

The drug reduces appetite by slowing down digestion. You can learn to avoid the side effects by modifying your eating habits to smaller portions, eating healthy food and avoiding heavy stuff (fried food, sweets and cakes, too much meat etc). It's a lifestyle choice and if you do the wrong things, the drug will make you feel sick. I have lost 13 kilos in 6 months and my blood sugar readings have dropped considerably. Exercise is also important, even light to moderate.

All of the above. Too sick to exercise had to lay down from feeling woozy. Do not take this.

Not a good drug. Stay away. Barriatric surgery is better.

Cystic acne, stomach ache, burping, terrible acid reflux,constipation. Lost 10 lbs, quit taking gained back, still belching thyroid t3 climbing after lowering thyroid drugs

Has not had great weight loss, only about 15 pds in 2 years.

LOSS OF hair, some diarrhea at bad moments

Lost weight but losing hair I can't deal with. Skinny and bald or fat with hair but with no diarrhea tough choices

Destroyed my stomach!! 4 trips to the ER. Even ER docs said they were treating many patients sick from this drugPure poisonNever could go past 0.25 dose due to being so sick on low dose which I was on for 6 mosDidn't need weight loss but became deathly ill and skinny

Came off drug slowly. Has taken months to feel better. Stomach never recovered fully.Please BE CAREFULIt's been proven to be a problem medicationHas to see (still seeing) a gastro doc. Placed on 3 meds to help my stomachI threw all remaining Ozempic away (sharps container)Refuse to use any of these type meds. Watching my numbers on my own. I've always eaten healthy. I rather do this than inject this poisen. I can't believe people use this for weight loss very dangerous and 1/2 the time it was out of stock due to the obese hogging it up. Well they can have it LOL !!

constipation/acid reflux/nausea which I take Zofran for and it does work. Anxiety. Tiredness. Blurred vision. Does suppress appetite to a degree.

OZEMPIC (SEMAGLUTIDE): Semaglutide is used with a proper diet and exercise program to control high blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, blindness, nerve problems, loss of limbs, and sexual function problems. Proper control of diabetes may also lessen your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Semaglutide is similar to a natural hormone in your body (incretin). It works by causing insulin release in response to high blood sugar (such as after a meal) and decreasing the amount of sugar your liver makes. If you use insulin, semaglutide is not a substitute for insulin treatment. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Nassau, Vomiting, Anxiety, Fatigue, Thick Metallic Taste, Heavy Salivation.

Sneezing, sore throat, eyes burning

Frozen shoulder. Really bad muscle aches in both arms. Left arm is the worst

Memory definitely suffers. It's horrid because I'm a business professional and I constantly find myself making excuses for forgetting names, etc. Weight gain- not much, but it's still an issue. I'm an age group competitive runner/marathoner who runs 40-50 miles a week. I'm not overweight, but not runner slender like you'd expect and I would hope for in order to compete.

Cholesterol way down. No problems that I can associate with the drug.

I take it exactly as directed and don't experience stomach upset (despite the fact that most medicines cause upset stomach with me). I don't usually consume caffiene so when I take Aleve I have trouble sleeping. Otherwise, it's the only OTC pain reliever that has ever worked for my cramps.

I have been diagnosed with MS in the last year. Gabapentin worked amazingly for my restless legs and arms at night meaning I am getting the best nights sleep in years. However, yet to have any effect on constant tingling in my leg and my MS nurse has suggested upping the dose. I am reluctant to do so as I feel so odd on this medication. The best way I can describe it is that my head feels disconnected from my body, like my brain is off on a separate trip of its own. I am so spaced out, and I seem to be veering from overly chilled out (really unusual for me) to angry over stupid little issues. My nurse said the side effects should decrease but I’m not sure how long I can tolerate this.

None, actually. Maybe a little lethargy, but otherwise okay.

I have been getting so frustrated with my 8 yr old son's highly emotional behaivor. Over the last month he worries about everything and cries easily. He has always been a little sensitive, but this is on a whole new level. To the point where I was getting very worried about him. He has bad dreams every night and has been wetting the bed nearly every night. I told my mom about these symptoms and she suggested it was the Singulair. I wasn't convinced but decided to look it up online anyway. I am so glad I found this site. Some of the side effects the mothers here listed sound exactly like my son. I will never give him this medicine again. THANK YOU

until i stopped taking them, i thought i was just a moody b*tch to my boyfriend for no reason, and that my nausea was because of dehydration, but recently i started forgetting to take it, stopping altogether. I tried to start again about a week ago and lost a bunch of friends because of its nauseating effects and its ill effect on my attitude and actions. i'v stopped now and i am feeling completely wonderful!