Onglyza (saxagliptin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Onglyza (saxagliptin hydrochloride)

used metformin twicw a day and always felt bad.Onglyza is amazing. My sugar is controlled and i feel good on it.

I take Metformin 500 mg and Glimepiride 1 mg twice a day along with Onglyza after dinner. Fasting blood sugar is maintained well - mid 90's to mid 100's. I watch my diet carefully and do moderate exercises.

itching with no visible rash, burning skin, felt like nerve endings under the skin were inflamed.

Started the Onglyza after Januvia had the same effect of itching skin. Did lower glucose levels better than Januvia. The itching caused by the Onglyza caused me to stop taking it after a month. The itching was intolerable. Needed to take steroids to fight the hypersensitivity reaction

Am in the middle of a bladder thing for which I am going to a urologist, runny nose, nonstop, awaking in wee hours of night with chemical taste in mouth and stomach pain, not sure what this is from.

Not sure that it worked in regards to glucose. Was always higher in AM than with actos.

ONGLYZA (SAXAGLIPTIN HYDROCHLORIDE): Saxagliptin is used with a proper diet and exercise program to control high blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, blindness, nerve problems, loss of limbs, and sexual function problems. Proper control of diabetes may also lessen your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Saxagliptin works by increasing levels of natural substances called incretins. Incretins help to control blood sugar by increasing insulin release, especially after a meal. They also decrease the amount of sugar your liver makes. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Works well for me. When I take regularly increases my peak flow with my asthma. I take in the morning. When taken at night suffered mild insomnia.

The bleeding eased off within one hour, this is my 3rd day on the medication; I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I didn't read anyone had similar side effects on the heart like I do, wondering if I'm the only one??

currently have fibroids cannot conceive headaches joint and bone problems, too many to list email me if you would like to discuss i am a pharmacy major and would like to help get it off the market. [email protected]

After a few days, I was afflicted w/ a dreadful sinus infection which lasted for weeks, the syptoms of which are much more severe than those which were supposedly being treated.

I almost said No to my Dr when asked if he could give it. Now i wish i did. Reading all the other reviews is scaring me and i am not looking forward to never enedimg periods. If i could take back time i would. I am paranoid over taking this and that is obviously not helping. Hopefully it gets out of my system faster then normal:^(

Cleansing prep for colonoscopy

felt like i had 3rd degree burns. I was almost purple all over my face, arms, back and extending onto my legs. My hands felt like they were going to explode.

Mood swings, severe fatigue. On fifth day woke up and fell out of bed, had lost use of legs. Quit job thinking it was job stress.

May not be right for everyone, but it was right for me.

This Drug Enabled Me To Feel Again. I was told it will take a minimum of 2 weeks to kick in and I SWEAR it started working in a few days. Previously I tried 2 different meds for depression before this one, they gave me horrible headaches, I threw them out. I think the people that would benefit from this medication are those people who find their main problem is being unable to feel any pleasure in life. You may laugh at a joke someone tells or be out with friends (if you even have any friends at this point, but you get my drift), but the happiness/humor that is on your face isn't reaching your heart. You are unable to feel true joy. You are sad/numb? Your lack of happiness and constant "weewaah" about your life/problems to your friends to the point where they don't want to be around you and you don't want to be around them. The reason I am trying to describe my symptoms is because this is a completely different type of anti-depressant than any others out there and therefore I